24 - Day 4

Wonder how much of that £4.50 actually gets paid to 24......

I was watching a couple of the new Splinter Cell movies this morning and it had me thinking that Jack would be great as the star of a similar game, perhaps less stealth themed and more action themed but it could work really well, if only to get to be Jack kicking ass and to hear the CTU phones ringing ;)
Placebo said:
Wonder how much of that £4.50 actually gets paid to 24......

I was watching a couple of the new Splinter Cell movies this morning and it had me thinking that Jack would be great as the star of a similar game, perhaps less stealth themed and more action themed but it could work really well, if only to get to be Jack kicking ass and to hear the CTU phones ringing ;)

There is a 24 game in the pipeline mate. No firm news on it yet but it has been announced
Cool, some kind of action/puzzle solving game would be good. I wonder if they could work a real time element into it?

Although that could end up being a bit restrictive. I hope whoever makes it doesn't wreck the license, as often happens. :(
CWright said:
There is a 24 game in the pipeline mate. No firm news on it yet but it has been announced

Really? Sweet :) After I had my "thought" I searched IGN but couldn't find anything, let's hope it doesn't end up like the Alias game :(
Have any of you guys seen the 24 stuff on vodfone (24 Conspiracy) its like a mini series i think!

So a bit of an uneventful hour last night, still I guess it can't be 100mph all the time.

Didn't think they'd catch the bloke in the heli, then they did, then he got slotted!

Quite good to see Marianne get arrested, didn't like her from the start hopefully torture dude will get to work his magic on her.

What does the advert for the job of torturer (sp) say?

Needed one sadistic individual who is happy to torture men and women alike. If you feel you fit this description please apply in writing to CTU!
Saw it coming a mile off that the guy would get popped, piss-poor show from Jack and Tony arsing about in the open when they should have immediately bundled him into the car.
Yeah I think with the previous 3 series' I was surprised by everything, this season it was obvious Marianne was "bad" and it was obvious that guy was going to get shot, probably in hindsight it was pretty obvious that Jack's replacement at CTU was going to get killed.

Fun thing this year is that there are nekkid pics of the head of CTU, can we get admin permission to post them here? ;)
Placebo said:
Fun thing this year is that there are nekkid pics of the head of CTU, can we get admin permission to post them here? ;)

Nope, those interested can PM you for the link.

It was a slow hour last night. Good to see that Tony has turned into an alcoholic woman beater ;)

Edgar seems to be the only one with any sense in that office and at times he seems a real gimp, God help us all. How good is Sec. Heller though, the guy does what needs to be done and he doesnt fuck about
Definitly not a good ep last night plot was as pedictable as the OC, Im Hoping there is whole lot more to the Mariane thing!
What's UK TV up to? I don't want to spoil anything for anyone ;)

Nice to see that Curtis can kick some ass with the best of them, he seemed like a pussy whipped nobody early on :)
Placebo said:
What's UK TV up to? I don't want to spoil anything for anyone ;)

A car exploded and Curtis collared the moley bitch. JAck and Tony pulled some guy out a chopper but he got gunned down

The President is still in his plane
I think this season has been good up til now, we will see how the rest of it pans out. No more old characters though please, Tony is enough. Any more would just be added without any point, apart from Kim obviously ;)
CWright said:
apart from Kim obviously ;)

Its just not the same without the whats kim gonna do next!?
As for last nights ep seing as how the melt downs have started i was expecting more!? one more thing would you have walked if you were Curtis?
It was far to easy for Driscell(sp) to give that speech after getting ctu to pick her daughter up at the begining!
It seems a little hit and miss this time is all.

One episode your flying the next it's not all that entertaining. I have loved all the other series though.

Maybe I'm expecting too much.
Only just watched the latest (UK) episode, thought it was a bit better than last week's. One thing I picked up on tho was Beruz' mother said she'd tell them how to stop it if they showed her the certificate, which they do. The next thing we know they've completely forgotten about stopping the meltdowns, extracting any kind of info about them from her, and instead are off to pick up Beruz (bear in mind they don't even know the father is also headed there)!???
It's a couple of episodes back for me, but as far as I recall she says that she will only help them when Behrooz is safe, at that time the knowledge she has is the only lead that Jack has, so he has no choice but to try to take Behrooz into custody so his Mum will comply......
I hope this season picks up again for me anothere so so episode, Audrey ex in with the terroists never! (definatly not a big suprise).
There are always a couple of dull, predictable episodes. Behrooz is turning into a serial killer, get that kid locked up now before he ends up killing the entire CTU team.

Ooh, and Tony is proper back, with a badge and everything :mrgreen:
Can someone tell me what happened in the last couple of minutes please?

I fell asleep. :roll: And woke up as Jack was staring angrily then it finished.
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JimJoeC said:
Can someone tell me what happened in the last couple of minutes please?

I fell asleep. :roll: And woke up as Jack was staring angrily then it finished.

Jack went to interview his birds fella Paul, that is all.

Onto this weeks episode. Where the fuck is the President travelling to, he has been on his plane since the first hour?!

Curtis is harder than I gave him credit for, the way he snapped that guys neck was poetry in motion.

Not being cruel and all that but am I glad Driscolls daughter killed herself, she was a complete pain in the ass and as far as I can tell there was no point to her.

And now that the reactors are all fine where are we going with the rest of the series?
Good point about the President, he's circled the globe a few times already by now I think, must be using that unlimited fuel cheat code.

Much better this week, with plenty of violence. First, Jack strips down a lamp to the wire and tortures Paul via electric shock (must try that sometime, think I'll fill out my will first though). Then Curtis goes all Bruce Lee on his captors before breaking one of their necks, a nice solid 'crunch' there too.

Agree on the daughter (Melissa was it?, she had to go and she did the honourable thing. It's weird this programme, there are so many people I hate in it.

Edgar's 'celebrations' were euphoric!
Agree with you all much better show this week, Didnt Mrs Araz say that the terroist has other cells all over the country!? I still think Paul knows more than what he said and even if he didnt surley he would of told jack to look at the Laptop before being tortured!
Tame exit for Driscell thought there would have been more there, Cant see her pulling a Geroge Mason. What do we think michelle and Tony back together before the end of the series?
First up, let me say I never liked Michelle much in the first place, but now she's joined my 'I wish you'd die' list, the snooty bitch.

What the hell was with Paul, one minute he's giving it "I don't think I can go on" and Jack had to carry him, then in the shop he was fucking sprinting around!!??

Another thing that bugs me (yes, yet another) is the 'patriotism' in this season. We've already had Heller thinking he's GI Joe and saying he'll die for his country, etc earlier on, and last night we get the store owners going on about how they love this country and they want to fight the terrorists. Did anyone notice the US flag draped over a shelf/wall unit in one scene? It's actually quite sickening how much they are pushing this angle.

This season has at timese been mediocre, fucking Michelle Dessler, fuck off!
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