Red Dead Redemption [PC/PS3/360]

Where are there spoilers?

Everything I've said is in the instruction manual in text form. All I'm saying is it should have been a cut scene at the start to give a stronger sense of why you are here. I didn't even know it was in the manual until yesterday so I've done however much of the story so far with no idea of what's going on and why. I've just found it harder to get into the SP story with the lack of an opening cut scene explaining what is going on.

Placebo just said it explains it all as you go through the game... which is what you'd expect to happen... so again... where are the spoilers?
o its in the manual? about his family being kidnapped etc? Anyways what is a "manual"

Never heard of such a thing :)
How the heck are you supposed to do the achievement/trophy for 'become a public enemy for 10 minutes and then escape'?

I can become a public enemy really easily.... but the you're never told when it's been 10 minutes and then when it comes to escaping after you've timed yourself the bleeding lawmen have rifles and can kill you instantly from miles away.

Anyone managed it?

I did it in Amardillo, but only with camping on the rooftop of the saloon.
Once you reached 10 minutes as a public enemy you only have to hide behind the triangle shield and wait the wanted level to calm down. I tried it several times on the ground - escaping with a horse but failed everytime was killed by long range shots all time...
btw. once you are a public enemy other players will try to take you out for 200 exp !!
Ahh so you just have to stay hidden from view after 10 minutes and that works too? I thought by 'escape' it actually meant run out of the circle of wanted whatever.


I noticed other players trying to kill me when I became most wanted too. One guy did it and started calling me a noob because I had just sat on the roof hiding. So on respawn I just sniped him over and over and over until he sent me a nasty pm and quit the session.
yes it works. for 10 minutes after becoming the public enemy - you have to keep the wanted level "alive". it doesn't matter how you "escape".
it's really hard to succed in this without hiding anywhere - and with other players chasing you, especially when they got a sniper rifle, it's almost impossible...
My game has started freezing when I go to jail...well I don't actually get to jail, it crashes on the loading screen before it shows him in jail. Anyone else had this? On 360 btw.
This game keeps getting better and better the more i play it.

Last night me and 3 of my real life mates posse'd up in free roam and had some other posse killing us whenever we re-spawn.

We quickly realized what these guys were doing and regrouped and began to return the favour all of that was happening in one of the towns

Anyways, after about 20+mins PWNING these idiots we set off together to do all of the gang hideout coop missions. We used one of the carriages we found on one of the bandits hideout to travel all together

We managed to do all of the gang hideouts missions which took us an hour or so to do and began to shoot each other in the last town we completed.

O and i must say, whenever we so saw the other posse in the same hideout place we was raiding, we also took them out too! There was one place where we was up a cliff and saw 3 of the other guys from the other posse coming towards us to do the mission and we leveled them all :D

Overall this game is a blast on-line and cant wait for that CO-OP DLC.
i am the best on this. I am like some crazy fucked up animal!

I killed two rabbits, stuck my hands up their arses and used them as gloves to fend off the harsh cold desert night.

half way through the night I was doing a improvised puppet show with the two dead rabbits, when a passer bye spotted me and started taking the piss.

I beat him to death with my bare, warm, rabbit coated hands while screaming 'THESE RABBIT FEET AREN'T SO LUCKY FOR YOU ARE THEY PAL!'

After the rage subsided and the blood dried to my new furry friends, I sat to contemplate what a fucking bad-ass I have become.

Who want's a piece of me?!......thought not.
Yea their shit on the PS3 but decent on the 360. Your beginning to sound like Jumbo. Always looking for a flaw on my posts :CONFUSE: I give up.


Pwnage BLAD pure PWNAGE!!!!!!! :WORSHIP:

I wasn't looking for flaws. You were saying the other week about how this isn't on pc and that the graphics look like shit on a video taken from the xbox 360 version. Now you have it on the 360, suddenly it's 'decent' and actually it's the ps3 version you don;t have that's shit?. I just wondered how.

Video of 360 version - you want it on pc therefore the 360 graphics look shit
you now own 360 version - graphics are decent and the PS3 version is shit

Next you play it on PS3 and say 'oh actually they look great on ps3 too' ?

I wouldn't say the PS3's version looks like shit, I've not noticed anything that looks crap, no glitches, no random donkey people or floating horses or glitchy missions not showing up. It looks awesome but if your scale of quality ranges from 'shit to decent' on the tiny difference between ps3 and 360 versions... you should give up, because there aren't many games out there that look as good as Red Dead does out there.


On topic.

What the heck was going on when you enter Mexico for the first time? I was expecting awesomeness after reading your guys thought and then... well I got what you all got and I was just sat here confused.
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I just didn't get it. Is it from something else? Like is it a reference to something or just something they did themselves? It just felt a bit random because nothing like that had come before and then it just finished.
I just didn't get it. Is it from something else? Like is it a reference to something or just something they did themselves? It just felt a bit random because nothing like that had come before and then it just finished.

I really don't know.

But I thought it was really nice and I just rode around, just as the sun was setting while it was going on. I thought it gave a nice atmosphere to the game.

It wasn't amazing, it was just a nice touch in my opinion :))
Just about to finish my exams so tomorrow will be picking this up! Hope the game lives up to all the comments people have made about it.
just lasso'd a goat :LOL: it made a funny noise.

and I ran over a rabbit with my horse, that made a funny noise aswell :))
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