
The EA Active 2, if you can, get it for the PS3. I have heard various reports on it being more than abit iffy with the 360/Kinect version of the game, just the UI and it not recording every movement particularly well.

After reading this thread by the way, I ordered Kinect and it arrived today. Will be the weekend I guess before I have a chance to set it up. Just thinking how I will get it to sit on top of the tv, and not by dropping 30 notes on the MS branded piece of gubbins.
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I used velcro tape and stuck it to the TV with that, works great and seems that a few people of AVForums are doing the same.
I got EA Active 2. Wow, definitely not a game! Proper workout programme, very impressive. Only problem/issue I seen so far was the inaccurate heart rate monitor. Seemed fine when I was standing still, or even doing bicep curls, but as soon as my arm started moving my heart rate started going down... Couldn't really have it any tighter on my arm either, it was securely fastened. But apart from that, very good workout! I put it on Hard intensity by the way, did my first and so far only workout on Tuesday, and my quads are still aching from the lunges and squats!
I've read that the best place for the sensor is the back of your arm, above your elbow.
and my quads are still aching from the lunges and squats!

Oh dear :(

When I try those in YourShape, my knee starts getting really painful. I wish there was a way to exclude certain exercises from a routine (besides not actually doing anything when it asks you of course).
Got Your Shape and Joy Ride through today... reports later!

JoyRide was interesting for 10 secs when you realised it picked up your wheel movements, then went rapidly downhill quickly when you realised it was pretty shallow.

Apparantly there's a Youtube video of a guy finishing 3rd without actually moving?
JoyRide was interesting for 10 secs when you realised it picked up your wheel movements, then went rapidly downhill quickly when you realised it was pretty shallow.

Apparantly there's a Youtube video of a guy finishing 3rd without actually moving?

He also did another video after disproving it.

Turns out the game has some sort of filter in it - if it detects you sitting down, it turns on steering assist. If you play standing up, no assist.

No official word was ever given from ms (I think) but commonly thought it's for kids playing.

Would have never paid £40-£45 for it as it is in Game, but got it brand new sealed for £25 from AVF (guy must have got it in a bundle, or stole it!)

I wanted it as its another good example of Kinect technology, is fun to play and something me and the missus can play together as we had a few goes on the demo.
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Steering assist sounds quite clever then, good move :)

Speaking of Move, have you got it for your PS3?
Steering assist sounds quite clever then, good move :)

Speaking of Move, have you got it for your PS3?

Yea, dunno what to do with it though! Its cool an all, but I literally only used it on day one and put it away and never used it since :(

I like the technology, but just cannot find the motivation to use it. I've only got Sports Champions and not even bothered downloading the patch for Heavy Rain yet.

I do think Move (as a control system) is better than Kinnect and I much prefer having physical buttons... just... well, dont know why I havent used it!

Will definitely keep an eye on Killzone 3, but apart from that, I'm not sure what else is coming out that I want to pick up for it. Was going to get Time Crisis for it, but that got panned :(
My bro had Time crisis and I really don't like how you move around, can see KZ being the same.

Hmmm... guessing like the wii - thumbstick to move and pointer for the camera?

Be interesting to see how the proposed Gears of War Kinect turns out...
Just did another routine on YourShape and it involved the knee-sides :SHOCK:

I'm sweating like crazy trying to do 30+ of those for each leg, and then the squat punches!

The first routine was too easy, had me questioning the game a bit. But this nearly killed me :LOL:
Just did another routine on YourShape and it involved the knee-sides :SHOCK:

I'm sweating like crazy trying to do 30+ of those for each leg, and then the squat punches!

The first routine was too easy, had me questioning the game a bit. But this nearly killed me :LOL:

Started this myself today, really impressed. Trying to get the website to work so I can do the online stuff, but cannot register at ubisoft.
I think there are issues with the EA heartbeat sensor still, it doesn't seem to be able to read the heart rate properly when any kind of arm movement is involved... :ANX: For example when I start doing a sprint or a run, my heartbeat rapidly decreases!?
Not seen anyone else really say anything bad about the sensor ... are you alive? :)

Like I said, back of the arm, above your elbow. I'll give it a try later this evening and see if it picks my heartbeat up but it could always be that yours is faulty too I guess.
Well, could be faulty I guess, but I don't think so because it does measure my heart rate accurately half the time.... It's definitely in the right place.

Oh hang on, ABOVE the elbow? As in nearer the shoulder than the hand?
Yep, literally just above the joint. Not where the pics on the box are showing it but just below your arm muscles I guess.

You had it on your forearm?!

Still waiting for mine to arrive, mail from UK-Sweden is so fucking slow right now, received Fallout New Vegas Monday which I ordered the same time as EA active and fitness evolved from (all three dispatched on 29th December).
Mail is rubbish here. Went to collect the EA game from the Post Office this morning and all you could see on the shelves was Amazon boxes.
I fucking hate syncing controllers on the 360, so fiddly and it never works first time. Can't even get this sensor to sync with my console.

Edit: Okay, putting the sensor where it says, or on the back of my arm above the elbow, or even further up the arm, doesn't seem to work right. Heart rate is definately higher than the 90bpm it reckons I'm doing. Not impressed with the accuracy of it at all.

Edit: Actually, it picked it up putting it on my forearm all of a sudden! :LOL:

Edit: Had the jump squats next, BPM went back down to 80bpm and hardly moved again. Also just did the pull row or whatever it's called with the resistance band, game hardly recognised my arm movements and had them at angles that I didn't even have them.

Halfway through the first workout and I have to say it's not even half as good as YourShape. Detection is poor from Kinect, heartrate sensor seems fickle as to whether it wants to work or not and not as professional feel as YS. I'll give it a few more days otherwise it'll be going on eBay.

Edit (again): Right, workout done. The sensor just seemed all over the place. There were times when I knew my heartrate was faster than it was saying, and times when I thought it was slower than it said. Didn't feel confident that it was detecting anything and was worth taking notice of so that's a big shame.

The events themselves seem decent, although things like dodgeball are done better in Kinect Sports with the volleyball minigames, same with the soccer I imagine (although I didn't try EA's but a clip seems to just be the KS goalie minigame?). Had no problems with it detecting me on the floor, which is surprising because, besides the sensor, that seems to be the biggest gripe from other users. The resistance band isn't a great accessory, not as good as I hoped it'd be and the game really couldn't pick up my arms and angles at times when using it for the squat moves.

Burnt 194 calories and I guess that probably feels right, definately feels like it's gave me a workout and I was on the medium level. I imagine if I can stick with it and do the workouts on the days it suggests, it'd definately help me lose weight and at the end of the day, that's what it's bought for. A massive shame the sensor just doesn't seem to work properly but hopefully someone will find that ideal spot and I'll be able to use the game to its full potential.

As it stands, it's a good alternative to YourShape but I do think that YS just feels better as a package. The overall look of YS just feels more adult and more professional. I was looking forward to the brighter colours of EA and hoping that it might feel more fun rather than a workout but surprisingly I felt the opposite and that it felt too much like a kids game and not serious enough. YS could do with a little more colour but the thing just feels more solid. And YS's navigation is MILES better, EA's wasn't good at all and I just used a controller.

If I had to choose one of the games to recommend, it'd be YS. I'd give that an 8/10 and EA a 7/10.
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Just created a group for EA Sports Fitness V2. Group name and password are both Evo-Web.
Cool, I'll join it.

Agree with your review there, Dags. Though I haven't had a go on YSFE so can't comment on that. The sensor detection has only had 3 major errors to note of during my 4 workouts which it total of 2 hours time on it, so not too bad. I'll see how I feel after the 9 weeks programme. If there are no updates or fixes and the HR monitor still seems inaccurate then I will swap it for YSFE.
After thinking about it a bit more last night and this morning, I'm quite looking forward to the next session tomorrow :)

I've looked at my stats on the website and I think that the sensor was actually right more often than not, which is surprising because there were loads of times when I reckons my BPM was around 90 but I was sweating away doing the mountain bikes for example.

I had a look at the back end of the 9 week program and it doesn't half ramp it up. The last workout has an aim of me burning something like 380 calories, nearly double what the aim was for yesterday!

With regards to swapping for YS, I'd get both or at least try YS before swapping. They're quite different in the exercises that they get you to do and I think YS can aim more for specific areas. As an example, I wanted a cardio program and YS has specific cardio routines already. EA just had two coaches with slightly different patterns but the closest I could get to cardio-orientated was the guy who also works on strength too. While I'm not adverse to building strength, it's the cardio that's my main concern and I'd like to focus on that as a whole and EA won't let me really.

But in saying that, something about EA kinda clicked after I played it and had time to reflect on it. I'm not entirely sure what it is though. I never felt like the squats were being read correctly doing the bikes, I never felt that if I ran faster then my avatar would run faster during sprints, I never felt like the high knees reflected what I actually did. But it was still kinda fun to do and it has got me wanting to go back on it again, whereas I'm not sure YS had me eager to go back so soon, despite it being the better package.

It's supposed to be a rest day today but I feel okay despite being a little tired. I might do a YS session tonight and see how that compares again. One thing I found better about EA is that it didn't have me doing much that strains my knees, whereas YS seems to involve a lot of squats and pressure on knees. If that continues, and my knees don't get stronger, then I'll have no alternative but to stick with EA and sell YS because it'll just be too painful to actually use.
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