Frontlines: Fuel Of War (360, PC, PS3)

Oh, mine should've arrived today. I hope it's not shit or I'm off to CEX with it tomorrow.
So any of you playing the full version online? I had about an hour on it last night, taking turns with my mate, and we thought it was pretty good :)

I much prefer the maps to the maps of CoD4, that has to be said!
I played it online and I find it dull. Mind you I also find the single player dull too, its just so repetitive
Looking at when you're choosing an online game, it has Game Type and only Frontlines is there, but there are arrows. I'm sure they'll add more modes to the game (and hopefully free through a patch and not DLC).

Edit: Playing it a bit this morning and it's started to grate on me a bit. It doesn't matter which spawn point you choose, the chances of being killed within the first 10 seconds are far too high, and it's not so dis-similar to CoD4 in its run-and-gun style. I didn't play the demo tons but when I played it I thought it was a slower game, but it's actually just as fast as CoD4 except with the annoying 5 second wait to redeploy on the map screen, then another 5 seconds to wait while the Redeploy message shows on your screen. Sorry, but this is getting a bit generic now. I did think it'd be pretty good but after some playing time, it's not too much different than your generic FPS with bigger maps and vehicles. Just another run-and-gun :(
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COD4 is far, far better than this offline and online.
Gameplay wise they're both about as innovative as each other in terms of single player.........

Actually I take that back, with the inclusion of the drones I'd say Frontlines is more innovative, COD4 just uses fancy graphics and sound to escape the fact that the gameplay elements are so weak it could be on a PS2.
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I do agree that COD4 is quite shallow and the fact that there are no online achievments is just ridiculous BUT it's great FUN which is what matters. :)
What's the feedback on this then lads? Anyone playing it online?
All FPS games are shit bar ArmA2, right? I think we get it now...

Of course not you muppet, there's plenty of FPS I'm looking forward to, for example Stalker 2, Far Cry 2, White Gold, I don't like FPS that are mere shiny, corridor shooters with nothing else about them, what does Vegas2 have that isn't in other shooters? Stalker, FC2 and White Gold for example all have RPG elements, they're not just mindless terrorist take downs with gungho dialogue and cheesy action.......
Far Cry 2 :-...

That's the game I am most looking forward to this year.
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