[Next Gen] Fifa 14 - General Discussion

I'm having a lot of fun with this now. I swallowed my pride and went back to assisted passing and shooting, semi crossing and manual through ball, took off analogue sprint and I'm now able to compete as I should do. In fact the game seems to play out better for some reason. I can keep pace with dribbling attacking players now, player passing is still very individual even on assisted (now simple passes don't go astray as thy wouldn't with top players) and I'm back using old school tele cam.

I've been playing as Napoli and its a joy. I swear the last patch added some weight and much needed sluggishness to player movement, because it seems miles better. I sprinted with my winger into the corner, at full speed, tried to stop and turn to keep the ball in play and he only succeeded in staggering and trying to gain his footing because his momentum carried him and the ball over the line.

Have no idea why I'm terrible at this on semi settings, but there you go. I could play PES on zero assists but not this. Oh well, the main thing is to enjoy the game so I've given up trying to use more manual passing.
Have no idea why I'm terrible at this on semi settings, but there you go. I could play PES on zero assists but not this. Oh well, the main thing is to enjoy the game so I've given up trying to use more manual passing.

I gave up playing manual a couple FIFAs ago and my enjoyment and frustration levels are much better now. For me the choice was between either slowing the game down significantly using sliders to accommodate manual passing, or playing at default speed with semi/assisted settings. I prefer the latter. (And personally I think I notice more individuality with it assisted settings than manual.)

I've also played around with analog sprint on and off, and you might be on to something, though I'm not sure. Honestly I don't really have the problems you mention of keeping up with CPU players - sometimes they beat me; sometimes I beat them - but there does seem like there might be a slightly quicker burst when not using analog sprint. I'm not sure yet. One thing I noticed though is that I really missed not being able to use analog sprint in attack, and I kinda felt that the game played a bit more frantic with it turned off.
Have they fixed the custom controller problems yet?

Fucking lazy money grabbing bastards are quick to sort out Ultimate Team problems but shit that should work from the get go is overlooked.

Its when you play multiplayer on the same console.

I play custom A and mates play alternative/custom b.

You start a game and the controls will have changed to both Custom A, B or Alternate, so we go into settings and change the controller that's wrong go back to play the game and its switched the other players control to the one we just changed it to.

Do they not realise we all still have non virtual friends that actually come round and play games against each other.

Its absolute bullshit adding to the fact they took out tournaments as well, it pisses me right off as that's the only time i play Fifa or games in general.
This game keeps getting better and better after every update, the only thing iv not convinced is the difference in keepers, they all feel the same to me
This game keeps getting better and better after every update, the only thing iv not convinced is the difference in keepers, they all feel the same to me

Totally agree. Keepers are adequate, for the most part, but could really use an upgrade.
Its when you play multiplayer on the same console.

I play custom A and mates play alternative/custom b.

You start a game and the controls will have changed to both Custom A, B or Alternate, so we go into settings and change the controller that's wrong go back to play the game and its switched the other players control to the one we just changed it to.

Do they not realise we all still have non virtual friends that actually come round and play games against each other.

Its absolute bullshit adding to the fact they took out tournaments as well, it pisses me right off as that's the only time i play Fifa or games in general.

Coopz, you are a passionate man.
Well the yo-yo continues, this morning I played a couple of games and it was a joy, I scored some great goals and won some games. I got back home this evening and played a few more, it was awful, the COM just thrashed the shit out of me and I don't know why. None of my team were moving off the ball, the COM players could twist and turn and slalom past my defenders like they weren't there, and scored goal after goal after goal where the COM would hit a first time long ball from deep in their half, about 70 yards, and as the screen scrolled left to right I realised my defenders had gone AWOL. For no reason, time after time. When they were there, for some reason the game just made them miss the ball by default and through to the striker, who would instantly control the ball on his chest like it had glue on it, and run in on goal. Aston Villa just did that time after time to Benteke and there was fuck all I could do about it. The long passes were so pinpoint and from so deep in their half that I couldn't react as the players weren't even on screen when the pass is initially played.

Sit my defence a little deeper, and Agbonlohor smacks one in from outside the box. The game is so fucking frustrating on World Class I think I'm just gonna put it onto Professional, there's absoutlely no way the COM should be this clinical in front of goal. It probably scores 90% or more of all shots it takes on goal. It plays like a robot, plain and simple.
Maybe you just need a break from the game, or try some more "extreme" sliders, I know the ones you use are only very minor tweaks, perhaps consider the ones I or others have posted, see if they work for you better :)
Actually fuck this game, I have enough of it. Hundreds and hundreds of matches and I'm still getting blasted 3 and 4 nil regularly.

I'm totally sick and tired of seeing EVERY clearance being a pinpoint laser guided pass to a COM attacker. Every single time. I'm tired of seeing my shots blocked in the penalty area and the ball spinning perfectly to a COM defender, and then the opposite happening in my penalty area, I'm tired of playing game after game after game where I throw the kitchen sink at the COM, their keeper makes acrobatic save after save, I hit the post, then the COM goes up the other end and scores three goals from their only three shots on target in the entire game.

I'm tired of trying to defend against the COM , especially on the wing, by trying to mirror the COM attacker's movements only for him to send me the wrong way by turning at lighting speed and one tiny, wrong flick of my directional stick makes the defender go wildly in the wrong direction. I don't know what else to do, as using the contain button does absolutely fuck all. It just gives the COM time to shoot.

Four games tonight, ten goals conceded, one scored, I had about 25 shots on target to the COM's 10, one of mine went in and all ten went in for the COM. I've got no idea how others on here are seemingly blitzing the game unless it's purely through using sliders, I've tried them and can't find a balance I like, and the default game is basically a robotic, cheating mess.
LOL, tried one more game after a break, lost 2-0 after extra time with Arsenal against Norwich, key moments included me having a header cleared off the line by a COM defender doing a crazy bicycle kick to clear the ball, and it went perfectly between two of my own players on the edge of the box, straight to a Norwich player, who turned, ran with thee ball, smacked a 60 yard pass over the top of my defenders, their attacker controlled it like the ball had glue on it, ran in and drilled it into my net. Low, into the net, of course, the COM almost never, ever, ever scores with anything other than an inch perfect drive low into the corner, often against the inside of the post.

Seriously, fuck this game. It's too easy on one difficulty and it's a cheating fucking mess on the next step up. Bicycle kicks off the line turning into pinpoint through balls my arse. What a crock of shit.
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Super I know what you mean, I have made video on CG (well, sorry, I don't buy into NG when those are released like crazy mofo ;)).

Ok, we are in this time and place when we should start talking about what you want improved for FIFA 15.

I did a little video of what I want improved:

YouTube - FIFA 14 (PC) | Moddingway 1.9.1 and post patch views | HD

I did mention few things there, but I will summarise it as I didn't fit all in and I remembered afterwards:

- defensive AI needs to step up for users
- referees need to be given some doubtful decision mechanics
- Player Impact Engine needs a complete rework in my book. Sometimes I find foul looking hilarious or get given penalty when I won the ball clearly... But the player tripped due to P.I.E. bug/glitch. Not to say much, but this engine lacks POWER (try PES 2014 and their MASS to see what I mean about HEAVY tackles - this is one area PES 2014 excels at imo)
- player models need to be upgraded - another are PES did better (bur that's it for this year lol :D).
- Player switching can still be glitched or not let you switch to correct player at times.
- Defensive clearances STOP working when AI decides you're too good. All rebounds and loose ball situations go to AI. Nothing you can do about this. I call this scripting...
- controversy for most, but I can do without sliders. Haven't touched them this year and if AI is improved to the level EA can do it, there would be no need for them anyway (and AI can be great, check FEAR or PES 5 (for its time it was v. advanced you know :P)).
- stadiums, crowds are already improved much in NG version, so no point of doing same for CG (sadly, PC users will be on this engine till 2017 at least ;().
-Overhead kick clearances from defenders. Seriously, if this happened once in a game, it would be ok, but when you see it happen 3 or more times in one game, it becomes obvious game is not very realistic. Plus clearances like that usually find their targets... Fixing needed.

That's it for now, if you have more, add them here. I haven't done Online stuff as I don't play it. Career mode, I need to get time to do and find issues with it (and there are some like Scouting :P).

Feel free to add to the wishlist. I know who to bombard nowadays for those to get attention at least. Much more reliable than KONAMI will ever be too...
LOL, tried one more game after a break, lost 2-0 after extra time with Arsenal against Norwich, key moments included me having a header cleared off the line by a COM defender doing a crazy bicycle kick to clear the ball, and it went perfectly between two of my own players on the edge of the box, straight to a Norwich player, who turned, ran with thee ball, smacked a 60 yard pass over the top of my defenders, their attacker controlled it like the ball had glue on it, ran in and drilled it into my net. Low, into the net, of course, the COM almost never, ever, ever scores with anything other than an inch perfect drive low into the corner, often against the inside of the post.

Seriously, fuck this game. It's too easy on one difficulty and it's a cheating fucking mess on the next step up. Bicycle kicks off the line turning into pinpoint through balls my arse. What a crock of shit.

Suuuuuupertalk, we all knew that it was just a matter of time until you goes back to PES... You miss PES mate... And PES misses you :SMUG:
who are struggling with FIFA , i've found a Guide for every aspect of the game


for the newcomers it might come handy, this game is more complex than PES i must say and the control scheme is more reasonable, strange tho that some of these arent in the general EA guide

Cheers mate, I'll take a look at that tonight. I just can't defend, I concede two or three goals a game. And wgen that happens, you notice stuff like laser guided long passes, chipped theough balls that auto-evade your defender, and dodgy deflections at both ends. I know it's mainly down to me not helping myself but I'm fed up with it now. And I'm so so tired of seeing someone like Rooney denied by an average keeper time afte time, only to see the other team's left-back go up the other end and hit an unstoppable drive in off the post from one shot on goal. Grrr.
Suuuuuupertalk, we all knew that it was just a matter of time until you goes back to PES... You miss PES mate... And PES misses you :SMUG:

I actually really do miss PES, it's just a shame that since PES2014 it's turned to utter shite. Oh well, there's plenty to enjoy about FIFA14 except I just can't play the stupid thing properly at all.
That's strange, PSN is down for maintenance tonight, so I tried playing offline, and all the game's squads appear reset. Mata back at Chelsea etc, no transfer updates. Really odd. Do squad updates not work offline?
i guess u exhibition with match day on and match day works only with internet connection, u have to download manually the updates somewhere in the menus to make the default database up to date...in "edit teams" or somewhere there is download updates
I actually really do miss PES, it's just a shame that since PES2014 it's turned to utter shite. Oh well, there's plenty to enjoy about FIFA14 except I just can't play the stupid thing properly at all.

buddy i used to get very frustrated when i first started playing this game, i was struggling to score, defend against the wingers, but after i used placebos slider settings as a template and made a few minor adjustments i cannot get of this game, also if your getting frustrated with there pinpoint passing jus drop the passing error frequency lower to the point where your satisfied, good luck.
Well the guide Gabe kindly posted really helped, using L2 all the time helps a vast amount, but I still can't win a game. Eight games tonight, no wins. Virtually all were draws or losses by the odd goal. I can defend perfectly for 89 minutes yet the COM will always find a way of scoring. And the amount of times I hit the post is bizarre, that's beyond coincidence. Something odd is going on with that.

I just can't win. I pummelled Hull with Arsenal earlier, they didn't have a single shot on goal, using L2 was great both in winning the ball while jockeying and for virtually everything else too, I was winning challenges, closing the ball down, I hit the post twice, had several ludicrous moments where the ball stayed out of the goal, then on 90 minutes the game flipped a switch of some kind and Hull turned into hulk-like maurauding lunatics, winning every tackle, closing me down to the point where I couldn't clear the ball because they were charging me down before the power bar could charge at all, and surprise surprise they manufacture an absolutely shitty goal with the last kick of the game.

No matter what I do I can't stop the COM scoring, and can't take chances myself. When I shoot, the ball always finds a way to stay out, then the COM goes up the other end and hits a perfect shot straight in every time.

Dunno how to stop that to be honest, I've tried sliders but nothing feels right, and can't explain why I can barely ever finish chances and can defend perfectly for the whole game minus 20 seconds or so where the COM always manages to find a goal I just couldn't do anything about,
Does anyone else find the clearance button in this game annoying? Sometimes it's safer to just kick it out for a corner or throw in but the player insists on turning his whole body and kicking up to my striker which can lead to the cpu snatching the ball off my defender leaving them a clear chance on goal. Think I'm just going to manually clear the ball now.

Supertalk I think you should just knock it down to professional for a bit mate sounds like your having a tough time. I played about 3 seasons on pro before moving up to world class(with their passing error increased) finding it an even better game now.
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