Resistance 2

Cancelled my order a couple of weeks ago, and after seeing the review on Playr, kinda glad too, dont seem my kinda game at all. Roll on Killzone 2.
Cancelled my order a couple of weeks ago, and after seeing the review on Playr, kinda glad too, dont seem my kinda game at all. Roll on Killzone 2.

Shame you cancelled. I really am enjoying this game to bits. The game is lots of fun and besides, I needed an alien type game to play on my PS3. Controls and guns are great, not to mention the graphics. It was a good buy for me.
Shame you cancelled. I really am enjoying this game to bits. The game is lots of fun and besides, I needed an alien type game to play on my PS3. Controls and guns are great, not to mention the graphics. It was a good buy for me.

I listen to the Full Moon Podcast, and was looking forward to it, but with so many games about, and not finding time to play hardly any, this I cancelled, and I picked up LBP there last week, which I hadnt ordered! Watching the review on Playr though, I was kinda put off by the half-breeds as such, and the Chameleon's. If I'm in Alien shooting form, I'll go play Halo or Gears, or even R:FOM, but for now, I would rather go and pick up Far Cry 2 or CoD WaW.
I listen to the Full Moon Podcast, and was looking forward to it, but with so many games about, and not finding time to play hardly any, this I cancelled, and I picked up LBP there last week, which I hadnt ordered! Watching the review on Playr though, I was kinda put off by the half-breeds as such, and the Chameleon's. If I'm in Alien shooting form, I'll go play Halo or Gears, or even R:FOM, but for now, I would rather go and pick up Far Cry 2 or CoD WaW.

Good point.
Brilliant game. Absolutely loving the SP campaign with all the new aliens including the chameleons that scare the crap out of you and the huge chaps with the fireball guns who take forever to kill. Nearly finished it on normal and looking forward to the ending. Good story. Definitely worth getting just for the SP campaign.

Have to say though, I'm a little bored of online play already. It's one of those kill a few enemies, die. Kill a few more, die. Spawn, die. Spawn, walk a few yards die. Spawn, walk a few yards die. I think having so many people playing at once definitely has it's disadvantages. It feels cramped and you can't really move far without being ganged up on by 4 or 5 of the opposition. No real tactics involved, just run and gun.
Even trying some of the other modes such as skirmish and the capture the flag type level but it feels the same as other games ala COD4/5 without the decent guns.

COOP is addictive though.
I'm the opposite, SP isn't engaging, its just standard stuff.

Online is where all the fun is at, Skirmish is superb. I've done one mission in co op and I enjoyed it, Fremm didn't though.
What a shit game!! Bought it, had it for an hour, went back and traded it....Jezus fekkin Christ load of tosh!!!
Another thing I don't like about the single player is that the enemies always target you the player, many times they'll completely ignore the rest of your squad.
£28.79 - with Free Delivery

Spotted it on the EU PS3 forums



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That's awesome! I'd love to see that paper on the tram. The more I see of this game the more I wanna play it, any good? Worth buying? I mean, the pictures I see of this look totally mad, those Chimeras look evil.
I'm addicted to 8 player co-op - so much so that i was until about half 1 with tobi last night playing Co-Op despite feeling rotten. I've still yet to try the solo campaign or the competitive sides, so I can't really judge those . I did try the competitive side in the beta and it was good fun. 60 player team deathmatch wasn't as chaotic and messy as i thought it might.

The amount of bullets zipping around you at times is insane. there's a great part on one of the co op maps (that is if the random objectives direct you into that area when you're on the map) where there are 2 subway tunnels opposite each other. a group of enemies spawn in one through a teleporter growing in size as each wave comes eventually ending with 2 giant monsters with rocket launchers. Then it repeats on the opposite tunnel and finally you have to fend off waves from both tunnels while protecting the British arm guys (NPCs).

Another cool co op map ended today with a gigantic boss battle in what looked a lot like the molerats from Fallout 3.

It has a similar kind of COD4 exp ranking up system where you have different weapons to unlock and abilities. The abilities depending on your class are things like 'create a area of healing' or 'more powerful ammo' or 'take less damage for a limited time' and you activate these as you go around killing and build up a meter. As you rank up as well you unlock extra pieces of clothing that can either reload faster or make you run faster or hold more ammo and a load of other stuff.

- I love it but some hate it. Maybe worth a rent first.
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Co-op is probably the best part of the game.
In campaign mode, the enemies only targets you which is a pain when your up against 3 titans or 50-60 grims.
I haven't played much of competitive but compared to COD4 is a big step down.
Just my 2 (Canadian) cents. :)
Hmmm, thanks for the heads-up, I may get it via trade after I've managed to get Tomb Raider then, and if I don't like it I can always trade it again. It does look good though, but it's not just about how it looks, it's always gameplay over graphics. I just really love the idea of it as well, story sounds insane. Ta guys!
Played the solo mode this morning for a few hours. I've got to erm... well if anyone saw the E3 trailers I'm up to that thing :SHOCK:

It's bloody hard - even on the easiest setting. The chameleons are evil bastards, I'm nearly always on low ammo and the AI are buggers and use grenades to flush you out every chance they get.

The only niggle I have with the game so far is some of the checkpoints are screwed up. They'll have a hectic section, followed by another, then another and then a surprise attack which is usually some gigantic beast or 50 enemies. So you'll die as you're not ready and get sent back to the first hectic section. It doesn't send you back to the start of the map or anything - it's just like you'll enter a factory and on each floor will be a hectic moment with loads of enemies... so when you get to the top and die you restart at the bottom.
But it's only SOME of the checkpoints - and I've had it work in my favour as well once. On the first level i think? I had 2 Titans coming at me and they killed me, after the reload at the checkpoint i took one titan out and failed to see where the second had gone to... turns out the game just didn't load the second one. And on another level i was running away from a ton of spider things - I thik i was supposed to fight them but i thought bugger it and i ran past them and towards the next area - i leapt over a wall and ended up landing in front of a chameleon who sliced me up. On the reload the spiders were all gone and i was stood by the wall with that Chameleon on the other side - so i looked over and BLAMO! .

I've seen that the AI attack you more than the AI teamamates - but I wouldn't say they ONLY attack you. I had to face 3 Titans in one part of the game and they hardly ever aimed and fired at me unless i fired back at them first which i thought made sense. The only time I've had a real problem with the way they attack is the part in Chicago where the 'I Am Legend' style enemies swarm at you. 90% of them would come at me and the 20% would go for my team mates... and my team would ignore the guys coming for me so it meant i had to kill all of them or die.

It was annoying as i did keep dying as i had hardly any ammo. Other than that though i don't really have a problem with them attacking me as their primary target. It makes sense as im the biggest risk to them, and they know who i am, and there's the link our character has with the enemy which would probably mean they're being told to take our guy out ASAP. I don't know... even if it's just crap AI, except for the 'I Am Legend' style parts I've never felt like the AI is only after me.

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I'm stuck at that one level where this HUGE monsters with Guns come out of a barn and follow you around. It's a very chaotic level and I am finding it really difficult to get passed it. It's really hard to hide from this beasts since they follow you around, and it takes numerous amounts of bullets to kill just one. I will come back to it someday to finish it, but for now, it's too stressful and I need a break.
Online co-op

1 - Why do people playing as soldiers just not want ammo? They just seem to walk around ignoring you expecting you to give them ammo. At times they'll be on the opposite side of an area with their back to you and still expect you to throw it across and get it to them - and sometimes it will land in front of them in their view and they'll turn and walk off ignoring it. REALLY is starting to miff me off now.

I have half a mind to just fuck them from now on and let them run out of ammo and then come begging me for more rather than doing the nice thing and handing it out to them.

And then when I'm a soldier i never seem to get Spec ops who hand out ammo other than to them slves. The silly buggers are missing out on tons of EXP and also are screwing the team up.

Hopefully world will get around online and people will start to look at the controls and see what the buttons do.
Anyone know where the clan section is at the official site?
Getting this and PS3 tommorrow, is the Multiplayer good? Had s Ps3 and resistance 1 a while ago, and although I normally struggled was impressed with the multiplayer as there was never any lag and thats with (if I remember correctly) 40 players. Is this the same ?
I've not had any lag playing 8 player co op - and in the beta 60 player games had no lag so id assume the full game would be the same.
I've played a few 60 player games and I've not had any lag either.
There's defo no lag, and its 60 players so is very impressive, but heres the thing....what a shit game.

Multiplayer is the only thing that interests me with a game. But this is getting traded straight away, some very silly weapons in this game which in my opinion spoil it. Not really into sci - fi so hate unrealistic weapons, but having said that I got into Halo 3, which compared to this is class.

I just hope future games like Killzone and Socom are going to be better than this!
Your right about the SP not being very good, I'm on the last level but I can't be bothered to finish it.
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