WE9 - Post your complaints and disappointments here!

I just got a penalty against me for slightly bumping an opponent off balance, and he wasn't even on the ball.
Yea thats the problem with the new collision detecting, I am running up the pitch and bump into one of there players and they get a fk?. They have fucked up the penalties AGAIN, I get them for the tiniest of touches, and give them for the tiniest, another flaw in the game.
I scored from a free kick and the referee gave a corner! it hit the keeper then the post and the ball went inside the net but the ref gave me a corner!!! damn a lot of bugs in this game

Edit:sorry not the opponent
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not many people are fearling this game lol westwood talk anyway anyone getting we9 i cause imsure that would be alot better
elfie said:
Again, i dont mind a strong cpu or loosing a game, but the way it is in this version is not fun at all.
All im doing now is making short passes, trying hard to reach another player. Most of the game seems to take place in midfield with 1 or 2 chances for a shot on goal.

I will try this version for a few more days, cause i want to see if it grows on me. If not i will go back to we8le and hope that pes5 will be better then we9.
Im sure many ppl will not agree with this, but for me this really is the 1st time that a new version is just not good.

I agree as well.

The one of the things I wanted for this game was for the game to be harder, and it is. But not I want to get owned by North Korea hard. I didn't really want that, especially after I can beat England with ease on the six star difficulty.

When I play that nippon challange, and beat England 3 then I think hey that is weird, I must of played really well. Then the next six games in the qualifying groups I get beat by Vietnam and North Korea and draw the rest of the games 0-0.

The game is strange, too many fouls. All the players seem to have the same speed, and the ball friction seems abit off.

It's just well, boring to play.

I've just gone back to WE8LE for the simple reason that regardless of it's faults it's still fun to play..The pitch scrolling in WE9 is abit jerky as well.

Doesn't go with the flow of things as well as the other versions.

The fact that this Winning 9 has even got me looking forward to playing this year's Fifa game is saying something.

I do think PES 5 will be better though, I'm sure they've picked up on the complaints about this one.

And I enjoyed the game at first as well, but now it just seems repetitive. It's nigh impossible to dribble past players with being fouled, tackled and fouled, or just tackled. Getting past them seems more down to luck.

Not everybody wants to play the same way just passing the ball about waiting for an opening, or in this case waiting for the CPU to make a silly mistake. I really want to like it I really do, but its not a growning on me, in fact the complete opposite seems to be happening.
I heard some people complaining about the AI being too aggressive. Well for me its the opposite. I have played about 15 games, and the cpu have never got one single yellow card, and I have never been rewarded a penalty.

Anyone experienced this problem or it is just me?

But I think the game is good, with some really nice animations. The AI just need a little tweaking before its perfect.
I can't believe how many people are complaining about they've mucked up the defending, broken the lofted through-ball and so on. The lofted through balls are less accurate because in real football you will often see these balls played with too much pace and they go straight to the goalie/roll off the pitch. They can come off perfectly at times, but it's not always going to work. Also the defending isn't as simple as just holding down X most of the time like before. You now have to position your players to intecept balls. You also have to be very careful to take the ball cleanly in a tackle, you can't just dive in anymore. The reason you get knocked off the ball a lot is because their challenge either takes the ball first or you turn to go round them and they doa fair shoulder barge. While you are (and I was) just running straight into them or pushing them over from behind.

This game hasn't been mucked up, they've just made some things more complex. You can't make a game better without widening the variation of moves. Online play in PES4 against poor opponents ended up being simple one-twos or a lofted through ball and then lob the keeper from he subsequent brake. Again and again. The 2 reasons for this was firstly, these moves were two easy to pull off really well, but also the defenders ALWAYS got caught out by one-twos and it takes a combination of full-manual mode and using [] to track the ball but you holding the other defender back yourself to catch the final ball. The defenders don't get caught by one-twos easily now either BECAUSE of the better defensive system. Play a really good online player at PES4 and you will be thankful for the changes, although I'll miss the easy winners :-)
Negatrev i have to say I think it's whack, I don't know about online as I never use it, AI don't matter too much when playing against someone but against the CPU it's vital and the cheated scripts and foiked errors are all in there..... the ref is on acid and the physics are screwed... I love this game but this is the worst I've seen yet.. though I'm sure I'll stick with it till I smash something :)
Negatrev said:
I can't believe how many people are complaining about they've mucked up the defending, broken the lofted through-ball and so on. The lofted through balls are less accurate because in real football you will often see these balls played with too much pace and they go straight to the goalie/roll off the pitch. They can come off perfectly at times, but it's not always going to work. Also the defending isn't as simple as just holding down X most of the time like before. You now have to position your players to intecept balls. You also have to be very careful to take the ball cleanly in a tackle, you can't just dive in anymore. The reason you get knocked off the ball a lot is because their challenge either takes the ball first or you turn to go round them and they doa fair shoulder barge. While you are (and I was) just running straight into them or pushing them over from behind.

This game hasn't been mucked up, they've just made some things more complex. You can't make a game better without widening the variation of moves. Online play in PES4 against poor opponents ended up being simple one-twos or a lofted through ball and then lob the keeper from he subsequent brake. Again and again. The 2 reasons for this was firstly, these moves were two easy to pull off really well, but also the defenders ALWAYS got caught out by one-twos and it takes a combination of full-manual mode and using [] to track the ball but you holding the other defender back yourself to catch the final ball. The defenders don't get caught by one-twos easily now either BECAUSE of the better defensive system. Play a really good online player at PES4 and you will be thankful for the changes, although I'll miss the easy winners :-)

100% agree.
I also get only a few cards in maybe 50 Games now. If you don`t use x that much like in earlier versions of WE the Game will get a lot more flow.
Defending is a bit more different, more challenging maybe.
I hope Konami will not go back to normal when they release PES5.
I don't feel like complaining, just wanted to add my two cents.
I know everybody said "the game feels scripted", "passes go straight to players feet", etc. But look what we got now, the ball physics is just a bit too random. And you can say all you want about through balls, but they are so inaccurate now... that was something they fixed for WE8, but it went a step back again IMO.
They just exaggerated what we wanted, but I know they'll work it out for PES.
Only thing I'd complaing about is that celebrations still look... weird (sometimes too gay).

I guess I'll have a deeper opinion when I get more matches.
There's little to no movement from CPU-controlled teammates. They almost never make any incisive runs and seem to love to stand around watching the player I'm controlling. It's basically Winning One 9.

The only aspect of the game that's improved even slightly is CPU defence.
PIPEÑO said:
I don't feel like complaining, just wanted to add my two cents.
I know everybody said "the game feels scripted", "passes go straight to players feet", etc. But look what we got now, the ball physics is just a bit too random. And you can say all you want about through balls, but they are so inaccurate now... that was something they fixed for WE8, but it went a step back again IMO.
They just exaggerated what we wanted, but I know they'll work it out for PES.
Only thing I'd complaing about is that celebrations still look... weird (sometimes too gay).

I guess I'll have a deeper opinion when I get more matches.

I always wanted the celebrations to continue in the camera mode I was in so you could see the player run to the crowd etc etc, the cut scene doesn't work for me...
wow it seems no body like the new version we9
ok gays 1 question is we9 better then pes4 as i never played we8lw (pes4 was the worst pes game ever played)
one more question does we9 plays more like pes3 or more like pes4
thanks in advance
ronaldo10 said:
wow it seems no body like the new version we9
ok gays 1 question is we9 better then pes4 as i never played we8lw (pes4 was the worst pes game ever played)
one more question does we9 plays more like pes3 or more like pes4
thanks in advance
It plays a lot more like PES3 IMO...

And calling people gay isn't the way to get questions answered. :p
I think all of our frustrations can be summed up aptly.

Simply put, WE9 isn't fun to play. That's all there is to it. Gaming should be fun, period. It doesn't matter if we're talking about sports titles, RPGs, shoot-em-ups.. there's a reason why we all play games. It's because we have fun when we're doing it.

KONAMI has put in a lot of realism into this edition but has sadly missed the point of it all. Winning Eleven is no longer fun. I too would have really wanted to love this game, but after putting in more than 30 hours of gaming already on this new title, I am quite sad to announce that I don't enjoy playing it. It gives me no pleasure winning 1-0, losing 0-6 or even putting in a through ball - the whole gameplay just feels too random and there are too little goals and goalmouth action in the game to render this playable in the long run. Realistic maybe, fun definitely not. It's a fine balance.. and I'm afraid KONAMI has tilted a little too much towards a single scale.
hmmm simply shity game with no fun and no controll
dribblin is dead i think fifa street more away fun !!
i hate this game for every thing really no fun no fun !!! no goals !! no super passing no nice counter attack with enjoyin goal ! no good high balls !! like /\ + L1 only fouls cheatting the cpu def like all of them stam and nesta ! no goals in side the box ! what is this a football game or TEKKEN 9 ? i think its beat em up game :) i really like fifa street more more more then it the gameplay its super
Well Konami usually make PES a little more attack based which will be good IMO, that's my only complaint about WE9.

I'm playing a ML on 3* now because I could barely brake down the CPU defence on 5*.

I'd still win but mainly because I scored a long-range shot, a corner, or free kick.
My only complaints:

In We9 you dont see underpants, you dont see camerman, you cant drible all 11 players, there is no more 100% through ball that everybody could do it, you cant just chip the ball over the keeper, the passing is too much hard and you must think before you make pass, you cant push the defending player 10m back,the game is too slow ....

Btw. this is the most realistic soccer game....
Well let me try one more tıme. To all you guys complaınıng about thıs game. Are you prımarıly dıssatısfıed about 1P games or do you feel that WE9 also sucks when you play ıt agaınst a frıend? Or dıd most of you not get a chance to play ıt agaınst a frıend (yet) and are your complaınts merely based on games played agaınst the cpu?

I posted thıs questıon a few days ago but no one bothered to anwser.
Ok thanks. Personally ı dıd not expect konamı to make a game that has great AI and provıdes a great sıngle player experıence. They do not seem to have a great understandıng of real football and maybe (?) the current hardware ıs not suffıcıent eıther. But WE and PES really shınes when ıt comes down to the multıplayer gameplay. I wıll mostly be playıng pes5 onlıne and agaınst frıends but ı do ofcourse hope that one day konamı wıll fınally get the AI and sıngle player gameplay rıght.

So how about the rest of you guys. Are you also dıscussıng matches agaınst the CPU or do you thınk the game has many flaws when you look at the multıplayer aspect aswell?
The freekicks in this version are just too easy, freekicks from 30-35m are even easier than the short distance freekicks because of the goalkeepers. For some reason if u get two players to stand next to the ball and let one to layoff the ball to the other (L1+X) the goalkeepers always rush out of the goal line :( so I just layoff the ball to nedved, hold up on the d-pad and shoot, to to do a strong lob shoot over the goalkeeper... its a goal for almost 90%.

High through balls (L1+/\) are useless as some of u mentioned before, they are too strong and always go to the goalkeepers who catch them easily.
I know the game can't be perfect and there always have to be some problems but I just don't understand why konami had to ruin things which they got right at older versions. Other than that I still think the game is great and I'm enjoying to play it.
Originally Posted by ronaldo10
wow it seems no body like the new version we9
ok gays 1 question is we9 better then pes4 as i never played we8lw (pes4 was the worst pes game ever played)
one more question does we9 plays more like pes3 or more like pes4
thanks in advance

It plays a lot more like PES3 IMO...

And calling people gay isn't the way to get questions answered.
thanx J4y3m
LOL :lol: i maent guys not gays my bad ;)
ronaldo10 said:
Originally Posted by ronaldo10
wow it seems no body like the new version we9
ok gays 1 question is we9 better then pes4 as i never played we8lw (pes4 was the worst pes game ever played)
one more question does we9 plays more like pes3 or more like pes4
thanks in advance

It plays a lot more like PES3 IMO...

And calling people gay isn't the way to get questions answered.
thanx J4y3m
LOL :lol: i maent guys not gays my bad ;)

I kinda guessed that when I read it. I try to assume the best in people. But you can understand his feelings due the track record of some guys ( :-) got it right) in these forums.
I really wanted to enjoy this game.. I shelled out a lot of money to buy the original version the first day it came out, so you can imagine my disappointment. I haven't yet tried out playing with my mates (they're always a little slow to catch on) but I reckon it'll be a lot more fun that the current crap 1 player mode. I'm very certain though that "bugusers" in the online playing community (a term coined by one of our fellow forummers in another thread) will be having a field day with WE9 - for a start I can already imagine these players scoring 3 or 4 goals each match from the exact same position from 40 yards out..
let us make a summary of this disapointment of the game, but discus first what will be added.
the ones that definitely there will be L1+/\ pass.
i just hope konami wont fuck up the online mode, where the one who bashes the pressure button gets super human players and you are left with players that react always too late.
Or controls that are taken over by the cpu was also very annoying in pes4 online mode.
Just give both sides equal chances ffs, what was konami thinking??
I've been playing matches against the computer and my mate and i think it is a a great step forward from pes4,a lot more challenging.I've had quite some epic matches against my mate,he has only played the pro evo series and thinks this game is awesome.
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