Fifa 11 Xbox 360/PS3

Re: Fifa 11

But it is true though Roma, I remember from the old pes patching days how much better the game "felt" with a good pitch texture in it. I think it might be the "roughness" of the texture in WC.



Gives the pitch far more depth which makes the ball seem to roll/bounce etc on a pitch instead of a pooltable.
Re: Fifa 11

Can anyone answer this please???

with the new in-game player and team creation. is this limited for use in certain parts of the game??

so i will be able to create my local team. wandsworth fc and create my mates in the team. and i will be able to create arsenal 2001 with henry berkamp etc. correct??

can these players be cretaed with good stats straight away?? or will i have to build them up like in be a pro mode??

also where can i use these created teams? exibition mode? online unranked??

Re: Fifa 11

There's scant information on where you can actually use your Created Teams. A lot of info will be coming out about this on Thursday I think. But yes, you can make as many teams as your hard drive will hold, or download teams/players made by other people in a LittleBigPlanet style. What this means of course is that you can make Wandsworth FC and share them with your mates locally, or you can make your school/uni/pub football team and pass your work around. Conceivably if you knew people who gave enough of a shit in other teams in your school/pub league you could have a full roster of teams and possibly set your league up in FIFA...

I might set up the default PES players. Hmm... Castolo or Castello?
Re: Fifa 11

As someone who (still) enjoys single player mode, I am starting to wonder if I'm going to go the way of the dinosaur. I worry that EA are only focused towards getting everyone online these days, and have given up on the single player experience.

Just popped FIFA 10 back into the ole Xbox, and my lord it's just woeful. So I guess what would be good to understand, purely from my own, single player view of the world is:

1. Are the best players simply stronger and faster than everyone else, and therefore 1 in 3 goals or so scored by a defender losing a physical battle to a striker who goes through?

2. Is there still obscene CPU 'balancing' or 'cheating' depending on your vernacular? (every single time you are involved in a tackle, a handy stumbling animation occurs which gives them just enough time to get away)

3. Is there no advantage of having skilled players? For example, putting on Scholes as United is a massive waste of time, because he just loses the ball everytime a CPU opponent sneezes in his general direction (and stumbles).

Dunno, I just get so annoyed at the game. It doesn't feel like fun anymore, hasn't for the past 2 interations. It's who can sprint the most and get that lucky bobble to break away.

And all that leads to - does anyone know what a 'good' single player experience would even feel like for a football game? Is it to random to ever work? I've never gotten so pissed off at other sports games. Maybe football's nature just doesn't lend itself to programming a challenging, fair opponent...
Re: Fifa 11

There's scant information on where you can actually use your Created Teams. A lot of info will be coming out about this on Thursday I think. But yes, you can make as many teams as your hard drive will hold, or download teams/players made by other people in a LittleBigPlanet style. What this means of course is that you can make Wandsworth FC and share them with your mates locally, or you can make your school/uni/pub football team and pass your work around. Conceivably if you knew people who gave enough of a shit in other teams in your school/pub league you could have a full roster of teams and possibly set your league up in FIFA...

I might set up the default PES players. Hmm... Castolo or Castello?

If thats the case thats excellent news!! hopefully someone far more talented than me will make all the classic club sides, like the lennon option file from PES. this is bigger than anything for me i love playing with nostalgic players from my childhood in the 90's!!

and yes playing on fifa with the old mastger league players would be amazing!! Espimas stremer minanda etc

is there a link dedicated to these players???
Re: Fifa 11

@ Ryan,

You should give the WC game a go. Feels far better balanced than 10, and it's going cheap now anyway. Should give a decent indication of where 11 is going when you read Roma's impressions.
Re: Fifa 11

@ Ryan,

You should give the WC game a go. Feels far better balanced than 10, and it's going cheap now anyway. Should give a decent indication of where 11 is going when you read Roma's impressions.

Interesting, thanks. It feels pretty different then? I can never tell anything from the demos (2 minute halves...seriously who comes up wiht this sh*t)

Will try to pick up a used copy...
Re: Fifa 11

The thing is you can't realistically expect a football game to turn from one thing to the other overnight. The steps FIFA has been taking so far are much more than baby steps. Every next gen FIFA has made massive strides in terms of the technology behind it, even if the end product feels like it has made less progress...
... The problem is it's stepping away from FIFA 10, which was nothing like what we wanted.

Yes, I know that in the technology department they've done big strides in the next-gen era. Thay have achieved very impressive feats in those 3-4 years, and I'm aware of it.

But while in technology they have done well, in the "concept" and "game design" department they have done baby steps since 08, and sometimes back steps.

Fifa 08 was quite dull to play, but was focused at midfield domination. For all the technology advancements they did in 09 and 10, the game has gone backwards in terms of "simulation" to me. Developing great technology does NOT mean instant success, it just means they have put good money to work well, but the important thing is the DIRECTION they're going.

So, developing 360 movement is a great achievement, but 90% of the people in this thread would prefer to have proper defensive AI and tactical depth and still move in 16 or 32 directions.

Hey, I just love 360 dribbling, don't get me wrong, it's just that I have the feeling some of the developers would want to go full sim but to appeal the market they have to put features and develop things in a way that the end result is far from "simulation" and even makes it harder to balance the game properly. Maybe they should have developed proper stats-based everything, better AI and make tactics important before developing other features.

Fifa 10 is more of a sprint and tackling fest than 08, so in 2 years, with all their advancements, they don't have a better "simulation" in my opinion. I respect them a lot and I know how hard it is to do what they've done. I know PES won't reach EA in 2 or 3 years, and that's being very lucky and investing a lot more money than they are right now. PES is a little studio right now that needs to be creative to compete, because in the technology department the difference is so huge.

And I say it again, I know EA are the best programming and managing production of football games. But in the gameplay department, I still find it odd that midfield balance disappeared after 08 and we've had 4 games that couldn't solve the problem. Maybe they were ok having a more "casual" style of play. Hence why evolution towards "simulation" is two steps ahead, 1 step backwards.

Yes they seem to be changing direction slightly with fifa 11 and try to return to the "midfield" build up style of play, though it's still to be seen in videos and demos.

That may be also because game development has gone so broad with so many features and things to take into account that you end up having a giant team developing and managing hundreds of different things at the same time. I know how utterly complicated it is to manage.
Re: Fifa 11

@ Ryan,

You should give the WC game a go. Feels far better balanced than 10, and it's going cheap now anyway. Should give a decent indication of where 11 is going when you read Roma's impressions.

I partly disagree. 90% of the game is better than Fifa 10, but defensive AI is the worst in the franchise ever. Once you discover that, the game falls as flat as Fifa 10.
Re: Fifa 11

I partly disagree. 90% of the game is better than Fifa 10, but defensive AI is the worst in the franchise ever. Once you discover that, the game falls as flat as Fifa 10.

defensive AI is kinda shit in both games, you can partially fix such issue through custom tactics and careful 2x pressuring/player switching though.

Just put 4 on the back + a tall sweeper/libero, tighten em up, switch to "Defensive", use the offside trap and you'll hardly concede any goal unless you're playing someone who's really that much better than you.

It's neither easy nor ideal, you can still somehow deal with it though and aside from the defensive AI shortcomings and few minor glitches (lobs being overpowered, etc.) it's really a solid game.
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Re: Fifa 11


The point I was making about the technology is that EA have been building from nothing, essentially. They've gutted FIFA out and replaced everything with new back-end systems. The downside of them radically overhauling tech in each area is that they aren't able to overhaul in every area at once, which creates these imbalances that we've all posted about in here for the past year or more.

FIFA has expanded so rapidly in a short period of time that until this year it's left a lot of holes in the system. FIFA 08 felt balanced in the same way that PES 2010 felt kind of balanced - because the responsiveness was so fucked that nobody could do anything! Every FIFA since has built upwards but not filled in all the blanks. Instead of building a one-storey house, they kind of built a two storey house using the same number of bricks, leaving big holes in the wall. It's a much more impressive building, but you wouldn't want to live in it for a year. Plus if you try and build any higher it's at serious risk of collapsing.

I fully agree that it's better to play a balanced game than a more technologically advanced but unbalanced game. But the upside is that we're almost there now, technologically. I do see 09 and 10 as growing pains now. FIFA's 09 and 10 are proof of what happens if a dev gets overambitious with what they want to put into a game within a year - not enough time is spare to make sure the game is bug free or inexploitable and the end result is a game that feels unfinished. That's because, IMO, they weren't finished.

This is the first FIFA where the main thing they're working on is the numbers behind the technology, not the technology itself. The gameplay experience, not the framework from which you then build a game. The only real technological advances they're going for this year are the keepers and the organic shielding - everything else is about how the game actually feels to play. They're filling the walls in, and they're decorating too. It's a much more solid base from which to continue building up - and a lot of what they've built is future roof enough to be carried across to the next gen without them having to do much more work (I'm speculating, but the way they'd building the tech is designed to give them as much freedom to keep building on top.
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Re: Fifa 11

Yes, I know that in the technology department they've done big strides in the next-gen era. Thay have achieved very impressive feats in those 3-4 years, and I'm aware of it.

But while in technology they have done well, in the "concept" and "game design" department they have done baby steps since 08, and sometimes back steps.

Fifa 08 was quite dull to play, but was focused at midfield domination. For all the technology advancements they did in 09 and 10, the game has gone backwards in terms of "simulation" to me. Developing great technology does NOT mean instant success, it just means they have put good money to work well, but the important thing is the DIRECTION they're going.

So, developing 360 movement is a great achievement, but 90% of the people in this thread would prefer to have proper defensive AI and tactical depth and still move in 16 or 32 directions.

Hey, I just love 360 dribbling, don't get me wrong, it's just that I have the feeling some of the developers would want to go full sim but to appeal the market they have to put features and develop things in a way that the end result is far from "simulation" and even makes it harder to balance the game properly. Maybe they should have developed proper stats-based everything, better AI and make tactics important before developing other features.

Fifa 10 is more of a sprint and tackling fest than 08, so in 2 years, with all their advancements, they don't have a better "simulation" in my opinion. I respect them a lot and I know how hard it is to do what they've done. I know PES won't reach EA in 2 or 3 years, and that's being very lucky and investing a lot more money than they are right now. PES is a little studio right now that needs to be creative to compete, because in the technology department the difference is so huge.

And I say it again, I know EA are the best programming and managing production of football games. But in the gameplay department, I still find it odd that midfield balance disappeared after 08 and we've had 4 games that couldn't solve the problem. Maybe they were ok having a more "casual" style of play. Hence why evolution towards "simulation" is two steps ahead, 1 step backwards.

Yes they seem to be changing direction slightly with fifa 11 and try to return to the "midfield" build up style of play, though it's still to be seen in videos and demos.

That may be also because game development has gone so broad with so many features and things to take into account that you end up having a giant team developing and managing hundreds of different things at the same time. I know how utterly complicated it is to manage.

Re: Fifa 11

blury as fuck but thanks

Yeah. I just spotted it on the official forums. Not sure about it though - after all, you could control the keeper if you were ANY in Clubs. A few sites have pointed out that the slogan this year is 'We Are 11' - MOTWYW. For the record I don't have any insider knowledge on this.
Re: Fifa 11

The slogan is telling enough - what's more telling arguably is the interface. That top left bit isn't one I recognise, and the bottom left has a new rating showing thing.
Re: Fifa 11

Aint posted on here for a while so forgive me in not reading everything but can we be the keeper in FIFA 11?
Re: Fifa 11


The point I was making about the technology is that EA have been building from nothing, essentially. They've gutted FIFA out and replaced everything with new back-end systems. The downside of them radically overhauling tech in each area is that they aren't able to overhaul in every area at once, which creates these imbalances that we've all posted about in here for the past year or more.

FIFA has expanded so rapidly in a short period of time that until this year it's left a lot of holes in the system. FIFA 08 felt balanced in the same way that PES 2010 felt kind of balanced - because the responsiveness was so fucked that nobody could do anything! Every FIFA since has built upwards but not filled in all the blanks. Instead of building a one-storey house, they kind of built a two storey house using the same number of bricks, leaving big holes in the wall. It's a much more impressive building, but you wouldn't want to live in it for a year. Plus if you try and build any higher it's at serious risk of collapsing.

I fully agree that it's better to play a balanced game than a more technologically advanced but unbalanced game. But the upside is that we're almost there now, technologically. I do see 09 and 10 as growing pains now. FIFA's 09 and 10 are proof of what happens if a dev gets overambitious with what they want to put into a game within a year - not enough time is spare to make sure the game is bug free or inexploitable and the end result is a game that feels unfinished. That's because, IMO, they weren't finished.

This is the first FIFA where the main thing they're working on is the numbers behind the technology, not the technology itself. The gameplay experience, not the framework from which you then build a game. The only real technological advances they're going for this year are the keepers and the organic shielding - everything else is about how the game actually feels to play. They're filling the walls in, and they're decorating too. It's a much more solid base from which to continue building up - and a lot of what they've built is future roof enough to be carried across to the next gen without them having to do much more work (I'm speculating, but the way they'd building the tech is designed to give them as much freedom to keep building on top.
I have always felt that EA just added to put paper over the cracks in regards to the crappy AI.
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