24 - Day 4

Can I take it that you arent enjoying this series mate? I think its been good but not a patch on last year. In the last seies you really hated the bad guys and wanted them all to die in the most horrible way possible but so far this series they are seem quite conservative.

Michelle now has a bit of power and is loving it, she was always a bit up herself anyway but now she has genuine reason to be.

I have come to the conclusion that Paul is Superman, what with Jack sparking him up a week or 2 ago and now the beating he took in the office. A fucking bullet wont stop him, he will save the world on his own.

And the President is still in the air, where in the fuck is he going?
I have been saying this is not the best day, it's just to predictable.

And I wholeheartedly agree with your last statement CD.

Fuck Michelle with a rusty iron pole.
CWright said:
I have come to the conclusion that Paul is Superman, what with Jack sparking him up a week or 2 ago and now the beating he took in the office. A fucking bullet wont stop him, he will save the world on his own.?

Cmon guys Michelle wasnt that bad in day 2! as for the President and the rest of the day, I hope its not as obvious suicide mission into air force?
Placebo said:
I must be alone cos I'm really enjoying it, it's Jack Bauer, kicking ass, what more do you need? :)

Well you say that, and it's all well and good, but I think the biggest problem is that there has been too much action. The last day was more cerebral, this time it's just firefight after firefight.

I'm not saying it's a bad thing but there should be more of a balance.

I hope the series hasn't peaked at day 3. :(
Big time! quite a cunning little trick by the bad guys though! I cant make my mind up if im glad to see Chloe back or not!
Best ep for a while last night although jack didnt really do much its looking more likley that president gonna get it?
The President deserves to die, he has done fuck all (Please take note that I am referring to the tv show 24 and not the current monkey like Texan in charge for real)
Thats it, the new President is a fucking nobhead
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I knew this was going to happen, but it was still immense.
I've just finished watching the whole series :) It's brilliant.

Your graphics skills are improving by the day by the way Hutch!
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Chris Davies said:
I've just finished watching the whole series :) It's brilliant. The ending's a kick in the nuts though. So much so that it'll never be the same from now on. Harness all your mental strength for the last episode.

Your graphics skills are improving by the day by the way Hutch!

I didn't make that. I've heard rumours of the ending too. I won't say anything else.
And there was me thinking that Edgar would go on a gun rampage
I so hope that President Palmer doesn't bring back toooo many side kicks!
Its taken me a couple of days to recover from the events that unfolded in Sundays episode. That was a bit fuckin heavy wasnt it?!
Definitly pulling the series around after a slow middle patch, I still had it in my mind that Paul had something to do with it all, obviously not now!
Finished the season a few days ago, ended saving them up, 9 episodes in 2 days, series was fucking awesome as always, roll on the next one :)
I watched the last episode a while ago, I saw them all as they came out in America. God bless torrentspy ;)

But...the series was pretty shit! Maybe it's just because I've seen all 24 seasons..but it was just too damn predictable! I predicted basically everything that happened, there were no real major shocks...it was really poor compared to the other series.

Tony is officially screwed as he told Michelle that he loved her and they would always be together before going out, if only he`d have waited to tell her.

Roll on Sundays double episode Finale
My girlfriend hasn't watched any 24's so we started again from Season 1, watched all of it over two weekends, it's funny because after watching 4 seasons going back to season 1 makes it seem really, really slow, I kept saying to her that the pace picks up in following seasons and there's more action and suspense but she was saying she felt breathless watching season 1 :)
Ive recently started watching series 1 again as BBC1 are running it again late on a Friday, CTU justs seems so dated!
I don't want Tony to die, but as has been said he's a dead man walking.

As soon as they confessed thier love for each other I knew it was all over for him.

The only real question is will they stop the nuke?
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