FIFA 18 (Console Versions)

What camera angle does everyone use?

I am playing demo again and game flows beautifully on default camera. As soon as I switch it to my preferred Tele Broadcast, game is much quicker and easier to score.
Started a Player career mode for Pulisic in16 because the young man just demands my attention but it has no immersion value because not only is his real face not scanned he doesn't even have a picture in 16 just that generic gray model. Can anyone tell me if Dembele (Barca) and Pulisic (Dort) have their face scanned?
My first hours with the game will be focused on those two. Fair play to anyone who has the game continue to enjoy and post. Friday seems weeks away.
Can`t wait for Friday to come. I haven`t been excited like this for a game long time ago. This years game is somehow speacial, at least for me. Every match I see new things and commands using controller that make the game even more real give you full controll on the pitch :)
Interesting. No one use Tele Broadcast then? Maybe that's why I am not enjoying it as much. I remember playing FIFA 14 purely in Tele and loved it.
Got the full game. 98% like the demo. Slightly more polished. Most definitely not slower. Enjoying the presentation. It's not too difficult. Already comfortable on Legendary after playing PES for 2 weeks.

The way the game starts is great. A cinematic of Real va Atletico, then it drops you in the game of the cinematic. Presentation is top notch.
not slower?! but faster!? i want it to be slower as the demo (sliders aside).
I hope they don't patch this game at all. It has a nice pace, nice flow, goals need to be earned, not just spamming the same play.
Response time is a at a sim pace not at arcade button mash.
I am happy with it.
man, i hope the pace fits my prefered playstyle.

@Matt10 @shez thank you guys for the detailed information of your view on the game! appriciate it big time!
same for the other users here giving insights!
Did I mention I’ll get this game too, like every year?! Been playing the demo a lot on full manual... can’t wait for the new slider settings and turning down the pace (if needed).
As I’m mostly an offline player this part of the game is the most important for me. And then there is local multiplayer. My most favorite mode! IMO, nothing beats playing a match against a buddy at home (beer and trash talk included)! :)
Interesting. No one use Tele Broadcast then? Maybe that's why I am not enjoying it as much. I remember playing FIFA 14 purely in Tele and loved it.

I switch between Tele broadcast and classic with height between 16 and 20 zoom 0 on both. I like both, can't quite decide. Been playing mostly on Tele broadcast though. Ideally I want a camera where I have overview over the width of the pitch when attacking, that isn't too low, but not too far zoomed out either. Only the camera tools for Pes on pc have really found my perfect setting, but Tele broadcast is good enough.
as i just read about fouls in the other games thread...
i loved some fouls in the fifa demo. the amount is ok so far.
some looked so real... there is so much more varierty when players collide or grab or something... liked that a lot. its nothing major but it adds!
I'm really naive when it comes to the cameras. I'm used to PES and setting the camera swing to +10, I love the way that looks. I've never been able to recreate that in FIFA offline solo play. Am I missing something?
Interesting. No one use Tele Broadcast then? Maybe that's why I am not enjoying it as much. I remember playing FIFA 14 purely in Tele and loved it.

I use Tele Broadcast. Sometimes I'll bust out the Dynamic, but I tend to stick to the former.
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