Football Kingdom [PS2]

oh sorry i didnt realise he was after warez. he's lucky he wasnt banned.
I don't like the shooting.. it makes it feel like Club Football. Also, how the hell do you score tap ins.. the goalie always saves it.
I think NAMCO deserve some credit for this bold effort.
The free passing is a very good innovation. When in possesion, your player has a sort of cross-hair around him and you can move this with the left analogue stick. Then by pressing :triangle: and holding for the desired pace (power bar) you can play some amazing through balls. You will also see your surrounding players making runs if you point the cross-hair in and around them. The best example of this is if your wide midfield players have the ball, point the cross hair towards the touchline and sometimes your full-back will start galloping on the overlap. Roberto Carlos does this a lot. It seems difficult at first but I soon got used to it.
Another nice touch is the injury time scoreboard, which appears on the screen. The passing on the whole is good, but sometimes the players will play, what should be a simple pass, too short.
The crosses are probably the most satisfying aspect of this game, and its quite easy to get on the end of them with headers, although I haven't even connected with a volley yet!
The free kicks are difficult but i like the way they have been designed, as are penalty kicks.
These are just some of the things that first catch your eye, hopefully there will be more suprises as I play the game more.
This game isn't quite as good as WE7I but it offers something different, and as others have suggested it is indeed fun to play. I think a translation patch would help a lot.
Oh, I almost forgot, the nets are the best I have ever seen. I never though I would love the sight of a bulge so much :oops:
JFlores buddy, you're gonne fuckin love the game!!!!!!!!!! I'm loving it! Man, after all these years of WE, this is so refreshing! The free-passing feature is amazing! Now longer do you have to pass to the nearest player or some shit like that, you can anywhere you want! The teammates are great! They run into open spaces, run away from defenders and shit. My last game I was Brazil. I was attacking the left side and all of a sudden I see R. Carlos running like he a monster, down the left flank into open space so I :triangle:'ed him and he put a wonderful cross that I had to hurry to get to and bam - a header! The net rippled like my mom's tits and wow! The goalie animations are nice. They jump like hemans from pos to post and so some nice stuff. The animations over all are decent. The headers look much better than in WE. One new nice animation I noticed was this - I put in a low cross in, the guy wouldn't reach it so he put his foot out and changed the direction of the ball - it wasn't like this slidin thing in WE, it was better. The graphics are good - the models kinda suck up-close but the stadiums and pitch textures are amazing! The goals look amazing too, with the nets moving and shit. Did I mention the NETS ets? :D The gameplay is fluid. I'm just overwhelmed with the Japanese text. Don't know what the hell is going on and the game looks like it's got a number of different options and shit.

The NETS are amazing! The goals are pretty deep (not like in Porto though), deeper than WE and when you score a nice one, the whole thing start moving and it's amazing! So life-like... UHHHH Man!

The A.I. pretty good. It's very hard to get through the defense. They're tough as hell but the good dribbling helps.

I like the FreeKicks. Not the execution but how they look on replays. :D Very nice. Good ball physics. The ball seems a bit heavier than WE.

I'm liking the game. Very nice first try NAMCO. I'll be lookin out for FK2 in teh future.

Play-Asia still ain't shipped my orde yet though :x

I'll be playin this game till WE8 easily.


I wish I could get some videos up. SOON!!!!!!
You didn't mention the shooting jumbo... what do you thnk of it.. I hate it :l I just played WE7i again and it felt like a breath of fresh air.
HOLY SHIT!! THe shootin iS AWESOME!!

I'm likin this game more than WE!!!

In fact, I just let one off (a shot) and it looked so amazing, only Canizares fukin caught it!!


Amazing agme!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


People say it gets boring!? LOL, I can't get off this game! Better than PORN!!

Man, play more and you'll get used to shooting!\

I do agree it's a nice change from WE, would probably be even better if you knew what the hell you were doing in menus, etc. That could be a problem, hopefully someone will make a FAQ or even better a patch for it.
Hell yeah, it's a nice change from WE.

The game looks like the ones in Arcades and plays like a sim. Perfect package.

And yeah, the menus ARE a huge problem. I have no idea what's going.
Football kingdom on web?

hello im so thrilled i want that FK come out on the web so i can download it cant wait to get my hands on it:p,,, anyone know where to dl it?.... thnx :)
ClassicD said:
I do agree it's a nice change from WE, would probably be even better if you knew what the hell you were doing in menus, etc. That could be a problem, hopefully someone will make a FAQ or even better a patch for it.

A nice change from WE, but is it better???
I know I will be the only to say it but... IT'S BETTER!!!

I know that's insane but I can't get off this game!

I love the crosses in this game! You can power them.

In WE, when you get into the PK area the, you press O and some magic shit pops in, you can't control the power and the ball always goes to a player.

Here, the ball is free in the PK area. No invisible shit drawin to one player, whoever's in the air, gets it.

I just had a dude, throw in a good low cross, and all of a sudden, this other dude, ran in from outside the PK beatin everyone to the ball and put it over the bar... Amazing.

This game just feels right.


*runs and hides in the corner, scared of the response to what he said about this game bein better than WE*
gerd said:
A nice change from WE, but is it better???
Over time, I would say no. But I am finished with WE for now anyway, it's a victim of it's own success in that I have played it for so long I cannot enjoy it much anymore, it's very repetitive and stale (I know it isn't, but this is how it feels when you play a lot).

I'm sure as time passes people will figure out more things about FK as well, good and bad. One thing I did notice was loading times, they seem rather long.
One thing I agree on is the crossing, it's not put 'at' a player, it's directed completely by the crosshair before you press :circle: . This is good. I can understand why people want 360 degree in WE now, it opens up a lot more possibilities, though I'm still unsure if WE could exist as we know it with this change.
ClassicD said:
But I am finished with WE for now anyway, it's a victim of it's own success in that I have played it for so long I cannot enjoy it much anymore, it's very repetitive and stale (I know it isn't, but this is how it feels when you play a lot).

Get some mates and the game never loses its enjoyment :)
My first encounter with the game was definitely worthy of getting the thumbs up. Me and my mate played it through the night, 'til about 5am, but was too tired to bother writing an in depth review at that time..

In regards to Noted's point on shooting, I really like the way it's done - you can manually choose how you want to strike the ball, it has the same execution of taking a dead ball, if you are shooting left and you hold UP & RIGHT after you've shot, the ball will go down left. If you hold :l1: whilst shooting the ball travels along the ground. Hold AWAY FROM GOAL when having a shot and you'll chip the ball. Also, if you're in control of a "Superstar" then you won't need to worry about holding the button down too long (ala WE/PES) - you can press down full whack and expect some bullets!!

Defending can be extremely shoddy, I had Desailly running towards the ball when it was rolling into an empty net, and he just turned away and sprinted off, leaving my mate an open goal...

The penalties, at first, seemed like you were left with the task of trying to get a drunken footballer to get it between the sticks, after a couple of penalties my mate and I both realised that it's a similar concept to ISS64, where you can "dummy" a shot one way and go the other. I like it.

Free kicks act as a nice departure from WE (until WE8, where you can have 2 players over the ball), although I've seen a couple of free kicks where a second player stands near the ball to act as a decoy (as far as I know you cannot take control of that player, would be happy to be proved wrong about this!).

A major advancement with the goalkeepers (over WE) is you can release the ball almost as quick as you pick it up. I do, however, sometimes find myself accidentally taking control of the keeper - he ends up running up/down the field and leaving an empty net :l .

Front end of the game is as confusing as you'd expect - my first attempt at player modifying ended with Claude Makelele being a square (you don't have to lose weight if a player's small in height - this can lead to some rather interesting looking characters!). With the players' names it's a bit hit and miss, if you can't read Japanese then you're gonna spend quite a while knowing how to track down, say, Michael Owen (I use that example because I wanted to know what faces to use for English looking players) and it took me about 20 attempts!!

You can give each player a 'Robbie Fowler' nose thingy, like your old man would wear to stop him snoring!! Nasal strips or whatever... You can't change hair colour, which is quite baffling, yet there are over 160 hair types (including the old Freddie Ljungberg 'red streak'). The same can be said for the boots, there's 60 (or is it 50!?) pairs to choose from, whilst you aren't able to edit anything within each pair. There are some weird & wonderful designs/colours, although most players will be covered in the variation! :) Like WE there are 6 free kick styles/stances, which carries over to penalty kicks, ie Rivaldo leaning slightly forwards. There's not an option to give player's long-sleeved shirts/wrist bands/ankle tape/high or low socks, etc. but this doesn't have any major affect whatsoever.

The stadiums are quite nicely done, but it's the pitches that really stand out for me, and obviously (JFLORES) the net animation. If I were to be extremely picky, each stadium could have it's own style of net - but that would only be for the benefit of our Jflores & Jumbo, eh boys!!?

Kit editing seems to have been blatently copied from TIF(WTS) 2004(5), which is by no means bad. If any of you are familiar with their kit structure then you'll be glad this option is there. You can layer each part of the kit, so with the shirt you're given 7 layers (and a base layer) to which you can combine the various shirt styles. There's more sock designs than there are shorts, which I have to admit was rather odd, this therefore meant there were less combinations for the short design. But anything will be better than WE's max of 2 colour socks!

You can intentionally dive in Football Kingdom, but I've not once been pulled up for it. Every time I just chuck myself to the ground, and seem to get up & carry on before anyone's even near me. It's :l1: + :l2: by the way!

From a distance the player models look... well, really quite nice. Up close, though, there's a completely different story. Each player has a massively outward forehead, which is accompanied by a ridiculously low hair-line, on the neck. Whose hair (apart from a bald guy) ends in line with their ears!? If you want to see a catastrophe in the player modelling department, look no further than Christian Vieri, he looks more like Pippo Inzaghi, and way too tanned! The only player to benefit from the funky player designs is Rivaldo - hence the massive foreheads (I'm not talking Declan Donnelly forehead), I mean sticking out above the eyes!!

Overall my first impression is encouraging, I by no means expect it to last longer than WE, nor out-do it in any which way. For the moment (until the arrival of "8") I am gonna be playing it quite a lot. That's me over, wanna see if I can unlock some club teams!! 8)
jumbo said:
Yeah, the loadin times are kinda long.
have to agree with that, try speeding through the various hair cuts, and that's after you've had to wait 10 minutes to load that player's information!!
Damn...finally Konami gets some serious competitor for the best football game! I'm sure FK will turn to be much better in the next few years as well as WE will from now on!!!

Are there any euro'04 stadiums?

You can play as club teams in da Kingdom Mode guys.

Only, there's frikin 10 billion lines of text in Japanese....

Looks like though. Lots of shit to do. You can name your club, edit it from heads to toes and stuff.

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