Orange Box HL2

7 August 2004
So anybody excited about this? Ive played HL2 on the pc with somewhat limited specs so i cant wait to play it in full hd glory with episode 1 and 2 added to the story. Portal also sounds like fun to pass some time and team fortress sounds really good if you play online.

Eurogamer review (10/10):

After completing Bioshock i haev to say i thought HL2 was the better game. So anybody who missed out on it a few years ago and really enjoyed Bioshock should give this a try!
Really looking forward to it, purely for Team Fortress. It reminds me of TimeSplitters and I loooved that game.
Portal is a wonderful game, short but fantastically sweet - and really, really funny.

I have been having a lot of fun with TF2 Beta too, its a beautiful game. The graphics and the animation are all absolutley spot on. Plus, I love team based games and this reminds me of getting groups together in WoW a little where every class has a role to play but different combinations and teams keep it interesting. Uber-Charging Pyro's and going on a flaming rampage is good times.

I have been saving HL2 Episode 2 for later, hopefully get some time to play it tonight after work. I am very excited.
Getting Lost while playing Half-life 2
Apparently, the design team working on Half-Life Episode 2 are fans of the ABC TV show, Lost. This morning I received an email from Kotakuite p00pzilla with this screenshot clearly showing a symbol on the wall that mimics the logo of Lost's Dharma Initiative. Now add to this the email I received yesterday from another Kotakuite saying he had seen Lost's mysterious string of numbers, "4 8 15 16 23 42" on a CRT computer screen in a blocked off room of the game's second level. Unfortunately he didn't include a screenshot so I had to let it go by, but now with this corroborating evidence, it's clear that the HL2 team is slipping in references to a favorite show. Has anyone else found Lost references n HL2? if so, be sure to send in a screenshot so we can add it to the dossier
Tis pretty cool! Can't wait tog et my hands on this, I have only played Half Life once, and that was a demo on PC lol!
Cant forget the hilaritys on the first version of TF! But I cant decide, should I get this or go with world in conflict, anyone that has them both could you advise me?
Wont get this game until next year at the earliest, Half Life does not interest me, neither does Portal. TF2 is all I want from this orange box.
great game guys. much better than HL2 Ep1. first game in a while that has gripped my attention.
Halo 3 was a damp squib for me and stoppped playing after 4 levels. was bored. But HL2 Ep2 rocks. can wait ti get home to continue it,

Pretty cool they filled up the disc with all the other games as well. Other devs take note in how to provide value for money to customers.
Havent even touched portal or team fortress yet! A must have game IMHO

I am so getting this, been looking forward to Orange Box for ages.
I'll pick this up at the end of the month. November is going to be expensive for games :(
Thank God it's my birthday on Friday. I've asked for three games (Orange Box, Quake Wars [because the girlfriend plays it literally three hours a day] and Football Manager 2008). :)
What present do you want from Evo-Web Jack? ;)

I am not being funny, Half-Life 2 on the original Xbox was one of the best games I had ever played - it blew me away. Orange Box is a fantastic release. Anyone know if any of the titles will be multiplayer i.e. online?
had a quick play with Team Fortress on orange box. it is online. Good fun. Player classes seem very balanced. Didnt play much as Jumped back into HL2 Ep2 asap!!!! I am on a later awesome boss (es) level and it is superb!!
I can't wait for this. My bro is treating me to it as an early Xmas pressy! :)
Do you guys know if this is basically a direct port off the PC or is it made to look good on the 360?

looks pretty damn good on my 360. as good if not better as HL2 Ep1 on my PC. Am pretty sure it has the same high ers textures, shadows, and HDR lighting etc

Plus i never really liked FPS on consoles as I havealways preferred mouse and keyboard. BUT for some reason on HL2 Ep2 I actually like it. It is very responsive even on the default controller settings.
Yeah they have upgraded the graphics for the 360 release. Atleast according to eurogamer. Although if you played it on a top end pc a couple of years ago you might not notice much difference i guess. I didnt, so i cant wait to play it in HD goodness :D
Can't wait for tomorrow. I think I will start with Half-Life 2 - I never finished it on the original Xbox. Anyone got the achievements list?
Had it in my hand today in the shop. Didnt buy it though as i just dont have enough time the coming month to play it every night, which i would want to do :(

Will probably ask for it for xmas.
Had it in my hand today in the shop. Didnt buy it though as i just dont have enough time the coming month to play it every night, which i would want to do :(

Will probably ask for it for xmas.

What shop!? Where? Where can I get it today!?
Also, another question (albeit a silly one):

What order should I play the Half-Life games in?
HL2 - ep1 - ep2.

I mean you wouldt watch lotr/starwars/godfather/etc 3 and then go back to the first one would you?

Its in NL, regarding the shop, and todays is the official releasedate over here.
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