Are PES2008 slowdown issues and framerate drop T.V specific ? I think so.

Re: Is PES2008 slowdown issues and framerate drop T.V specific ? I think so.


Now as some of you will know I played the PS3 version on my friend's 44" SD rear projector.
Frame Rate was awful. Juddering all over the place.

Installed it onto the HDD and, although improved, the juddering movement was still VERY aparent!!

I had my own theory straight away regarding different TVs so I decided to reserve my final judgement until i'd tried a couple more TVs.
Namely my 40" Samsung HDTV and my GF's 32" Argos (cant beat 'em ;) ) HDTV.

I have now run a test on my 40" Samsung using the Orange Arena and the Bernabau (sorry if thats spelt wrong)

Not a stutter to be seen!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It played like a dream!
Replays are still shite but the game itself played like a different game!!

I turned on Stadium Effects in the Bernabau to TRY to get a stutter.
I think I may have seen a few slight jitters but I had to concentrate.

If anyone has any ideas of what I can try to try to prove any theories then please let me know and i'll give it a go.

For now - I'm a happy Pro Evo 2008 owner (on 360 AND PS3!!!) :)

I'm gonna post this as a new topic now as I think it will be of interest to all!!

(BTW I was Spurs vs Birmingham in all games. In case that makes a difference!)
Re: Is PES2008 slowdown issues and framerate drop T.V specific ? I think so.

The nightmares continue to get worse :0(

I bought my new PS3 Component cable today, hoping it would resolve my problem in the same way it did my PS2, only to realise when I got home I already had one, as the connection is the same on the PS3 as it is on the PS2. I didnt even bother to check as I assumed, that they would have changed it to gain more cash out of us like they usually do.

When I got in the house I realised I'd given the PS3 to my son to use for the day, so off I went 20 mins to his Mam's house to pick it up. After a 40 minute round trip I finally got home to give it a whirl.

I set up the Component cable on the settings of the PS3 and inserted the PES2008 disk praying for the best.

Guess what ?

Nope, worse than that ...........

The PS3 had packed up !!! It wouldnt and still refuses to read a fucking disc !! Arrghhh !!

13 days and its broke already, even my Xbox 360 lasted longer than that !!!

So it will be going back after work to Game and replaced on the spot, and I wont be leaving the shop until it is, and I've blagged my free PES2008 Gamerguide and DVD. ;0)

I'm also gonna trade a couple of games I hate and get PES2008 on the 360. My good mate, and fellow PES nut bought it today and was very impressed, a little quick but he said a million times better than the PS3 version he played last night around mine with severe slowdown. I'm not keen on the Xbox360 pad and would only ever play it on the PS2 these days, but I'm gonna give it a whirl anyway, its not like I'm shelling out any cash for it anyway, and he said he also played online with zero lag.

Will let you know how the Component Cable worked tomorrow.


When you say you already had a lead cause it were the same as the PS2, yu did buy component not composite right? cause PS2 don't use component does it ??? (sorry to hear bout PS3 btw chap)

Edit: Just wanted to add I've turned off an option on my Samsung LE23R71BX called Digital NR and it aint a fantastic 1 off fix, but I noticed when playin theres alot less of the really drastic slowdown and the game now borders on extremely playable. I couldn't find out what the setting actually does, but every setup I looked @ through google had it turned off so try it. It might make a difference for you too.
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Re: Is PES2008 slowdown issues and framerate drop T.V specific ? I think so.

I'm not alone ^^
I have play with my friends on HD ready " LG " Tv in 1080 i or p & It's wonderful ! Great liquify in game ! Just a little little lag on replay but game is very very beautiful !
But ... I'm on LCD tv at my house and impossible to play with this quality ( lot of lags ) Offline game ^^

I don't want to buy HD tv please konami & seabass !! fix that for peoples play in 576i ^^
Re: Is PES2008 slowdown issues and framerate drop T.V specific ? I think so.

hi, I've just read through a few threads and posts on this forum and it seems that many have also been experiencing this slowdown issue on PES 2008 on the ps3. Well personally, i have a SD 21'' TV in my room for my ps3 (kinda sucks), but anyways, I went to play in network straight away just to check out how the online mode is. I went straight into a quick start match and there was slowdown, it wasn't as bad as I've been hearing, but it was clear, however the replays appeared normally, with no effect at all (btw, I had installed the game to my ps3's HDD before this).

Feeling really badly about the slowdown, I decided to check a normal exhibition match as a last resort, and luckily for me, there was no slowdown! None at all, apart from the few AV cable flickers, it was running smoothly. So I feel for me, it is just the online mode that is the problem and I wish to know how, if possible, that can be fixed.

Btw, I played the game earlier at my mate's house on his 50'' HD TV without the HDMI cable, and it was running as smoothly as ever. But I havn't asked him about his online play yet.
The slowdown problem is due to the tv. I just don't know why

Ok, so I've been hit terribly by the slowdown/jumpy/stuttery gameplay thing. I thought it was the game, but what a few people said on here made me think it may have as much to do with the tv you are using so.....I decided to try it on a few different tv's. I've tried the default settings, messing around with them and all sorts of combinations otherwise. I also have it installed on the HDD in each of the following

TV 1: Normal 22 inch "fat" Daewoo Standard definition tv(our usual PS3 Tv)

Absolutely unplayable. The game jumps around constantly. The analogy I would make is of a CD skipping, the game played in virtually slow-mo throughout.

TV 2: Phillips 28" LCD HD TV:

If the stories about LCD TV's being the key are to be believed, this one should have sorted the problems. It didn't. Although less evident, the slowdown still made gameplay uncomfortable at best. Again, here i messed with the resoluion etc etc ad nauseum, never got any better than when I turned it on first with the default settings

TV3: Crappy 10 year old Philips 16" portable

Ah. Now this doesn't make sense but this was by far the best so, still not wonderful but not far off playable, perhaps not in the long term, but maybe until a patch hopefully sorts it.

TV 4: Phillips 28" standard definition "fat" tv

This was the best I've tried personally, far from perfect but smoother than above, although i found i started to notice the slowdown and jumpiness as i played more and more. Not sure i could play this for any lenght of time, and this was the TV with the best results.

And to add to this my brother decided to test the game in his friends house, on his "fat" standard definition tv, same as TV 4 above. On his LCD TV, recently bought, unplayable.

So basically what i have noticed is it doesn't seem to matter what type of TV you have, until Konami release a patch, it wil be sheer pot luck for new buyers of the game as to whether they experience the slowdown. This is obviously unacceptable, the PS3 was never designed to force gamers to buy HDTV's or similar, the games should be perfectly workable on whatever TV you use. Hopefully this can be sorted out, otherwise it's a year of PES6 for me. I don't think I will play PES 2008 until these problems are sorted, even on TV with the least slowdown (TV4), it was still too annoying to really consider it a long term option.

Hope this helps a few people.
Re: Is PES2008 slowdown issues and framerate drop T.V specific ? I think so.

So, how many of you with framerate/stuttering have registered a complaint with Konami?

It seems to me that the framerate/stuttering issue which varies from TV to TV is an issue for Konami to resolve, not us, the paying customers.

It's all well and good that some of you are willing to spend hour after hour experimenting on different TVs in different locations, reading up manuals, etc, but for christ sake, this is a console game! The whole idea of consoles is that we get away from the perennial PC issue of having to upgrade hardware, drivers, get involved in tedious technicalities in order to get a game to perform well. Console gaming should be a simple case of popping the DVD into the slot and you get a properly working game. We all have the same console so should all get the same performance.

Every other game I've played on my PS3 is perfectly smoothly. The developers of these games seems to have managed to get their games working beautifully, irrespective of what TV anyone has. PES2008, on the other hand, jerks, stutters and drags it's heels and the clear conclusion to be drawn is that Konami have failed to deliver a properly tested, working game on PS3. Buying a high performance HDTV in order to cover up for Konami's failings is not on the agenda. It is for them to work out how to program a PS3 and solve the problem.

By all means, post suggestions and advice for those who want to spend time trying to get a better performance in the mean time, but the main effort we should be making is to ensure we lodge emails/letters of complaint with them demanding a solution.
Re: Is PES2008 slowdown issues and framerate drop T.V specific ? I think so.

Yeah you can use the PS2 with a Component cable, as well as Composite, S-Video and RGB SCART.

Cheers Andy, I was just about to answer that one.

I was wondering, what is the auto set output for PS3 PES2008 ? Is it 50hz or 60hz ?

As we know, PES6 on the PES2 gave you the option as the game booted up, it doesnt on the PES3, so is it automatically 50Hz as its PAL ?
Re: Is PES2008 slowdown issues and framerate drop T.V specific ? I think so.

First off I have registered a complaint with Konami.

Secondly I never suggested it wasn't up to Konami to fix it, in fact if you had read what i had actually said instead of trying to be clever you would know I agree with everything you said.

This is obviously unacceptable, the PS3 was never designed to force gamers to buy HDTV's or similar, the games should be perfectly workable on whatever TV you use.

I am simply putting it out there for people who may not have the game yet or those that do, and are worried that the problem is confined to them. I can see that the problem varies per tv, that is what should be fixed, the game should have a much more general compatibility with TV's than it seems to have. Konami dropped the ball, proper testing would have reveled these problems.
Re: Is PES2008 slowdown issues and framerate drop T.V specific ? I think so.

Cheers Andy, I was just about to answer that one.

I was wondering, what is the auto set output for PS3 PES2008 ? Is it 50hz or 60hz ?

As we know, PES6 on the PES2 gave you the option as the game booted up, it doesnt on the PES3, so is it automatically 50Hz as its PAL ?

I'm not sure to be honest. It ought to be the same globally when using HDMI and Component, which would be 60Hz. My telly doesn't tell me such things, only whether it's 720p etc (and that could be either 50 or 60Hz). When using SCART it ought to be 50Hz. Only a guess though.
Re: Is PES2008 slowdown issues and framerate drop T.V specific ? I think so.

First off I have registered a complaint with Konami.

Secondly I never suggested it wasn't up to Konami to fix it, in fact if you had read what i had actually said instead of trying to be clever you would know I agree with everything you said.

I am simply putting it out there for people who may not have the game yet or those that do, and are worried that the problem is confined to them. I can see that the problem varies per tv, that is what should be fixed, the game should have a much more general compatibility with TV's than it seems to have. Konami dropped the ball, proper testing would have reveled these problems.

Sorry, wasn't having a go at you at all, nor trying to be "clever"? The fact that my post came after yours is coincidental.

The prupose of my post was to highlight that people should ensure they register a complaint with Konami. It is important that they receive as much negative feedback about this glaring flaw to ensure that they take action to 1) release a patch to fix it for PES2008 (:lol: - if this happens, I'll be staggered), 2) PES2009 and all future games are not released in such a shoddy state.


I don't have an email for Konami UK so have registered my complaint via and asked that they let me know what is the correct address that I send my complaint to.
Re: Is PES2008 slowdown issues and framerate drop T.V specific ? I think so.

Sorry, wasn't having a go at you at all, nor trying to be "clever"? The fact that my post came after yours is coincidental.

The prupose of my post was to highlight that people should ensure they register a complaint with Konami. It is important that they receive as much negative feedback about this glaring flaw to ensure that they take action to 1) release a patch to fix it for PES2008 (:lol: - if this happens, I'll be staggered), 2) PES2009 and all future games are not released in such a shoddy state.


I don't have an email for Konami UK so have registered my complaint via and asked that they let me know what is the correct address that I send my complaint to.

Agree entirely- I've just registered my complaint too (have to admit, I havent even played the game yet ;) but we should all pit as much pressure on Konami as poss)
Re: Is PES2008 slowdown issues and framerate drop T.V specific ? I think so.

Playing it on a Samsung HDTV 26inch, runs smooth (only replays have a framedrop on my tv).
Re: Is PES2008 slowdown issues and framerate drop T.V specific ? I think so.

Agree entirely- I've just registered my complaint too (have to admit, I havent even played the game yet ;) but we should all put as much pressure on Konami as poss)

Just complained again using my girlfriend's details such an irony when she hates me playing on my PS3 anyway. She would be applauding Konami for these problems! \\:o/
Re: Is PES2008 slowdown issues and framerate drop T.V specific ? I think so.

I only get slowdown on replays, which i usually skip so it's no big deal. Game runs very very smoothly for 99% of the game, with maybe one instance of slowdown when all the players are on the picture at the same time. This passes after a second, maybe less. its hardly noticable. So I dont know how everyone is getting these "unplayable slowdown" conditions.

I'm playing on PS3, connected to a 26" Sony Bravia via HDMI
Re: Is PES2008 slowdown issues and framerate drop T.V specific ? I think so.

maybe it has something to do with which camera angle people are playing with... wide cam is where the problem lies
Re: Is PES2008 slowdown issues and framerate drop T.V specific ? I think so.

Ok, tried my new Component Cable, and although it greatly reduced the slowdown issue on my T.V., it still wasnt perfect, but definatley playble.

The problem is I'm a fussy bastard, and this still isnt right or perfectly smooth as it should be. And for that reason I'm giving up on it for the PS3.

Konami, you suck like 'Dyson Whore' on an ounce of Columbia's finest. :0(

I'm either now just going to stick with my super-patched PES6 on the PS2, or give the 360 version a very reluctant shot.

I managed to blag Game today when I replaced my PS3 and came out with a new one, Spiderman 3 on Blu Ray, and Sega Rally, which I'll be taking back tomorrow to swap for PES2008 on the 360, it wont cost me penny with the kids never played Mario Soccer on the Wii I'll be taking back too.

Will let you know how I find the 360 version.
Re: Is PES2008 slowdown issues and framerate drop T.V specific ? I think so.

thi is not ur tv or i dont know what,it s the game,all simply...
Re: Is PES2008 slowdown issues and framerate drop T.V specific ? I think so.

Hi Guys,

i thought I'd give you my opinion's and set up of my tv to help shed some light on the slown down probs.

I have a Samsung 37" M87 LCD 1080p TV
Samsungs have specific features which can be turned on or off via the tv menu. I believe that turning most picture enhancing features OFF will improve bluring and frame rate issues as this leaves the tv processor a fighting chance to handle the games picture. The settings i have are:
- Game mode Turned ON
- Movie Plus is OFF
- Digital NR (Noise Reduction) is OFF (as testing with this ON and OFF it defo works smother OFF)

My PS3 is standing Vertically, not sure if this helps but i think it does. Heat Rises and the cooling vents are on the top so this helps cooling?

PS3 System Software Version 1.93 (latest Firmware)

Screen setting set to 1080p

I am using the OFFICIAL PS3 HDMI Cable.

I have installed the games files onto the HD. This defo helps with loading times and voice commentary in my opinion as the PS3 HD has faster access time then the blue ray laser reading the disk. Assuming its based on past games where certain things in the game are streamed from the HD like commentary and some animations of players.

I was worried the PS3 internet connection was somehow effecting performance so i have turned this off while playing not online. Can be switched off in "Settings - Network Settings - Internet Connection - Disabled" ( i am not sure if this had any effect as i turned this off with a load of other options which seemed to help)

Performace of the game:

Well for me the when playing a match the game runs smoothly 99% of the time. it slows down when many players are bunched on the screen at one time. This slowdown lasts about half a second and is barely noticable and does not, for me, affect gameplay. It does not skip frames, it slows down a touch.

There are defo issues with replays and cut scenes where the frame rate drops significantly. But i think this is to do with the games graphical engine and not my TV. Has anyone else noticed that the games frame rate drops when the camera is zoomed into the players? Hence most replays are choppy as most replays are close up on players.
i have also noticed that using the wide camera settings slows the game slightly compaired to playing on the default camera (due to a smother frame rate i think). This may help some ppl with framerate issues.
i dont think that the game engine is designed to work well with close ups and drops fps when it does so. Far away it looks great and runs smooth. Try it and let me know what you guys think?


To start i want to say there is a difference between slowdown and low framerate issues. i think most people are having framerate issues with their TVs. That combined with the bad game engine makes the game unplayable. Luckly, if you have a good branded TV with a decent processor then the game should run great while playing a match.

Playing with the TV setting has improved the choppy cut scenes slightly but not to a satisfactory level.

Online is awful with a really bad framerate. i think this is down to the servers and konami have said they are looking into this and will patch it. Remember PES6 has framerate probs on the PS3 until a patch came out fixing it.

Konami needs to patch the game solve the framerate issues. Also option so we can turn off/remove the crowd would make game run smoother. If i remember there was a version in the past that did this and that improved the framerate.

Everyone complain to konami to get there act together!!

I have both PS3 and 360 versions and i personally think the PS3 version plays better. It feels more like pro. 360 version is still to arcadey IMO.
Re: Is PES2008 slowdown issues and framerate drop T.V specific ? I think so.

does anyone know when will konamis patch will be released?
Re: Is PES2008 slowdown issues and framerate drop T.V specific ? I think so.

I am suffering from really poor framerate issues (normal fat tv- i've installed to HDD, turned off stadium effects etc) but havent noticed slowdown I dont think (it's prob there but being masked by the poor framerate).

I did read somewhere on the net, an article about the problems, which named switching the commentary off as one suggestion to improve matters- haven't even tried it as I just cant see how hid would improve frame rate!

I find poor framerate most when the screen pans quickly, like when belting the ball up the pitch with a goal kick.

Funnily enough, I am very much enjoying playing it online- yes, the issues are still there but they dont seem to be much (if at all) worse and I cant accept them much better when it's an online game. ps- the standard of play online isn't the best as I've hardly played the game and seem to be comfortably winning- hope my luck continues!

I'm planning to buy a 1080p tv next week but am worried that I don't get the right one. Any recommendations?? looking for a 37 inch one.

Cant be arsed with having to turn off tv features etc on my new tv to get it to work- hardly what console gaming should be about!

Re: Is PES2008 slowdown issues and framerate drop T.V specific ? I think so.

Funnily enough, I am very much enjoying playing it online- yes, the issues are still there but they dont seem to be much (if at all) worse and I cant accept them much better when it's an online game.


meant to say that I CAN accept online issues more easily.
Re: Is PES2008 slowdown issues and framerate drop T.V specific ? I think so.

im running with hdmi, 1080i,full effects and commentary no problem,on a samsung le40r, just to add another varaiable what version of the ps3 are you running it on (the full £399 version or the £299 version with less connectability) im not saying its the reason im just curios as it may be the connectivity to the tv's on the £299 version that is the issue then again i could be completly wrong.:shock:
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