Battlefield 3

Well not just that the players size is much bigger. 24 max players would suck on pc i think also.

IMO its a pc game overall.

BFBC2 did have quite a few pros that bf3 aint got but Id say it was a lot more simple and arcadish. BF3 is a bigger package.

on PC its 64 not 24
Just had a long session on Bad Company 2, my first in many months.

I have to say it's pretty much the all-round better game in every area compared to BF3.

Better maps, better feel to the weapons, better balanced gameplay, better destruction, even better looking I think....and most importantly, better people playing the game. You don't have to chase people around asking for medpacks and ammo, they just do it.

I'm sorry to say that BF3 is completely finished for me now. DICE/EA have paid the price for opening up to the Call of Duty crowd, and my god does it show.

Totally correct.

Hopefully they'll keep the servers maintained. Still plenty playing it so they should do.

Me and my friends have settled straight back into BC2, haven't touched BF3 in a long time and don't intend to.
Nobleknight and pes4lyfe stop posting insults at each other or you will both receive an infraction.
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Hopefully they'll keep the servers maintained. Still plenty playing it so they should do.

Well it's EA so you never know when they could be shut down.

But yeah, I was quite surprised how the online is still quite active, especially the popular maps like Arica Harbour and White Pass.
I gave the BF3 patch a try for a couple of hours tonight, in one last attempt to derive some enjoyment from the game. My opinion? What a load of shite.

Nothing's changed. The same types of people still using the same cheap tactics. The same boring maps. Really, nothing has changed. I can't see any difference in the game other than the rent-a-server thing, and that is littered with problems.

Half the time the matches have awful connections, the game keeps screwing with my gun loadouts, I'll select a gun and attachments, then it'll revert back to what I was previously using when I re-enter the game. Hit detection seems worse, and I'd say 95% of all maps on these personalised servers are either Operation Metro or Grand Bazaare - which just shows up the fact that 90% of the people playing this have come over from the Call of Duty games. Both maps are the closest to COD that you'll find in the game. But people still run and gun with shotguns, people still mortar spawn areas from within a safe area, people still MAV spam, people still play every map in the same way over and over. Try playing Grand Bazaar like I did many times tonight, expect almost every time to see a team dominate by wedging a tank or armoured vehicle down the alleyway down the centre of the map.

I totally agree about Bad Company 2 being superior. I spent all year round playing that, mainly playing Rush, having some epic matches holed up desperately defending an objective with my mates. On BF3, EVERY map and game mode feels the same. Everyone's just sprinting around, shooting, dying, respawn, sprinting around, shooting, dying, respawning etc over and over just like in the COD games. I never feel any investment in the games, I don't care if my team wins or not.

It's entirely EA and DICE's fault. They showed the way they want to take things forward when they brought out Medal of Honor which was some awful attempt to blend Battlefield style gameplay with Call of Duty accessibility and pace of game, and it failed miserably. This really just feels like a slight refinement of that game.

No destruction, everyone playing like it's COD, it's just not Battlefield any more, so I'm out. Another of my favourite game series down the shitter.
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In bfbc2 rush is much better than conquest?

Whereas rush is worse in bf3?

Is this the case.

I have both bfbc and bf3 but really havent put the hours in either to make comments. However, farting around 20-40hrs or so in both games I enjoyed both at the time. BF3 off course looks much nicer and has a lot of nice new touches so I just stick with it. BFBC2 seems a bit more raw and a bit dated. Maps are quite small and simplistic to monotous desings (of buildings etc).

Not sure if its worth getting back into BFBC2 or stick with bf3 when I get round to playing shooters again which will be soon.
In bfbc2 rush is much better than conquest?

Whereas rush is worse in bf3?

Is this the case.

Both rush and conquest are better in BC2, in part down to the quality of the maps and also due to the higher sense of teamwork from the people playing the game. I've had many epic games in both modes on BC2 but sadly nothing memorable on BF3.

BF3 off course looks much nicer and has a lot of nice new touches so I just stick with it.

Disagree. On the consoles there is very little between the games graphically. I think BC2 looks nicer but that may be down to personal preference. BF3 isn't much better looking, although I accept that on the PC it's a different story.

BFBC2 seems a bit more raw and a bit dated. Maps are quite small and simplistic to monotous desings (of buildings etc).

It's not dated at all actually. BC2 may lack some of the weapon and soldier customisation options of BF3 (and I'm not a fan of that anyway) but it still feels very fresh. The weapons have a more natural feel to them and nothing stands out being badly unbalanced. Sniping works whereas in BF3 I could never make sense of it.

Maps small, simplistic and monotonous? Really? I'm quite surprised at this comment. I find the maps in BC2 much more interesting both in design and because of the almost full destructibility of the environments, something which has been toned-down to almost non-existence in BF3.

Nothing in BF3 can match a game of rush at Arica Harbour, Atacama Desert, White Pass or Oasis.

I have only started on bf3, never liked cod

Worth me getting bfbc2?

What cost would that be? I am on pc

Yes, and it would probably cost peanuts. I quite enjoyed the single player campaign in BC2 as well, plus the Vietnam add-on is great.
I think my main issue is with the maps. They're designed to promote run and gun gameplay. You never get a seige mentality like you do in BC2, where a group of you can take up defensive positions and expect wave after wave of attacks, each time trying to second guess what the other team are going to do. I don't get any sense of that in BF3, everyone is mainly just milling about and it's so random and chaotic. Every mode feels like team deathmatch.

Probably the only maps where you get a sense of what I've been talking about are Rush games on Davamand Peak, Karg Island and Caspian Border, but since this custom game patch via the server rental, well, last night there wasn't even a single server playing these maps. Ninety-five percent of all servers out of nearly fifty or so active games were Metro or Grand Bazaar.
It's other things as well.

For instance no jets in BC2 keeps everyone focused on the ground combat and achieving the objectives rather than farting about in the air. When a game is only 12v12 I think it's important to keep the combat focused. In BF3 sometimes half the players are in a vehicle.

The UAV is another factor. In BC2 the operator is genuinely vulnerable when using the UAV, which is part of the better balancing I was talking about earlier.

Weapons are nicely balanced. There's nothing like the ridiculous USAS in BF3, and weapons don't have some of the stupid add-ons. BC2 is a bit simpler but better for it.

Destruction - apart from a few rigid structures, most buildings can be flattened in BC2. Nowhere is really safe. See some guys holed-up in the top floor of a house? Sneak in with C4 and take the whole place down. This is so satisfying and completely missing from BF3.
Finished a round yesterday with 93/43 K/D which I was pleased with considering I was constantly on the move. My best yet.

19k points and 48k overall. Rank 37 now.

Loving the big ticket servers.

Saying that, I also had a quick blast on Operation Metro yesterday and our team got completely fucking pwnd as they had all 3 flags and our base was spawned at C Flag. Hard work, especially in those boiler rooms and corridors within the subway.

I was using the M16A4 but I was getting so fucking pissed by the guys blocking the corridors and using the M320 grenade launcher (even though the server specifically stated NO M320 or USAS) that I switched to the Support class 240B with extended mags and just lay down in the corridor and unloaded magazine after magazine. My K/D rating would have been about 5/50 but in the end I think it finished as 28/33 which wasn't too bad. It's so satisfying when their guys come running down those cramped corridors into a relentless party of my bullets. Switched back to the assault class after that satisfying death spree.
Im gonna play bfbc2 over the next week or 2..on pc, many servers...just to give it a proper go and see whats best.

Though maybe not on console on PC the gfx on bf3 blow bfbc2 out the water
It's other things as well.

For instance no jets in BC2 keeps everyone focused on the ground combat and achieving the objectives rather than farting about in the air. When a game is only 12v12 I think it's important to keep the combat focused. In BF3 sometimes half the players are in a vehicle.

The UAV is another factor. In BC2 the operator is genuinely vulnerable when using the UAV, which is part of the better balancing I was talking about earlier.

Weapons are nicely balanced. There's nothing like the ridiculous USAS in BF3, and weapons don't have some of the stupid add-ons. BC2 is a bit simpler but better for it.

Destruction - apart from a few rigid structures, most buildings can be flattened in BC2. Nowhere is really safe. See some guys holed-up in the top floor of a house? Sneak in with C4 and take the whole place down. This is so satisfying and completely missing from BF3.

Wasn't the USAS supposed to have been nerfed in the last patch? Because it's still stupidly overpowered, and everyone is still using it. That's the problem with the rent a servers, it's allowing hundreds of high ticket CQ matches in tight corridoor levels with most people using the USAS-12. Battlefield this ain't.

In fact, I gave the game one last chance this morning and that's that, I'm selling it. They've managed to ruin it even more with the latest changes than they did already.

First, I can't find any filters that allow you to just play regular levels and matches that were there before the rent a server thing. So, I look at the servers available, and they're ALL rent a server matches with all sorts of rules, mis-matched teams etc, and with virtually none of the maps available beyond three that everyone renting the servers are seemingly wanting to play.

Then, I go to quick match, assuming this will just play the normal game and not the custom servers. Nope, it throws me into a match on Seine Crossing, where the admin specifies that no claymores or explosives must be used of any kind. Oh, and no spawn camping. Any of these and he'll kick you from the game and ban you from his server. So what is he doing? Spawn killing on flags in a tank, in a server he specifies where you cannot use any explosives. Brilliant.

So basically thanks to the custom servers, I can't find a Rush match any more that has just 75 tickets per team like normal. Usually I'd think having more tickets would be good, but it guarantees that the defending team will always lose. It's hard enough to win a match where you have to defend and whittle down 75 tickets before they set all the MCOM's, let alone having to whittle down 400 tickets, so in all the games I played, the defending team ALWAYS lost. This also meant that every time you switched from attacking to defending, everyone bailed from the server as soon as they could. Totally, and utterly pointless, and poor balancing that ruins the game, for me anyways.

I'm also fed up with the atrocious destruction. Upgraded destruction 2.0 my ass. Some enemy players were in that tower on Davamand Peak, behind our spawn area, reigning down grenade launchers on us, and I was penned in right underneath their window about 30 feet below. I couldn't get any shot at them other than taking out the side of the window he was leaning out of, so I hit it with a grenade launcher of my own. Bearing in mind it's a temporary hut made of flimsy sheet metal, the grenade launcher did nothing to it, and despite him standing at the window, there was almost no splash damage either. So DICE managed to take destruction that saw you able to level entire towns of buildings in BC2 and supposedly 'upgraded' it so that you can't even take out some thin sheet metal with a heavy explosive. Rubbish.
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Not had much problem with the USAS12, not encountered one frag round user since the patch and that's around 25 hours of play from me. Could easily be down to the facts I haven't played a tight-corridor style map in at least 3 months. If they're still overpowered, I'm guessing only those on frantic, claustrophobic maps give a shit, as from my experiences the big map lovers simply do not.

The lack of filters to rid custom servers from the lists is a shame and a big error. Really hope they fix it soon for those who aren't interested in such a deviance. Myself, I've only played on one server for the past 12 or so sessions I've had on the game. Something like 500% tickets, CQ on Gulf Of Oman only. It'll change eventually, I'll get bored and go elsewhere but every single match I'm having is right up my street. It's not like BC2, but it's good in it's own way. Every match will have a couple of guys on the cranes / towers sniping, there'll be a couple going round with the DAO12 and the vehicles are used every now & again apart from the Uncle Nobhead character you always get wherever you go. Some meff last night doing chopper-only play for the full two hours of the match - FLY_SOCIETY and a strictly tank only dickhead called T90_TIMMY. They're just cannon fodder dressed in Mr Crotchy outfits. I destroyed 28 vehicles and disabled over 40. Got 7 flag att/def ribbons. Combat score of over 25,000. Every game is usually balanced well and the lead can switch several times. I had a cracking match a couple of nights ago where our opponents fought back from being 400 tickets down to win with just 4 tickets spare and teamwork to thank.

I'm quite aware that most servers don't offer such joy, I've too been on ones that offer admins doing the exact thing they will ban others for. Buying wins so to speak - booting anyone using the same overpowered tactic you may use. So, I'm sticking with the one I'm at most nights.

Destruction levels aren't what they could be, but with so much more firepower from on the ground, in vehicles on land or in air, I think landscapes would be flatter far quicker than they could be in BC2 - giving less power to the stealth tactics that can be great in BF3. If they were to raise destruction levels up to or beyond the levels of BC2, then I'd hope they lower the amount of rockets in free-firing launchers.
Aye you get the points, well if you quit to the main menu at least. Battle report shows up on Battlelog when the match has ended without you.
I think this is finally going on ebay or something, just tried the game again and had a totally miserable experience with it. It's horrible. They say that people make online games enjoyable, and it's true. Because 99% of all BF3 players I come across play like a complete dick. No-one EVER lays down ammo, no-one EVER waits for you when they're in a vehicle, no-one EVER plays as a team in any capacity, and I find the opposition are doing nothing other than spawn killing and dicking around in vehicles.

The game just plays so repetitively. I can't believe that a Battlefield game has been reduced to this, I mean I played a rush match on Seine Crossing and there's one part where the only possible way to the objective is to get yourself through one route. I find every map has a set 'routine' that everyone plays out in order to try and win, and so the games feel ridiculously repetitive.

But I've had it, the matchmaking is a joke. I quit seven straight matches today because I couldn't find one where the opposition weren't spawn killing to the point where you couldn't move more than ten feet from the back of your own base. I mean one CQ match on Davamand Peak was so one sided, the score when I joined was 680 tickets to 12. I mean really?

I join another game, it's an almost identical score again, and I join the match only to take one step forwards, then get shot in the back by a guy lying behind the spawn area in a bush. Brilliant.

Oh, and I particularly like how THREE times in one match, whilst parachuting off the edge on Davamand Peak, I randomly just died mid-jump, with the game saying I bizarrely committed suicide. Really, really bugged.

Oh, and as for these custom servers, they're bollocks. Full of hypocrites. Every server seems to moan about 'no spawn killing' etc, then the server owner who specified these rules is flying around the opposition's spawn area in an attack chopper on a score of 30 kills. What a complete joke.

I'd maybe even overlook these problems if the gameplay felt like Battlefield, but it doesn't. The maps are closed, one-dimensional, and makes the gameplay feel like a repetition of 'run, gun, die, respawn, run, gun, die, respawn' over and over in quick succession much like COD. In fact that's my problem. It really, really feels like COD, and I suppose we have EA to thank for that.
I think this is finally going on ebay or something, just tried the game again and had a totally miserable experience with it. It's horrible. They say that people make online games enjoyable, and it's true. Because 99% of all BF3 players I come across play like a complete dick. No-one EVER lays down ammo, no-one EVER waits for you when they're in a vehicle, no-one EVER plays as a team in any capacity, and I find the opposition are doing nothing other than spawn killing and dicking around in vehicles.

The game just plays so repetitively. I can't believe that a Battlefield game has been reduced to this, I mean I played a rush match on Seine Crossing and there's one part where the only possible way to the objective is to get yourself through one route. I find every map has a set 'routine' that everyone plays out in order to try and win, and so the games feel ridiculously repetitive.

But I've had it, the matchmaking is a joke. I quit seven straight matches today because I couldn't find one where the opposition weren't spawn killing to the point where you couldn't move more than ten feet from the back of your own base. I mean one CQ match on Davamand Peak was so one sided, the score when I joined was 680 tickets to 12. I mean really?

I join another game, it's an almost identical score again, and I join the match only to take one step forwards, then get shot in the back by a guy lying behind the spawn area in a bush. Brilliant.

Oh, and I particularly like how THREE times in one match, whilst parachuting off the edge on Davamand Peak, I randomly just died mid-jump, with the game saying I bizarrely committed suicide. Really, really bugged.

Oh, and as for these custom servers, they're bollocks. Full of hypocrites. Every server seems to moan about 'no spawn killing' etc, then the server owner who specified these rules is flying around the opposition's spawn area in an attack chopper on a score of 30 kills. What a complete joke.

I'd maybe even overlook these problems if the gameplay felt like Battlefield, but it doesn't. The maps are closed, one-dimensional, and makes the gameplay feel like a repetition of 'run, gun, die, respawn, run, gun, die, respawn' over and over in quick succession much like COD. In fact that's my problem. It really, really feels like COD, and I suppose we have EA to thank for that.
I totally agree with that.It's my 1st BF game after being a COD player,bought BF3 depending on words like teamwork ,diferrent classes,better community.
What I found was the opposite one man army , the same classes (always engineers with RPGs OR sniper fest),the community is as bad as COD.
I bought it 1st on PS3 and in March decided to get it on PC and its the same crap ,same problems.
Guess I'll forget about a company called EA.Based on different experiences ,they sell incomplete games (fifa ,BF3)
Sorry but I have to say that.

Goddamn, that's not the game I'm playing. Usually there are so many ammo crates laying around that I always have full ammo.

What version are you playing?
I'm not seeing the same issues either.

I agree about the custom severs though, some of them are weird and go on for ages.
Yeah I agree with the above, I usually see plenty of ammo and team play, even with randoms. I do see a lot of folk just jumping in vehicles and speeding off with only themselves in mind, though.

But as for the game as a whole, I'm enjoying it - after initially getting frustrated almost every time I played.

Rank 38 or 39 now, whichever unlocks the DOA shotgun.
So much time passed after game realease and it still feels like beta version.

So much hitreg nonsenses when u either shot and have hit/kill mark after 2 seconds or u get killed when u already behind cover. And that is on servers where i get 20-30 ping.. .

Messed up sounds. Sometime u can't hear a sound of tank shooting a shell to you behind 15 meters. Also i often hear whats going on miles away, but not anything what is close to me like enemy sprinting/shooting. Not to mention whack sounds of most guns.

No ig voip. "Playing as a team never been so easy" (or similiar promotional quote by devs) , yeah sure... . Even cs 1.6 has that !

And of course they now gonna charge any extra polygon they make. They even slacked off back 2 karkand maps from vanilla release and then realeased it as dlc for 15 bucks. What a d*cks.
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