PES2008 PS3 Junka'z Hands on impression/ review pics+vids

Thanks for these- hope the pauses are either you pausing it or my connection speed on You Tube being poor- sadly I suspect it neitherr!

The grass looks amazing- can almost see every blade!
Thanks for these- hope the pauses are either you pausing it or my connection speed on You Tube being poor- sadly I suspect it neitherr!

The grass looks amazing- can almost see every blade!

LOL yes m8,dont worry that was just the manual(control the speed ur self) reply in slomo
Junka, is it true that you pick pick any teams from other league c in the master league?

Can you please confirm this?

Haartlijk dank.
Yeah these look great. The graphics are better than I thought they would be. Shame about the players ice skating though.
Are we gonna have evo web online tournies?
Junka: I noticed some un-tucked shirts on some players in your videos. Can you do this manually in the edit mode, or does it just happen randomly?
I have just played the 360 version and although the game is a lot better than the demo what was a big let down for me is the fact you can not move your joypad across and take control of a cpu team in the cup or league modes.
Can you confirm junka if it's the same on the ps3 version , because this was a let down on the first so called next gen release pes 6 on the 360.
Cheers m8
pfff lots of questions :O
im at work now i can not answer al of them.
@luisportobello i have not played ML yet m8...not gonna until a good OF ;)
@Thomas. far as i happends during match m8
all other questions can be answerd by other users who are in the PES2008 chat room;) and have axx to the game
already lots of ppl joining im sure if you ask there u get a answer right away:) peace
Junka please can you answer my question regarding moving joypad across , not getting any joy on that chat page m8
u wil get a JAVA applet,u need to accept...then it wil connect.
But best is to use s IRC script like mIRC
use server other efnet server) join channel #PES2008
Chico the slowdowns on PS3 is not that bad.....its only frame rate dropping on some stadiums,its not like u cant play the game anymore.
To be honest it doest bother me anymore.
just got my copy today
and i can confirm that there is a huge diffrence betwen os3 version and the pc demo ..
i really like it on ps3 the grafics amazin and the gameplay more realstic the the pc demo .. no slow down and no scretching .. i'm playing it on samsung 37 HD 1080i ..

i have played against inter and beat them 4-2 as top player ..

brb play time
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