PES 2008 (Xbox 360) - Official Topic

yeah I got that now :)
IS it possible to play 2 player??
I can get the 2nd controller Icon come up .. but cant pick either side :(
i love PES games but I am thinking about getting it on the 360 - does anyone know if it can be patched? i.e. names, kits etc. My friend keeps bugging me to buy it on PC so it can be patched but I aint sure - any ideas?
Can anybody on here please confirm wether pes 2008 is 2v2 online or not? Or any news about the online play would be reaaly welcome. Thanks
No and yes. It can't be patched, but you will be able to download option files.

Sorry but on 360 we cant patch or use other peoples saves as the saves are signed with a code that marries them with your profile name so if you want all the strips you will need to do it yourself.

The reason this is is to stop people cheating with the gamerpoints MS have a big list of saves that are blacklisted and will sow up as corrupt on your Xbox 360 hdd.

This is one of the reasons iam not getting the game the other is that iam disappointed in this years game once again.
Sorry but on 360 we cant patch or use other peoples saves as the saves are signed with a code that marries them with your profile name so if you want all the strips you will need to do it yourself.

The reason this is is to stop people cheating with the gamerpoints MS have a big list of saves that are blacklisted and will sow up as corrupt on your Xbox 360 hdd.

This is one of the reasons iam not getting the game the other is that iam disappointed in this years game once again.
Yes but it may be possible to send an OPTIONFILE to a friend. I am talking about a possibility that you can exchangen Optionfiles during the game and not your completely "chained-to-xbox-savegame"
Yes but it may be possible to send an OPTIONFILE to a friend. I am talking about a possibility that you can exchangen Optionfiles during the game and not your completely "chained-to-xbox-savegame"

If you can't download or save someone elses option file then it is disgraceful!

If most of the teams so not have proper names etc and the only way you can change it is by spending two weeks doing it yourself, then they should sell the game for half the price of a full game.

It is all to well the gameplay, but the names of the players and teams etc are the Soul of the game - if you don't have it then it feels crap - playing with Mersyside red or some shit - Rubbish.

If it is true that you can't put option files on then it is crap!!
I don't think so my friend. Same Shwarz in goal, Mellinger in defence, and Kruger as number 10.

All with the fucking fake faces too!

Take Ballack for example, for London Blues (Chelsea) he has the "proper" face, yet for Germany it looks nothing like him!

Piss poor Konami!
Sorry but on 360 we cant patch or use other peoples saves as the saves are signed with a code that marries them with your profile name so if you want all the strips you will need to do it yourself.

The reason this is is to stop people cheating with the gamerpoints MS have a big list of saves that are blacklisted and will sow up as corrupt on your Xbox 360 hdd.

This is one of the reasons iam not getting the game the other is that iam disappointed in this years game once again.

Patching the game on the 360 won't be possible yet, but you will be able to share OF. What you'll need to be sure of is that the OF you get hold of is'nt from a console that's been "banned" and also that you make some small editing to the updated OF yourself so that it will be "signed" with your consoleID. There's been talk of a resigning prg for 360 gamesaves as we had it for the old xbox, but I can't confirm this...

For example my OF for PES6 is originally from PESfan v.1 with corrected playernames. If I were to give anyone of you guys this file and you did som small editing yourself and saved the OF on your console you would be home free, no corrupted file. But if you on the other hand downloaded a file from f.e. 360gamesaves, you probably would end up with a corrupted OF because of the consoleID is on the MS list of consoles (MS downloaded saves witch had been uploaded by several users, MS checked the consoleID of those saves, and revoked those console in their spring dash-update) that have had their transfer option revoked. I don't think the gamertag is involed at all though..

The problem is that most of the known OF editors consoleID's most likely is on that list, so the OF for PES2008 has to come from a "fresh" console, but I'm sure this won't be a problem, the PES community is way to large so let this stop them ;)
What about the editing mode, is it possible to create players? i want to create dream-teams and in pes6 i wasn't able to.
What about the region restriction? Im from america and a friend told me that the game could have this problem.
Anyone knows something about this? I don't want to wait until march of next year to play PES2008 on my 360 :(
I have played the Fifa demo a lot these days, and its simply no fun and gets really frustrated after some time. I know this is a demo, but the gameplay will be the same as the original when released. But if there is an option to change the gameplay speed it might help.. Fifa has been way off for a decade now so as for pro evo, its been my favorite sports game for years with the exception of pes6 for the 360, so yeah, I will be "pining for pro evo!!

That's why we don't care about what you have to say about FIFA.
hi, asked in some other forum also but presume that is the correct place... i do have a xbox360 (bought from USA), can i play the PES 2008 europe version on it, say, i buy it from

does ps3 have that region problem as well?
hi, asked in some other forum also but presume that is the correct place... i do have a xbox360 (bought from USA), can i play the PES 2008 europe version on it, say, i buy it from

does ps3 have that region problem as well?

No, Konami games are always region locked.
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