Lost - Season 5

But they set the bomb off to stop the hatch being built and the button having to be pressed? Main questions I want answered are, why does Richard not age, who is jacob and the other guy that was looking for the loop hole to kill him? along with a million other things they have to explain!
I think Miles was correct though, all of that what happened was meant to happen, it was going to happen regardless and Jack was always meant to plant the bomb.

I'm pretty sure Richard (Ricardus) is from the Black Rock, the ship we saw at the start of the episode.

I thought there was two seasons left but the promo for season six says it's the final season. Good so that we get answers but it'll be sad to see a great show end.
But they set the bomb off to stop the hatch being built and the button having to be pressed? Main questions I want answered are, why does Richard not age, who is jacob and the other guy that was looking for the loop hole to kill him? along with a million other things they have to explain!

Jacob is the ultimate leader of the island, The other guy wearing the black shirt alongside jacob is his enemy and thats the same dude that took the dead Lock's body form and tricked everyone into believing he was the real Lock who ressurected from his coffin

I think Miles was correct though, all of that what happened was meant to happen, it was going to happen regardless and Jack was always meant to plant the bomb.

I'm pretty sure Richard (Ricardus) is from the Black Rock, the ship we saw at the start of the episode.

I thought there was two seasons left but the promo for season six says it's the final season. Good so that we get answers but it'll be sad to see a great show end.

One more season left.
What a brilliant season finale! here are my thoughts on the episode and the fine details i noticed. excuse any spelling mistakes or lack of grammar. these are the raw thoughts i had after watching it the second time round while freezing between scenes and writing this post up. warning! its a very long post! excuse any outlandish theories, they are my own raw thoughts and some might be too ridiculous even for lost :P

The first scene is by far the most interesting scene in the finale if you start picking up on the subtle things.

Jacob finally revealed along with a mystery person.

The scene takes place around 1845 as a ship which is presumably the black rock is shown. It seems Jacob has "brought" the people aboard the black rock to the island.

Jacob is shown living under the statue both in the 1800s and later in the finale in the present day. Presumably he's been living there for at least the past 200 years.

Noticed the white shirt Jacob is wearing and the black shirt worn by other guy. Possibly representing good vs evil. theres definitely a religious theme going on (ie good vs evil, destiny vs free will). Maybe it all ties in with all the scientific constant vs variable themes faraday has been talking about. every theme seems to follow a specific pattern, 2 sides contradicting each other. maybe thats the general theme of the show, to find a balance.

The most interesting part is the conversation that ensues between Jacob and the mystery man. they go into what seems like a conversation about the fate of the human race. Jacob sees the potential in people while mystery man feels they are a lost cause and clearly comes off as despising humans. He starts referring to people as "they" which in my opinion suggests that both Jacob and mystery man aren't human. possibly they are higher beings of some sort, possibly guardians of balance to a non-religious specific god, more like the ultimate creater of the universe who sends these two beings to guard and protect the balance between good and evil of which most of the current religions are derived from and got lost in translation troughout all these years.

Mystery man: "They come, they fight, they destroy, they corrupt, it always ends the same."
Jacob: "It only ends once, everything else is just progress".

Very interesting exchange here. Seems they are testing the human race and so far their fate has always led down the same path? could the wheel be the reset button for them when the end of the human race comes knocking? they see the end of the world and just push the wheel and *poof* they are back to the dawn of mankind.

Mystery man wants to kill Jacob but needs a "loophole" possibly meaning they can't kill eachother directly, echoing a similar conversation Ben and Whitmore had in season 4.

finally we see a shot of the statue in all its glory, revealing the crocodile head. which means the statue is that of Sobek, not anubis as most theorized.

the flashback episodes reveal Jacob has visited Kate, Sawyer, Jack, Jin, Sun, Hurley and Sayid. Everytime he has specifically touched each of them and you can see the camera focusing on that each time. He tells sun and Jin he has given them a blessing while touching each of them on the shoulder while also telling hurley he is blessed. could this possibly mean that he has blessed them all by touching them? a sort of angelic type of protection?

Nothing much happens until the scene with Locke, Richard, ben and sun talking on the rocky beach. ben tells sun he never met jacob.

Richard tells locke he's been here a long time (possibly hes was a survivor aboard the black rock and jacob took him in?) and has never seen anyone come back from the dead. he also said its jacob who has made him to never age.

we see the people from the ajira plane along with frank and the big crate. at this point i thought there was either guns, locke or jacob in the crate. something about a candidate is said. could jacob touching each person in the flashbacks mark them as one of the candidates? and what are the candidates running for? maybe he knew about his own eventual death and was making arrangments to pass the torch to someone else? he certainly seemed like he was ready to die in his death scene later on in the episode.

Underground scene with richard and jack. Richard asks him about locke. he tells him that he didnt see anything special about him when he visited him. this is were i started confirming that some sort of big deception is going on tied to locke and the mystery man in the first scene. I also started wondering if mystery man and the smoke monster are the same being?

scene on rocky beach with locke and ben. they talk about how ben is willing to do anything for locke now since his daughter appeared to him in the recent ben-scentric episode to follow every word locke says. locke seems pleased with the outcome and tells ben that he has to kill jacob. bingo, thats were i figured it out...locke walking around = mystery man = smoke monster. they are the same being manipulating and deceiving everyone for his ultimate goal. that of convincing someone to kill jacob as he can't do it himself.

fnally we find out what happened to bernard and rose! =D. the cabin seems to be the same one horace built shown in season 3.

the next scene with frank and the ajira people confirms the cabin seems like the same cabin that appears thoughout the show.

seems jacob can communicate perfectly in any language, he doesn't age either, giving more evidence of his higher being status. he asks illana for help here. I have a feeling that jacob's actions troughout episode in particular are a series of actions to prevent his future death. maybe thats the reason he sent some of the losties back in time in the beginning of season 5. if the series of events leading to the plane crash, and his ultimate death is stopped he can prevent ben from killing him, finding a loophole to the mysteryman loophole.

we're back to the cabin scene. illana says it hasn't been used in a while and that someone else has been using it (instead of jacob presumably). the black cirle of ash in some cultures represents a boundry or prison for dark spirits. the ash boundry was shown to be "broken" earlier possibly meaning the "someone else using it" was smokie/mystery man to manipulate and deceive people into thinking he was jacob to do his bidding was imprisoned there for some time possibly by jacob.

if you start looking back at all the unexplained stuff like walt appearing in season 2 while he was captured by the others, christian sheaperd "representing jacob" you can start putting 2 and 2 together and realized that locke for the past 5 seasons was duped big time by this mystery man into believing he was the others' leader in which he eventually and unwittingly along with jack duped ben and richard into believeing he was special even though both had very big reservations about him.

Locke's fall scene with jacob waiting while reading a book was pretty funny in my opinion. its shows locke may have died here or was close to death and jacob ressurected him or healed him to bring him back from the brink of death. it confirms my theory here that jacob's touch is special and holds alot of power.

losties camp scene was an amazing show of fake locke/mystery man's manipulation skills. ben confirms that the scene in the cabin in season 3 was a hoax and he was surprised the cabin started shaking and stuff started flying around.

the scene with hurley and jacob in the taxi continues to confirm "the blessing" theory. the guitar from the cab seems to be the same guitar hurley took with him on the ajira flight. jacob tells hurley about the flight. he seems to know the future, putting more weight on him seemingly trying to prevent his future death by pushing hurley on the flight which will toss everyone back to 1977 to possibly stop the series of events starting with the incident.

sun talks to locke here. its implied the statue was intact during ben's 35 years living on the island. I'm assuming here the statue is destroyed by the bomb being detonated at the end and also the reason women can concieve on the island in the 70s but not in the 90s is because of the radiation fallout.

bernard and rose im thinking took cover from the bomb in the caves the losties used in season 1/2/3 and died there from radiation poisoning which would explain the corpses found in that cave in season 1.

Miles brings up a good point about the nuke being the reason the incident took place which im sure was on a lot of people's minds. he seems to be representing the viewer theories lately since his very well executed talks about time travel with hurley earlier in the season.

lots of people might have missed this piece of detail in the incident scene. pierre chang's arm gets caught by the metal objects getting pulled in by the electromagnetic energy. this would explain him eventually having his arm amputated and being recorded in a fully built swan station after the incident in the orientation video with one arm.

the ajira people are revealed to be collegues of the others. i have to confirm what richard's reply is to illana's question. it sounded latin. Real locke is revealed to be the person inside the crate which confirms finally, along with the scene with ben, locke and jacob that locke is really the mystery man. he's found the loophole by manipulating a lot of people which leads to him to having jacob indirectly killed.

jacob tells ben he has a choice (ie free will), going along with the whole free will vs destiny theme.

Jacob's "what about you" to ben seems more of "everyone is the same in my eyes" then a despising kick in the teeth. He seemed like he foreshadowed his death and knew it was coming by the way he didn't flinch went ben stabbed him and didnt resist.

Jacob whispers "They're coming" probably meaning the people he touched or "blessed" in the flashbacks. are they coming as candidates to replace him or are they going to be successful in 1977 and resetting the series of events?

the ending scene leaves alot to the imagination. my guess is the electromagnetic energy saves the losties at the swan site just in time before the bomb explodes transporting them back the their rightful place in time, leaving the bomb to wreak havoc on the island, destroying the statue and causing a radiation fallout which would explain the future failed pregnacies and deaths of the mothers due to the lingering radiation, and it would explain the big quarantined sign on the inside of the swan station hatch. presumably it was the only safe station for some time?

i have a few more thoughts looking back on previous episodes. mystery man/smokie might have tried to use the french people with danielle back in the 80s when they shipwrecked on the island for the very same purpose as with lock/ben only that time he failed in his attempt.

is smokie the true physical appearance of mystery man? can jacob manifest into some type white smoke "monster" (going by the shirt colour and all this good vs evil, ying/yang themes)? it seems smokie judges people and kills who he deams unworthy while jacob chooses to see the potential for good in everyone and refuses to judge.

I have a theory that Eloise Hawking can't predict the future really and the only reason she knows whats going to happen is because faraday's journal got let behind in 1977 and she found it. which would explain her telling penny "for the first time in a long time I don't know what's going to happen next".
For me Jacob is god and the fake John Lock = Satan

edit : I found that


the book Flannery O'Connor, (Everything That Rises Must Converge)
someone know this book, something special ?

edit : great post Baggs, now i want to see the all seasons again !
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Baggs, great post. The skeletons in the cave had 1 black and 1 white stone. I wonder if that is supposed to represent Rose and Bernard.
Lost season 6 Teaser ! shortest teaser of all time

Who's eye is that? Kates?? I bet that frame has been paused, blown up and analysed a million times already.

What a finale though...

Jacob has to be 'God' (or 'A' God). Soon as I saw them on the beach in the first scene, the exchange was very much between 2 'beings' I felt. Oddly like an exchange between the Gods in Jason And The Argonauts, that sort of thing.

The way the other guy wanted to kill him be knew he couldnt. I get the feeling they've been on that island in one form or another for thousands of years.

But some great theories on here though... I'm not sure the 'evil' guy has been working on this plan all these years to bring people to the island to kill Jacob - as much as that now makes sense. If Jacob can leave the island and has 'touched' those few, then why would the evil guy choose Locke.

Typical 'Lost', far more questions than answers.

Its a credit to the show and the writers, that it is still going strong 5 seasons in and with amazingly complex stories. This show should have 'jumped the shark' many series' ago, but somehow its holding itself together...

Last season then a film? :)
i can see lost becoming the star trek of our generation. the amount of content and lore that can be used in different forms of media, films, spinoffs, video games, etc once the series ends are endless. What the creaters have done here is create a universe were u can make a Lost show in any time period in the show's universe because of the abundance of story and themes behind it all.

pboreham, i agree with you about jacob and the mystery man but i'd stop short at calling jacob a god. i think he answers to a higher being. i remember in season 3 in the "brainwashing" station, while the projector was playing the video, the quote "God loves you as he loved jacob" came up.
it was just a brilliant season finale.

I wasn't expecting Locke's body in that crate.

Now January looks so far away. :(
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Who's eye is that? Kates?? I bet that frame has been paused, blown up and analysed a million times already.

What a finale though...

Jacob has to be 'God' (or 'A' God). Soon as I saw them on the beach in the first scene, the exchange was very much between 2 'beings' I felt. Oddly like an exchange between the Gods in Jason And The Argonauts, that sort of thing.

The way the other guy wanted to kill him be knew he couldnt. I get the feeling they've been on that island in one form or another for thousands of years.

But some great theories on here though... I'm not sure the 'evil' guy has been working on this plan all these years to bring people to the island to kill Jacob - as much as that now makes sense. If Jacob can leave the island and has 'touched' those few, then why would the evil guy choose Locke.

Typical 'Lost', far more questions than answers.

Its a credit to the show and the writers, that it is still going strong 5 seasons in and with amazingly complex stories. This show should have 'jumped the shark' many series' ago, but somehow its holding itself together...

Last season then a film? :)
I thought it was Jacks from the first episode, when he wakes up? Both me and Will thought that immediately, it surely is. Seen a picture zoomed on it and compared it, look exact.

Amazing finale though, left me like :O BUT now we have so many questions, in true Lost style.
Is Jacob dead?
What did Jacob do to make Richard not age?!
What will happen to Richard and the other guys now?
What will Jacobs evil brother/twin/friend/whateverthehellitisposingasLocke do now, and what about Ben?!
What will happen to the ones back on 1977?!
Will everything be reset, like Faraday said?

And about this... "enemy." I haven't fully read everything everyone has put here so I apologize if any of this has already been said.
So many things are now so obvious. All the people Hurley was seeing- Ana Lucia, Charlie, Libby, etc after they died, were obviously this enemy of Jacob posting as them, its been made pretty clear now a few times that dead is dead, so it must have been this enemy. But why, would he be desperate for them to go back, to the point where he would pose as several people to make them? Cause as well, Ben wanted them to go back too, so did he have something, like maybe an arrangement with this enemy? This is one bit I don't get and confuses the hell out of me.

And why is he so desperate to kill Jacob? It is quite interesting, and very deep and religious if you think about it. In the Bible, Jacob had a brother whom he has a bad relationship with, and I'm sure that he couldn't kill him himself and had to manipulate people into doing it for him, like the enemy did with Ben. Jacob will not kill the enemy, and the enemy cannot kill Jacob because to do so would be to kill himself in some way.

Another interesting point- Locke always had this thing, black and white, good and evil, ying and yang, remember backgammon thing as well. And if you notice at the start of the finale Jacob is wearing white, and the enemy is in black. And another thing that Will pointed out to me, a nightmare that Claire had back in season one, and pointed this out on Locke- http://gallery.lost-media.com/displayimage.php?pid=27780&fullsize=1 I DO remember seeing that but totally forgot about it, didn't think much of it at the time but now, looking back at it its really interesting.

Quite interesting also, is how the enemy has all of Lockes memories. Makes me wonder, how? Has he been watching Locke and maybe the other survivors off the island, before they were on it and after they left it? Similar to how Jacob did it, but keeping out of the way maybe? Or does he just "get" them when he took his form?

I wonder though, how he [if it is human of course] can take form of people? Part me of me thinks as well, that this guy is the smoke monster, funny how when Ben saw "Alex" she appeared right after he saw it. Leads me to really believe its the same thing, maybe if they're not the same thing, Smokey is some kind of guard dog at least.

Just a few theories and that, anyway.
i hate this show!
i woke up this morning, only to spend 30 minutes racking my brain around the time travelling and displacement of the characters, before getting out of bed! :RANT:

january 2010...oh, man.
I thought it was Jacks from the first episode, when he wakes up? Both me and Will thought that immediately, it surely is. Seen a picture zoomed on it and compared it, look exact.

Amazing finale though, left me like :O BUT now we have so many questions, in true Lost style.
Is Jacob dead?
What did Jacob do to make Richard not age?!
What will happen to Richard and the other guys now?
What will Jacobs evil brother/twin/friend/whateverthehellitisposingasLocke do now, and what about Ben?!
What will happen to the ones back on 1977?!
Will everything be reset, like Faraday said?

And about this... "enemy." I haven't fully read everything everyone has put here so I apologize if any of this has already been said.
So many things are now so obvious. All the people Hurley was seeing- Ana Lucia, Charlie, Libby, etc after they died, were obviously this enemy of Jacob posting as them, its been made pretty clear now a few times that dead is dead, so it must have been this enemy. But why, would he be desperate for them to go back, to the point where he would pose as several people to make them? Cause as well, Ben wanted them to go back too, so did he have something, like maybe an arrangement with this enemy? This is one bit I don't get and confuses the hell out of me.

And why is he so desperate to kill Jacob? It is quite interesting, and very deep and religious if you think about it. In the Bible, Jacob had a brother whom he has a bad relationship with, and I'm sure that he couldn't kill him himself and had to manipulate people into doing it for him, like the enemy did with Ben. Jacob will not kill the enemy, and the enemy cannot kill Jacob because to do so would be to kill himself in some way.

Another interesting point- Locke always had this thing, black and white, good and evil, ying and yang, remember backgammon thing as well. And if you notice at the start of the finale Jacob is wearing white, and the enemy is in black. And another thing that Will pointed out to me, a nightmare that Claire had back in season one, and pointed this out on Locke- http://gallery.lost-media.com/displayimage.php?pid=27780&fullsize=1 I DO remember seeing that but totally forgot about it, didn't think much of it at the time but now, looking back at it its really interesting.

Quite interesting also, is how the enemy has all of Lockes memories. Makes me wonder, how? Has he been watching Locke and maybe the other survivors off the island, before they were on it and after they left it? Similar to how Jacob did it, but keeping out of the way maybe? Or does he just "get" them when he took his form?

I wonder though, how he [if it is human of course] can take form of people? Part me of me thinks as well, that this guy is the smoke monster, funny how when Ben saw "Alex" she appeared right after he saw it. Leads me to really believe its the same thing, maybe if they're not the same thing, Smokey is some kind of guard dog at least.

Just a few theories and that, anyway.

Yea, it is Jack as somebody has posted the comparison with the first scene of S1 and its identical... leads people to think -

That Season 6 will be Season 1 re-run almost, but with more back story as to how they got there, the influence Jacob had and more of the Jacob/Baddie story.

So in effect, the flash at the end of the finale was actually the last scene of Lost and now we find out why/how history repeats itself to form season 1.

All seems a bit mental though and I'm sure there will be more than that.

One of the writers has said that between now and Ep1 of S6, we will have 'enough evidence to form a solid theory', whatever that means!?

I'm spending hours trawling through all the threads about the finale I can find on the net - the one on Football365 alone has over 110 pages now :LOL:

I've got so many thoughts/theories about Lost now, that my head is spinning and I dont know where to begin writing about them :)

If any of the Lost writers originally set out to write this show with the back story being some kind of Egyption mythology, then fair play to them, but I highly doubt it. Always nags at the back of my head, that no matter how good Lost is (and it is), that they are making it up as they go along, which makes alot of what we've seen pretty worthless...

But still, sure once the dust settles on S6, we will be able to look back and judge the show as a whole.

BT Vision has all the shows on there service, so we're going to watch it all again before S6 comes around :LOL:
Pretty sure it's not being made up as they went along, they already had the final episode wrote out years ago and they knew how to get there. Looking back at what we've learnt from S5, if you look back on previous seasons then a lot of it makes sense now :)
Pretty sure it's not being made up as they went along, they already had the final episode wrote out years ago and they knew how to get there. Looking back at what we've learnt from S5, if you look back on previous seasons then a lot of it makes sense now :)

I'll cynically say that they didnt, unless its really something generic - i.e. the pitch for the show was:-

"A load of people crash in a plane on an island, the final episode shows them landing in LA (oh yea, after 6 series of time travel, egyption mythology, 'good vs evil', the dharma initiative, polar bears...)"

So yea, if the last episode is them all 'finishing' their journey non the wiser as to what happened on the island (maybe in preperation of Jacob receiving his next batch of inhabitants), then I'd say they couldnt have really known what to do with the show back in Series 1, too much outlandish stuff has happened.

I'm sure they have a vague idea, but one of the main reasons for me thinking it was at the end of Season 1, where we see the hatch (but dont know what it is), I think they wrote/re-wrote what that was going to be before season 2 started.

Still cracking TV though...
The finale scene was planned early not the whole episode.

I think it's very possible they planned the main ideas from the start since the show is not about the island.

For a long time we thought the main "character" was the island but it's only where the action is taking place. OK, the island is special but the faith of Jack and Co is the reel story of Lost.
Pretty sure it's not being made up as they went along, they already had the final episode wrote out years ago and they knew how to get there. Looking back at what we've learnt from S5, if you look back on previous seasons then a lot of it makes sense now :)

its not made up as they go along and the writers even said that. what i think is that they wrote a begining and end to the Lost show but maybe made up teh things during the middle of the show to make it last this long and kudo's to them as it has worked great and nothing so far IMO feels as if was just put on there just for the sake of it.

granted there maybe some stuff that feels rushed or added in the last minute but the bulk of the storyline feels as if its been planned and written right from the begining.

i know one thing though, Ben was suppose to be killed off in season 2 or 3 but because he was very popular amongst viewers, they decided to keep him and build a back story for his character even further. Now that bit was definetly added during the show but in no way did it feel as if it was rushed and added just for the sake of more episodes/runtime for the show
its not made up as they go along and the writers even said that. what i think is that they wrote a begining and end to the Lost show but maybe made up teh things during the middle of the show to make it last this long and kudo's to them as it has worked great and nothing so far IMO feels as if was just put on there just for the sake of it.

granted there maybe some stuff that feels rushed or added in the last minute but the bulk of the storyline feels as if its been planned and written right from the begining.

i know one thing though, Ben was suppose to be killed off in season 2 or 3 but because he was very popular amongst viewers, they decided to keep him and build a back story for his character even further. Now that bit was definetly added during the show but in no way did it feel as if it was rushed and added just for the sake of more episodes/runtime for the show

They arent exactly going to admit though are they?! Nobody would watch it.

I think its plausible as I said above, that they had a concept of a plane crashing on a remote island and there would be a twist in the story (i.e. the cover story of the passengers dieing) and the end of the series would be them landing in LAX (possibly), but beyond that, I would think they write it as they go. Not episode to episode, of course, but I reckon a lot of it is 'steered' depending on fan feedback...
Disappointed with the final episodes. It didn't leave me with a 'WHOOO THIS IS GREAT I WANT MORE! feeling, just more of the same old lost style 'oh is that it' feeling.

Series 1 had the best cliff hanger and then after that from memory at least it's been downhill getting progressively worse with each end.

The way they built to the end as well...
why should I care about a 'it was all a dream' style ending? Why would anyone actually think that erasing everything, making all of the past series redundant would be exciting for the fans? At least push the final goal into something that will leave us thinking 'I wonder what will happen if they do that' and not 'well it will all be erased and that will be it'. This 'bomb' story really needed more of a parallel that meant that only 1 of the 2 could be the real answer/outcome and THAT'S where they should have ended it. So we're left thinking I wonder if that means A or B. Instead we're left with NOTHING to ponder other than Jacob is probably dead and seeing as he was only around for 2 (though technically 1 long episode) his death wasn't a big deal for us. They've never pushed how meaningful Jacob was or how his death would fuck everything up. We get 'we're the good guys' thrown in now and again but it's happening that often now it's lost all meaning. Other than Jacobs stabbing we have these other guys outside are 'coming' and well who knows and who cares what's going on with them because the 'habitants' of the island have never been the main focus of the story. It's about the survivors of the plane crash and the island, not Jacob and his mate and Richard's gang following them like sheep.

This episode(s) just left me with the exact same old lost feeling of they threw everything in and hoped some of the shit would stick.

I've taken the image from the season 6 trailer and...

Top image is Jack from Series 1 and the bottom is obviously the one from the Series 6 trailer
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Right i have 2 question
Who the fuck was that in the cabin all them season ago when he appeared briefly when Locke was there? It was supposedly Jacob but it looked nothing like this one we saw last episode

and i'm sure i recall one episode showing a massive crater but i have no idea what was said about it or anything. Surely that was to do with the exploded bomb?
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