Killzone 2

Re: Killzone 2 PS3

IGN - 9.4/10
Eurogamer - 9/10
Play3 Live - 19/20
InsideGamer - 9.5/10
Meristation - 9.5/10
LEVEL - 8 & 9/10
Hobby Consolas - 9.4/10
Gamepro - 5/5
Gameplayer - 9.5/10
OPM UK - 9/10
OPM US - 5/5
Re: Killzone 2 PS3

I found a longer list for ya

Eurogamer: 9
IGN USA: 9.4
IGN UK: 9.4
IGN AU: 9.0
Gamepro 5/5
Gamereactor Norway: 9
Gamereactor Sweden: 10
Gamereactor Denmark: 9
Gamereactor Finland: 9
Spillmagasinet: 6/6
Meristation: 9.5 10 10
Gameplayer: 9.5
Empire: 4/5
Vandal 9.6
PSLife 9.5
Gamepro 10
Inside Gamer 9.5
Konsolifin 5/5
Re: Killzone 2 PS3

Longer still....

Eurogamer: 9
IGN USA: 9.4
IGN UK: 9.4
IGN AU: 9.0
Gamepro 5/5
Gamereactor Norway: 9
Gamereactor Sweden: 10
Gamereactor Denmark: 9
Gamereactor Finland: 9
Spillmagasinet: 6/6
Meristation: 9.5 10 10
Gameplayer: 9.5
Empire: 4/5
Vandal 9.6
PSLife 9.5
Gamepro 10
Inside Gamer 9.5
Konsolifin 5/5
Dewsbury Reporter 4/5
Phil at the local chippy 98.24/100
Women in the que at Tesco "what the hell, get away from me"

Re: Killzone 2 PS3

Funnily enough there's a big lack of 10/10's. With the hype and positive stuff I'm hearing I'd imagine GTA4/MGS4/Halo style perfect scores.
Re: Killzone 2 PS3

I was always expecting high 9's and a couple of 10's and thats what it got really. Either way the most important judgement on the game will be made by me. At least the US pre-order demo is out next week.
Re: Killzone 2 PS3

Eurogamer review.. good god they've included it

"For those without friends, or just wanting to brush up their skills, the Skirmish option allows you to play against up to 15 AI bots on any of the maps. It's more enjoyable than it may sound, simply because the AI is generally pretty dependable and scales nicely. An AI assassination target, for instance, will automatically find a safe spot and keep his back to the wall, which is more than can be said for some of the human players I've encountered. You carry your stats from the online games into these practice bouts, but it doesn't seem to work the other way - you can't grind your level higher by playing repeated offline games against easy CPU enemies."

I love playing offline vs bots - partly to get used to maps and partly because if i can't get online and i still want some DM action im not screwed.
Re: Killzone 2 PS3

I'm very excited about the MP mode after reading the beta thoughts on Eurogamer. I've stayed away from most of the hype to avoid getting ready for the game too early but less than a month isn't too bad.

The part that really tipped me over the edge was where they compare the MP to the original PC version of Rainbow Six and then they went on to speak about the class system that will be "instantly familiar to anyone who has spent time on the Battlefield or Team Fortress series". I loved TF2 and BF.

Scouts are the default snipers, armed with a cloaking device and the ability to spot and mark enemy units for their teammates. Tacticians can deploy spawn points and call in air support, making them useful infiltrators. Saboteurs can disguise themselves and plant bombs, while Engineers erect automated defence turrets and can repair damage. The Medic and Assault classes are much as you'd expect, offering the obvious combat and healing options.

You won't get to try any of these features though, at least not to begin with. Each class must be unlocked by levelling up through the game's military ranks, along with the ability to create clans and the expected additional weaponry rewards. It's a curious decision and one that seems at odds with the game's natural audience. "This system allows for a very natural learning curve throughout because the player is introduced more slowly to every feature, one by one,"

I was split on the decision to force people into unlocking each class as they go - but then at the same time I like the idea. It should mean that people who never would have tried sniping or being a scout will try them and who knows, they might be awesome in the role. Plus it means we'll have less games where everyone picks the same class.
It's still a slightly strange idea, but then it should stop the kids picking the super weapons and running around on their own and especially stop the blind morons picking the sniper class and then camping the entire game getting 1 kill.

you can also boost your chances by joining a four-man squad. Since the game supports up to 32 players, this means that each side can have four organised squads at work rather than sixteen loose cannons. Apart the clear tactical advantage of this division of labour, the biggest benefit of squad play is that you can respawn alongside the squad leader, rather than back at the base, as well as use a private chat channel to coordinate your movements with your comrades.

4 man squads sounds like BF BC. A lot of people complained about not being able to talk to the other team members during a game and being forced into a 4 man team especially if you're spawning on a team of 3 snipers miles away. As long as we can choose to be part of a certain squad or on our own it's not a big deal.

It's another area where the Rainbow Six comparison feels most comfortable - if you stray into somebody's sights, chances are you're going down. Equally, get someone in your sights, even from a distance, and chances are you'll be able to take them down with little more than a quick volley of shots. There is a recharging health system, but it rarely gets the chance to do its thing because the default weapons are so brutally accurate and devastatingly effective. Ammo and replacement weapons, however, are virtually non-existent. If you prefer the sort of shooter where you can stand in the open and soak up damage, while rifles and rocket launchers are scattered about the place like used bus tickets, then Killzone 2 won't be for you.

Sounds good to me - similar to COD then where everyone can kill everyone and the elites don't own new players. They go on to say that the defending team have a huge advantage and are almost invincible if they're behind cover, but it's the same with any attack/defend game really.


The only thing that's making keep hold of my copy of COD:WAW is the lack of game modes. They have the basics there but I've really started enjoying the WAR mode in COD:WAW and even though ive not played it yet theres another i liked the sound of, i think its world at war or something?
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Re: Killzone 2 PS3

SP demo - FED 5TH. Not sure if this is ONLY for the US pre orders or if it's for them and also for us on the EU store. chances will be we will get it next week.
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Re: Killzone 2 PS3

The demo is only for US Gamestop pre-orders on February 5th. For all other North American users the demo is released on February 26th so I would assume the demo will be out around the same time for SCEE regions. Luckily I got my code!
Re: Killzone 2 PS3

Yes the demo is definetly coming out in Europe before the release of the game. But the only problem is no one knows exactly when that is.
Re: Killzone 2 PS3

Knowing Sony I bet the store will be delayed, Happens all the time when im waiting for a big game demo.
Re: Killzone 2 PS3

Killzone 2 currently has a Metacritic average of 95 out of 100.
Re: Killzone 2 PS3

wow did all those kids forget to rate it 0/100 like they did with LBP and RFOM2?

The thing I'm awaiting for regarding this game is... when we will have our LBP Killzone Levels Pack?

Seriously, I'm still dubious about this game. FPS shooters doesn't make my day, I've played too many of them in my life and it doesn't seem to offer nothing new. Maybe it's just that I'm getting old and I'm not very fond of old cliches...
Re: Killzone 2 PS3

Well they said it's the best FPS since Half Life so it must be something special. Otherwise they woulkd have just said something like 'better than the first' or 'on par with resistance FOM2'.

I'm more hyped about the MP class system now after seeing them compare it to Rainbow 6 and team fortress and battlefield.
Re: Killzone 2 PS3

I can honestly say that the time I played with the multiplayer beta was one of the best multiplayer experiences I have ever had. Now I dont know about the campaign, but if multiplayer is so enjoyable im extremely confident that the single player will be the same and the reviews seem to suggest so too. Not long now. Only 3 days until we get a taster. :)
Re: Killzone 2 PS3

Well, I'm more interested in multiplayer after your posts, radiation, but the problem nowadays is to find good people to play online, both with and against. Maybe those bots will kill some loose hours after all (that's a nice addition, but a co-op mode would have been great. In fact, I'm totally confident they will release a co-op dlc we'll have to pay for)
Re: Killzone 2 PS3

If the class system works like it did in Team Fortress then i'll be a very happy man. I loved picking the engineer class and setting up gin turrets protecting areas and then looking at how our team was balanced out and then switching to another class to give us a good balance. Also most people seemed to get that it was a team game and you'd hardly ever find games full of the same class.

I've no idea how the classes will play out on the maps - I mean it might be useless being anything other than a grunt with a machine gun as that gets you the most kills. But hopefully they've really worked at this and got everything balanced up through beta testing to make it something more than just a standard FPS in sci fi.


They say in the interview that's found through your PS3 info bar that a co-op campaign or co-op mission pack is being worked on now. That doesn't mean it will happen as they might just say 'nope, this doesn't work' - and it doesn't say if it's paid for DLC or free DLC.

They also mention they're working on maps and then says they cant any more than that.
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Re: Killzone 2 PS3

Looking forward to this game. I shall be a sniper no doubt unless, like Radiation says above me, the maps are inbalanced. Doesn't sound like they will be though so gimmie my sniper gun please.
Re: Killzone 2 PS3

Yeah balance is the key. If one class has a slight advantage then the elites will swamp it and just wipe everyone else out. Especially if it's as easy to kill someone as in rainbow 6. But by the sounds every class has a role that cannot be reproduced, so a team of the same classes should be beaten by a balanced squad every time.

At least in team fortress the side that had a spy and soldiers and scouts and engineers and grenade launcher guys were always on top and always really hard to break down and beat.

The Eurogamer 'beta hands on' talk about the maps being really well designed

And what of the maps? They're good. Great even. With the game modes directing everyone to attack or defend the same objectives, the maps are freed from the typical artificial arena designs that funnel you into the same choke-points over and over. The larger maps strike a solid balance between open ground, claustrophobic interiors and elevated positions which means there's always a multitude of ways to approach any given situation - a facet of the game that is greatly enhanced by shrewd squad play. Radec Academy is the smallest, and most traditional, of the trio. Featuring two buildings divided by an open plaza, with an underground tunnel and opposing spawn points on each side, this is the map that really throws the players at each other most frequently and is best suited to Body Count mode.

Salamun Market and Blood Gracht are much larger, offering sprawling streets and winding alleyways, with plenty of interiors for ducking out of danger or sneaking past enemy forces.

I'll have to shut up because TF2 was one of my favourite online games and im going to end up going back out and buying it again if i keep reminding myself of how much fun it was.
Re: Killzone 2 PS3

As the EU release is the 25hth and the UK the 27th does anyone know if there is a chance of shopto/play posting for the EU date all over and the uk getting it for the 25th?
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