Lost - Season 5

watch last nights episode and why have they started making these new survivors into something more... for fuck sake. It's as if they have no belief if the rest of the storylines to keep us interested so they're throwing this shit in there.

If this 'what lies beneath the statue' was being spoken since series 1 I'd have accepted it but it feels like tacked on shit just to help drag the story out a little longer.

I enjoyed the ben story and how it explained a lot of the things but why bring this new gang in? And mainly where the hell did they all come from? we were told that Hurley had bought all the seats and then shown that the only people on the plane were the pilots the O6 and the guy who was shotgunned and that bounty hunter woman. Suddenly there are 10 + other people out there?

So as usual just as lost gets going and gets interesting they do something yet again to piss me off and bore me.

'what lies beneath the statue'

I don't give a shit - just show me ben and the guys in the 70's and the 'others' and lets get going.
Good latest episode this week - I enjoyed that a lot - good end to it as well leaving us with the 'hang on.. how did ?'
That pissed me off, I came home excited and downloaded last weeks episode accidentally thinking it was this weeks!

Oh well, more desire to watch it next week! I'll be running home.
I was at the Jules Verne Festival in Paris yesterday and met Michael Emerson, both producers Damon Lindelof & Carlton Cuse and the beautiful Evangeline Lilly !!! :LOVE:
She speaks fluent french with canadian accent. Lovely.

About the story, they really know where they're going. "You won't be dissapointed". It's impossible to not trust Lindelof & Cuse :WORSHIP:. They're very open-minded and funny.
I was at the Jules Verne Festival in Paris yesterday and met Michael Emerson, both producers Damon Lindelof & Carlton Cuse and the beautiful Evangeline Lilly !!! :LOVE:
She speaks fluent french with canadian accent. Lovely.

About the story, they really know where they're going. "You won't be dissapointed". It's impossible to not trust Lindelof & Cuse :WORSHIP:. They're very open-minded and funny.

Did you manage to have sex with Evangeline Lilly? :YAWN:
Kate? Beautiful?


Speaking of strange things - Why did we have a recap of LOST this week? I know they did the recap as they didn't have a real episode, I just don't understand why anyone would watch it - if you're a fan you know the story and if you're not a fan and need a recap, well you're not a fan so why care?
Because all the flashes were in the correct order. So it could help people who still had problem to understand the choronology of events.
I didn't think it was that hard to follow - and half of the fun of Lost is that unknown element of 'so is that before that or did that happen after?'

It's the 100th episode of the show and I don't know why I didn't like it. But I'm sure some of you will love it.
I was expecting a lot more. The next episodes should be great but this one never carried me away.

I liked it, but then I'm a big Daniel fan!

Thought we got a lot of answers and more questions, so overall a solid episode, if not spectacular for the 100th show.
I can't believe that Hulk Hogan was the guy behind it all and that him and the New World Order own the island and use it to keep themselves alive!
Not a too bad episode, just makes us think alot more now of how they escape the 1977 time period and how Sawyer and co get out of their sticky situation.

This episode gave birth to my favorite Lost quote :
"Your Mother is an other!?"
It was a joke jonney... here you go, buy yourself a sense of humour :P;)

Did we ever get a over the head smiley?

This was a perfect time for it to be used
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