Heavy Rain - PS3

Postman just came. Late as usual. He delivered a game for me. Turned out to be God of War Collection which I ordered yesterday and not Heavy Rain. Oh well. Hopefully it arrives tomorrow now.
Me too, the game save is locked :BRICK:

Fill out this form if you've already redeemed the code in the special edition.

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Absolutely brilliant so far, very absorbing. Just spent 2.5hrs playing it and it just flew by.

Starting to gather a lot of clues now, it's getting really interesting.

Oh and on a side note, love the HMV special edition packaging :).
Can't wait for tomorrow :) Staying in my girlfriends tonight so dropping her off at the train station so she can get to work, then I'm off to Asda to pick up the game, some muffins and Pringles to enjoy my day :D
Nah I think a game like this will split everyone in half like Marmite. You either love it or you just don't get it.
Yeah there's a mandatory install at the beginning, which speeds up loading so it's worth it. You can make your origami figure whilst it's installing, so it's not all bad.

The patch is a bit dodgy though, mine crashed the first time I started the game and had no sound, but has been fine since.
I'm about 75% of the story now, been playing the game last two days at the cost of my sleep hours. It's just GREAT.

Not only it's a good game, but a fantastic story with great characters. I don't know if there's actual branching in the story at any point, I will discover this the secondth time I play it.

But the experience the first time you play is indeed awesome. It's ages since I wasn't that INTO a game. Sure there are some technical shortcomings and some scnes you won't like as much as the rest (as it happens in any movie), but... forget them, the story is upopn this.

I've lived some very powerful moments, not only in the twists of the story but also in very little and smart details. There are a lot of them scattered around. They make you feel like the characters, and characters feel and behave as human with human emotions. This is a milestone in history gaming in my oppinion: doing very mundane things that make you feel better or worse as a person while playing. It's empathy at the highest level.

I can only say it's something mature people may appreciate more (if you're a father, or you've passed a depression, or you really care and suffer for the people around you, this game is going to push you to the limit sometimes).

My wife has cried sometimes while playing. Sure, she also cries watching films, but this is the first time she's so moved by a game. That must mean something.
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Only just started playing, just got past the second intro really but it's VERY, VERY nice so far. I agree with Drekkard about the feeling of emotion. Already I've had a really warm feeling from the start of the game, and the panic and sadness that you also feel is just incredible really. Didn't think a game could convey so much to make you feel so involved. Brilliant.
Glad to hear people discussing the narrative, and emotional aspects of the game rather than idiots who will just go on about the fact there is a scene involving a naked woman.
Getting better and better. It's everything I wanted Fahrenheit to be and more!

Just did the scene where you drive down the freeway, brilliant!!

What. A. Game.

These trials are a bit intense!! Chopping off the end of your finger?! :SHOCK:

18's only game, definately!
No crashes yet no.

I've just finished a scene with erm... the keyword would be 'bandages' and erm... that should be a big enough clue. It was the 3rd Shelby mission I think and shouldn't give anything away.

Shelby's second mission...
the shop scene...
. My play ended after about 3 minutes. I went to get the asthma sprays. The guy came in, pointed his gun - and I just walked up behind him (caught the box) and smashed him over the head with the bottle.

Really enjoying it but holy shit is it intense. I mean it's just constant pressure on you. I thought with so much of the game being a passive experience, as you'd be sat watching your choices play out bit by bit. That you'd be sat, almost bored pressing buttons here and there to get to the next good bit.
But you hardly have time to breath and when you do, even the mundane options open to you have you sat at full attention making you think and contemplate your next choice.

I love how even the tiny insignificant choices affect the story. Nothing gigantic like changing who lives and dies based on a flip of a coin but like in the opening scene;
[opening scene spoilers]
where you can choose work or to go into the garden and mess about. when your wife comes home she asks if you got any work done - oh shit, thank god I did do some work. I don;t think I would have wanted to have her come in and start nagging me for goofing off in the garden.

Made a couple of choices here or there that I immediately regretted but I made them on instinct and so I'm still on my true first run through where I'm not influenced by anyone or anything.

The main regret was one where you have a split second to hit a button prompt, which I pressed. Mainly because it flashed up and I panicked trying to press it in time. Before I realised what I had done... well... I won't be rushing to hit that button on my next play through.

For those who have finished the game or past Shelby's 3rd mission with the bandages this won't be a spoiler
I'm talking about the crucifix guy. Yup I fired my gun as he turned. I didn't even know what the prompt was for, I just hit it and BANG. Oh well.


I need to stop playing through for a while because it's just drained me.

My only niggle with the game is the walking controls. I don't mind R2 to walk forwards as it stops you walking into a room, the camera swaps and up becomes down and you walk back out of the room. But, I keep trying to turn a corner or turn on the spot or more importantly walk forwards and slightly to the left or right as a slow speed and my guys stood there doing a dance on the spot or he's turning into the wall or something else that really breaks the experience.


Oh and I kept reading about complaints about the voice acting in other threads on the net. Where does the voice acting become bad enough to be a complaint? So far I've not noticed anything that has made me think 'Ohhh that sounded rough, that should have been better'.


OH just remembered something. It was the 2nd scene in the game. The story setting scene.

Grragghhh that really pissed me off. Little shit frigging running off and then that stupid bitch just driving along with her eyes shut or something. Idiots!
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Well the GF popped into town and managed to get it as it was cheap, well for us here in euroland anyway. Will be playing it soon.......just have to decide whether I finish Bioshock first.
It's absolutely captivating, I've completed it once now, but there are so, sooooo many things I wish I would've done differently. Replay value!!

And I'm playing on Hard, and it's not really...hard, at all. But the atmosphere and intensity is far greater than in any other game I've played.
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