Lost - Season 4 - Spoilers in Tags only please

Episode 12 was very interesting. The melancholy way in which the O6 were on the plane, especially with Sun saying "we are in shock, Jack", suggests to me something massive has happened to the island and they've only just managed to escape.

Great theories Baggs!

My gut feeling is that Jin's fate won't be revealed until either next season or maybe the final one, because if something massive has happened to the island, maybe the O6 feel no-one possibly survived "the massive event", whether it be a fire, bomb, gassing or Ben the badger running round eye-balling everyone to death. And then when people return to the island, and I fully believe at least two of them will, we may see a few surprises as to who is still alive there. Looking back on the story so far and people coming back to life or never aging, we could see Jin-ghost and Sawyer-ghost

Mad, I know.
Baggs, Abbaddon is the black guy, not the one you are thinking about :). This one is Richard.
cheers for clearing that up, my bad i always mix those 2 guys' names up. :LOL:

I think Richard seemingly never aging has two logical explanations.
1) he's immortal (similar to Kenzei/Adam in Heroes)
2) Hes Time traveling (I'm a firm believer that having just the mind travel is not the only way to time travel in the lost universe. e.g. Locke taking orders from "taller" Walt.)

Locke's mission in the finale
When it comes to time travel, there are numerous scientific theories. I read an interesting article recently about all the different theories.One of which is that during time traveling the person gets displaced from his original location. The reason being that earth is constantly rotating, so if for example you time travel from the present to the past/future, you will never end up in the same place you traveled from. In goes into more detail but it seems to have striking similarities to some mysteries on lost. It could explain why Ben woke up confused in the middle of the desert in the middle east in his flashback episode not knowing what year it is.

And it could be how they will end up moving the island. By using time travel to displace it from its original location. :))
Was it just me or did Claire's Mum have one of the worst Aussie accents ever? Was half South Africa and half a tour round Australia......
Was it just me or did Claire's Mum have one of the worst Aussie accents ever? Was half South Africa and half a tour round Australia......
The fact she looked like a half-breed with Shergar bothered me slightly more than the lucky dip accents :D
not only that but claire and her father has completely different accents. maybe thats because all 3 of them were living different lives
Looking forward to the finale. Shall be watching it Saturday night UK time as it's the norm for me & the missus, Doctor Who and Lost back-to-back.
Might get up around 6am and watch it then I think. Very excited about the finale :)
Season Finale

There were a lot of WOW moments. Great moments. Moments we were expecting. Answers we were waiting for years. And it happened, we had SOME revelations !

Oh boy... How to post without the spoiler tag after such a great episode ?

"They have to go back", we all knew that already. But "together" now. So where in time and place is going season 5 to take place ? Is it the main story or is it Locke's ? We still have no idea on what are The Others (besides campers) and the true origin and purpose of the island (statue with 4 toes).

I loved to see Desmond happy as we all knew he wasn't a Oceanic 6. I had to cry when he saw Penny :cry:.

It was nice "to see" Jacob with the apparition of Christian letting Michael die.

If they all have to go back, does it include Desmond ? I remember Ben wants Penny dead so there is going to be a main clash with Des. Des vs Jack again ?

This season 4 was 100% well-controlled :DANCE:.

9+/10 (FX were :sick:...) no 10/10
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Christ, it was mad weren't it! A lot of WOW moments as you say, a lot of answers, a lot more new questions and also some great little comedy moments.

Sawyer calling Frank "Kenny Rogers", Locke's face when being shown in the video not to put metal objects in the Vault, just as Ben is piling it up with metal! Sawyer coming out of the water approaching Juliet, her WTF face and his "nice day for a swim!". Then there was the peanut moment with Miles & Rose. Great stuff. I do think Miles' expressions and one-liners are brilliant at times.

As for the story, good god.
- Ben seemingly teleporting to Tunisia with his cut on the arm and his big Dharma jacket

- Whilst he apparently moves the island, but I think after taking into account that video about the rabbit in the Vault, the island actually disappears for a short time. I'm thinking it must re-appear, probably after Penny's boat appears and rescues the chopper guys? Total mindfuck on this one.

- Lapedus joined Desmond in staying on Penny's boat, possibly to reform ZZ Top with Mr Hume. Wonder what happens to Frank as he set out to expose the fake plane wreckage and is now hanging around Penny's boat and people. Jack telling Des he'll "see him in another life brother" was a nice moment.

- Charlotte saying to Daniel that she's still looking for where she was born. Which must mean the Island, as even Miles mentioned to her it wasn't her first time on the place. I remember Ben having a childhood friend called Anne in a flashback shown in Season 3 sometime, maybe Charlotte is her daughter? Would be around the right age. God knows.

- Keamy finding the elevator down to the Orchid control room was a full-on "oh SHIT" moment, especially as I realised pretty much straight away that the device we saw strapped to him would be to do with the C4 on-board the freighter. Glad Keamy is now dead, the bastard.

- Michael finally being allowed to die, via the Jacob / Christian connection, it seems his efforts to save his old companions was enough.

- Jin seemingly dying in the explosion, but even if he did survive, would he find the island again now?

- Sawyer telling Kate a secret being fleeing the chopper. Which I believe would be what I mentioned the other week, regarding his daughter Clementine from his time with Cassidy the trainee con.

- Locke. Dead. Well it was who I first guessed it would be after watching the S3 finale, but I could never figure out how that would happen. Apparently "bad things" happened to the island after Jack & friends had left, and maybe it assumed Locke as a failure for letting them go and the miracles then went away, his paralysis came back.. and worse. His coffin was awful small for a big guy.

- Locke's alias, "Jeremy Grantham" was mentioned several times before the end. And he apparently visited Hugo, Jack and Kate, maybe more of the 06. I believe this would be in a hallucinative way, as he was quoted to have asked for the return of Jack, further adding to the theory he "failed" on the island? But why "Jeremy Grantham"? Fuck knows man.

- The fight scene between Sayid and Keamy was absolutely cracking.

- Is Michael the father of Sun's baby? Madness I know, but there was obvious awkwardness from Sun after telling Michael she was pregnant, he smiled and carried on, whilst she appeared upset. Remember Juliet saying Sun definitely conceived on the island? Add that to Michael & Sun's mutual staring at each other throughout Season 1 and we've got an interesting birth. Sun's child was heard on the phone to her briefly before she met Charles Widmore, but obviously the child's voice can give nothing away.

- Daniel Faraday was obviously shitting himself before his final trip out in the raft, transporting people. He seemed to know this would be the last trip out, he was desperate to get Charlotte off (oo-er), and Miles was urged too. Seeing as Daniel knows all about time-travelling already, plus knows about the Orchid, he may know exactly what it can do and that Ben would be doing it. Therefore his urgency to Charlotte and Miles was probably due to the fact they'd move to a different place in time and space, rather than the fear of a Keamy-motivated "secondary protocol" - burning the island.

- So what happens to Daniel and the other folk in the raft?

I'll just leave it at those few lines for now. :DD

Must say this finale has got the most theories running through my head than the other ones had. Love it.

EDIT: Forgot to add, there were 2 alternate endings to this finale, viewable here. Both obviously pointless now, but rather surreal to watch!
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they sure know how crank it up a notch for the season finales.

Ben gets all the best lines. When he walked into the Orchid garden and Jack pointed a gun in his face "Nice to see you too Jack!" :LOL:

I think the alternate ending shots were just done to cover their tracks in case there was a leak (which there was...)

SO Jack has an interesting mission ahead to get the 6 back to the island plus Lockes dead body!

And whats the deal with Sun? Is she now working against the O6
What a finale!

That ending! my jaw just dropped! seeing locke in the coffin i literally yelled "Holy fuck!" Definitely didnt see that coming...jeremy BENtham...have to say the producers really know how to use misdirection.

Best ine of the finale has to be...

Locke: "Was he talking about what I think he was talking about?
Ben: "If you mean time traveling bunnies, then yes."

Laughed so hard at that line I peed myself a little. :LOL:

Locke's mission in the finale
When it comes to time travel, there are numerous scientific theories. I read an interesting article recently about all the different theories.One of which is that during time traveling the person gets displaced from his original location. The reason being that earth is constantly rotating, so if for example you time travel from the present to the past/future, you will never end up in the same place you traveled from. In goes into more detail but it seems to have striking similarities to some mysteries on lost. It could explain why Ben woke up confused in the middle of the desert in the middle east in his flashback episode not knowing what year it is.

And it could be how they will end up moving the island. By using time travel to displace it from its original location. :))

Someone buy me a pint for hitting the nail right on its head. :LOL::DD

1)There are more then one way to time travel and 2) moving the Island was also done the exact way I thought it would. The island moved by using time travel to displace it from its original location also moving it to a different timeline. If I understood this sci-fi mumbo jumbo correctly then the island will theoratically dissapear and reappear the same way ben does a year later, in a different location.

Also when ben goes down to the donkey wheel cave, did anyone else think ancient alien spaceship? I don't know if the producers debunked any alien theories but that "room" certainly had an alien feel to it.
I'm pretty sure
Jin is not dead and will be rescued by Faraday. But tell no one !

About your theory :
If the island doesn't reappear on the same place because of Earth rotating, is it possible that the island reappears on a land and not the water ?!?
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If the island doesn't reappear on the same place because of Earth rotating, is it possible that the island reappeard on the land and not the water ?!?
That sounds insane, I like it!

:cheers: Give it up for Baggs by the way everyone.
About your theory :
If the island doesn't reappear on the same place because of Earth rotating, is it possible that the island reappears on a land and not the water ?!?
It possible...its also possible that since the earth itself is constantly moving through space around the sun that it can also get displaced in more then just a 2-dimentional way. Floating island anyone? that comic in locke's episode can't have been a coincidence :DD. the theory behind it being that the object time traveling stays in the same 3 dimentional location in space (the 4th dimension that was mentioned in the episode is "time" which obviously changes) while the constant movement of earth in space makes the traveler turn up in a different location on earth.
Considering that the season nearly ended at about episode 8 due to the writer's strike I think they did an absolutely cracking job all round to get this season out and to get it to such a high level of quality, I know a lot of people were bitching about the first 1/3 of the season but I think it was all very good and collectively another excellent season of Lost.

Love the finale. I was saying to myself "WTF?" when locke was on that coffin. I wonder If they will be using time travelling to get back!
OMFG!!!! Hands down that was the most AMAZING episode of ANY TV show I have ever seen! The action, storyline and tension was top notch. It was like watching a movie only this is better than most crap shown in the big screen (cough cough Indiana).

I am simply blown away on how well they ended season 4. I know why this show is the best on earth and I am looking forward to season 5!! Bring it on
Couldn't have expected a better finale, absoloutely brilliant episode(s) and a great way to finish a season!

Quite a few shocks mixed in there, a few questions answered and I'm already looking forward to next season!

Incidently, when is that likely to start? :)
Thought it was good, but very predictable too.

Knew the boat was going to be Pennys and they'd be rescued by her right from the freighter explosion. Also knew that Jin and/or Sawyer would die, with Sun swapping seats with one of them. Knew that the freighter was going to eventually explode too. At the end bit, I knew it was either going to be Locke or someone like Daniel in the coffin, and it turned out to be Locke.... something I've been speculating about since season 3. Plus, how fake did the heli crash look!??

Dont get me wrong, it was a good episode, but it was too predictable imo.
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