Army Of Two

Anyone getting this? I am in two minds.

I'll get my coat.
I'll probably get it yep. The review on GamerTV has pretty much sold it to me. And I'm always on the lookout for good co-op games to play locally.

I'm looking forward to Bully more though :)
Yeah it does look tedious and quite childish and yet again it's another "gun game" which the Xbox & 360 seem to thrive on. Give us something fresh FFS developers. I mean, what IS the point in buying this, COD4, RSV2, GOW, GOW2 etc. At the end of the day it's all gunning - explosions - gunning - more explosions.
The point is co-op play and that's the end of it. Gears of War in co-op is the best co-op FPS I've ever played, if this comes close to that then it will be brilliant to play with a mate in the same house. That's what makes it different to all the other games, that and it's ludicrously arcadey. Which is fun, for those who don't live and die for realism.

Quite honestly I'm glad that a game is coming out that isn't EXCLUSIVELY online multiplayer. I think games developers are trying to kill off offline multiplayer a bit too soon. I know the stereotypical gamer has no mates but you see reports saying "more and more people are playing games", who isn't going to want to play with their other half or a mate? Especially if it's just a quick arcadey blast. N+ was a cheapo arcade game and yet it's been giving the missus and I a laugh every day since it came out.
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Is GoW classed as "FPS" or "Third person" though? I do agree with Jack though, GoW was LOADSA fun and SUPERB co-op, especially on Xbox Live. The multiplayer death matches were fucking abysmal though.
The point is co-op play and that's the end of it. Gears of War in co-op is the best co-op FPS I've ever played, if this comes close to that then it will be brilliant to play with a mate in the same house. That's what makes it different to all the other games, that and it's ludicrously arcadey. Which is fun, for those who don't live and die for realism.

Quite honestly I'm glad that a game is coming out that isn't EXCLUSIVELY online multiplayer. I think games developers are trying to kill off offline multiplayer a bit too soon. I know the stereotypical gamer has no mates but you see reports saying "more and more people are playing games", who isn't going to want to play with their other half or a mate? Especially if it's just a quick arcadey blast. N+ was a cheapo arcade game and yet it's been giving the missus and I a laugh every day since it came out.

Indeed seems like more and more games are losing offline mp which is shame but its good to see quite few games are using it coming out. :))

Anyway this is getting some good reviews around think this is very much going to be a hit. :))
Welcome to the digital age. I NEVER play co-op locally, the missus isn't into gaming and my brother's dont live with me.
I trust Eurogamer too - I thought this looked average on Gamer TV, that review just confirms it.
I was going to trade unreal for this this week but i think i'll leave it and get it when its cheaper a week or 2 after release, if at all.

I hate that they say the ending is anti climatic because you just know its going to be like gears and unreal where at the end they say something like 'let's go get some revenge'

Its gonna be a game to pick up after a month or so rather than at launch then, shame
tried it today got it from shopto it's ok... i was playing it on split screen but gave up after an hour.... left the boy playing it with AI partner.... nothing special
I spent 4 hours on this last night playing co-op with a mate online. Its fun but not overly taxing
I need lots of opinions on this, no demo and it's one of 72,000 games I want this month. The nephew's got it and said "it's like a tactical Kane & Lynch" - as soon as he said Kane & Lynch I was put right off it.
I havent tried it split screen yet no.

The reviews on it are kind of split too. I am enjoying it though I enjoyed Kane and Lynch...
I wouldn't bother Jack; there are far better games coming out this month. :)
It took me a while to get hold of my copy last night. I went to Bluewater thinking there would be plenty of copies on the shelves in GAME. Went in, not one copy of it on the shelves. I thought it was no great loss as there are plenty of other options. Went in HMV, no copies there. Went in Zavvi, none in there either and a really big gap on the shelves where it was. My last hope was Currys, yes I was clutching at straws but they had 1 copy left. I couldnt believe that it had takens me that long to find the game
Funny enough the brother-in-law ferried the nephew to six different shops before they managed to find it!

I wonder if they've just under-supplied the stores or if it actually has sold out everywhere.

The only reason I'm after it is because it looks slightly reminiscent of Gears Of War.
Its the first game in ages that I havent actually been able to walk into a store and pick up straight away. It is very GOW and is probably one of the reasons I played it from 9 last night til about 230 this morning
Loads of copies in all the shops in Grantham today... didnt even realise it was out this week :(

If I wasnt saving now to move in 6 months, I'd probably have got it.
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