Lost - Season 5

I'd really like to know where they appear after they have moved FROM the Island back to the real world?

Other than that, LOST is fantastic at the moment.
Locke died after he got off the island because Ben went to see him and got Jins ring off him and told him who to see to get back
Locke gets
off the island alive because he ends up speaking to the O6 before he dies. They've been telling us that for weeks.

(don't read unless you saw the episode) !!!

Are you sure you watch the episode ?
Really sure ?
OK, then
I can't believe they're already back. It happened so fast, I love it.
Lots of new questions :
- What happened to Ben ? Did he killed Penny ?
- What happened to Desmond, Sayid, Hurley and Aaron ?
- What's this thing with the shoes ?
- Jin and the van ?


Jack: How can you Read?
Ben: My mother taught me :LMAO:

Where's Walt?

Did that give anyone else goosebumps? Another quality episode!
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One day, we'll have some news about him cause I remember a scene in the season 4 finale where he spoke to Hurley and told him that none of the O6 visited him but Jeremy Bentham did.

Oh oh oh...
I wouldn't say the episode was boring, It just didn't reveal as much information like the other episodes. However, the end was really good.

But it's down to opinion. :)
I can't believe that no one has asked the question we're all probably thinking after the last episode....
who was that OTHER man on the plane on his own!?

Another quick thought based on the end of the episode...

Do you all think that maybe Jin and the others were stuck in like 1950 and were working for the Dharma initiative?

It'll be a little confusing but...

The O6 flash forwards were 3 years ahead of what we were seeing on the island. It came up 3 years later after we got through watching HOW they devised the plan to keep it all a secret etc... so the scenes of the O6 being told to get back onto the island were 3 years ahead of the island gang who were being flashed through time.

So when the O6 flashed back onto the island at the end we were looking at the island 3 years after what we last saw before. Which I think was of the ginger haired girl dying, Lock going into the well and the rest sort of wandering off.

Now with Jin wearing the Dharma clothes and driving that Van it would imply its not 2007 (or whenever) it's probably the 1950s as we saw Faraday underground in an earlier episode.

Maybe when Lock left the Island the flashes stopped on the island (typically not soon enough to save ginger) and everyone was then stuck in that time period. Being there with no Dharma supply drops coming down they'd starve to death (as they've been living off Dharma supply drops mostly) and they risk being spotted and shot at with everything again so their only choice would to be join whoever is on the island?

It would explain why Jin was wearing those clothes driving that van and had the gun, almost as if he was on guard duty and was told to check that area out.


Either that or Jin's just wearing that as with his misses not being on the island none of his clothes aren't getting washed so he's wearing whatever the hell he can find?
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I think that guy on the plane will be a new character.

About Jin - I think you're partly right. I think Jin was stuck in the past so ended up working for Dharma, after finding out that Danielle is mad.
About Jin

Its a weird one, he seemed to recognize his old friends but then on the other hand it appeared to be set in the past, so surely he wouldnt recognize his future friends. Or would he! ?
-reply to the above
You mean as if Jin was originally from that time, got off the island, got hooked up with Sun, forgot about the island, crashed on the island and then so on... ?

I think it's still Jin from our time, but maybe he's forgot who they are like that ginger bird forgot who Daniel was until he told her and then she remembered.
Loved Sunday's episode,

Ben reply to Jack's question on the plane was awesome.
To be honest Im not sure if the scene with Jin is past or current time!
past because that
van that Jin was driving,
crashed in season 1 by hurley remember?

-reply to the above
You mean as if Jin was originally from that time, got off the island, got hooked up with Sun, forgot about the island, crashed on the island and then so on... ?

I think it's still Jin from our time, but maybe he's forgot who they are like that ginger bird forgot who Daniel was until he told her and then she remembered.

diddnt Jin met up with sawyer and co an episode or two? maybe there all working for darma now?
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I remember Ben promising Widmore that he would kill Penny because of Alex's(? The name of the French woman's daughter... dammit I'm no good with names today) death

Very interesting. Should be great fun now.
It's hard to think that Widmore is not as terrible as we imagined. The show is very good but the last episodes slowed down the action a bit too much.

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