What is it like to be married?

Well it varies greatly from married couple to married couple, but for me it's the greatest part of my life without a doubt (including of course the 2 years I was with her before we married). If you find the right person then there is nothing like it, my life before meeting Nataska was a limbo. 3 years married July 22nd and 5 years together in total November 9th :)
Well it varies greatly from married couple to married couple, but for me it's the greatest part of my life without a doubt (including of course the 2 years I was with her before we married). If you find the right person then there is nothing like it, my life before meeting Nataska was a limbo. 3 years married July 22nd and 5 years together in total November 9th :)
It's exactly the same as not being married :DD

But the weddings were great fun - especially the Israeli one I had. Both really special days. (I had one wedding in London - the official one. then another in Israel which was just for the misses family to all be there etc)

But you do feel a bit more connected I suppose, when you are actually married.

I will have been married for 3 years this September and it has flown by :SHOCK:

We were together a year and a half before we married.
I'm married for almost eleven years and have a relation which lasts 15 years...
The difference between a relationship and a marriage is the wedding. I did not especially like it (i was sick and had to take rather heavy medication...on top of that i wanted a wedding without a party...i've been DJ-ing for years and i got fed up with it...i knew that with a wedding party i would be behind the turn tables in less than half an hour and absolutely hate it...so we had a quite boring wedding...i married because it mattered to my wife).
If you ask what it's like to have a relationship....well once the passionate sex thing died down a litle bit it becomes even more fun...you have a very, very, very good friend and partner that is on the same team as you...once you have kids it becomes even more fun. Of course there are bad moments (when the kids are ill or when you have a row which happens) but the bond you've got is really great.
Knowing what the other person is thinking without speaking (with a single glance) is great.
Watching kids growing up is great too: when they are starting walking, their first words, the fist school day, the first football match, adult conversations with 6 year old kids (or even better being a kid yourself...doing silly things with your kids).

And then (it's not that important, but still) there is also a materialistic element. With two or four lots of things are simply cheaper...but that is not so important.
Saves me cooking and washing my undies.
The wedding was great. Nearly 6 years now. She was a penpal for about 3 years before we met. I taught her English. Big mistake because now I have to talk to her.

Saves me cooking and washing my undies.
The wedding was great. Nearly 6 years now. She was a penpal for about 3 years before we met. I taught her English. Big mistake because now I have to talk to her.


Nice that she let you borrow one of her dresses ;))


Gerd puts it across very well (well so does Grim, but Gerd has elaborated more).

I've been married almost 4 years, however we have been going out nearly 19 years. Tbh, obviously we went out with each other for a long time, a lot of people say marriage changes people, however not us. Don't feel any different towards her now than I did before.

However one thing that easy eclipses this, is having a child, now that is something great.


Ben and I have been happily married 6 years now, it's a bit hard to describe in words the bliss I feel every morning when I wake and see Ben standing over me with his weapon fully loaded and ready for action in his hand...

Eh, not married Soul, I've been close but the way I feel you need to make sure you are compatible and that it makes sense for both of you to share the rest of your lives with each other. I guess you'll know that with a lot of honesty, mutual respect and the feeling of having the "right" person. A lot of people rush into marraige without thinking it thru and thats why a lot of them fail. People change, that's why its important for both of you to be on the same wavelength. For a lot of women, once they hit late 20's they really start thinking about marraige and if they haven't found someone they start panicing, i.e. they want to have kids etc. and the body clock only ticks for so long. Personally, I don't think age should be a factor in marraige. I guess its just meant to be.
Interesting read fellas. ;))

I'm 21, so it'll be a while before i get married (or maybe not).

I was just wondering what it's like for the people who are married.
not unless i actually take the trash out, walk the dog without being told too, clean up, fill up the car with gas... you know the shit that your wife has you do that makes you feel like she is your mom sometimes..
a lot of people say marriage changes people, however not us. Don't feel any different towards her now than I did before.

exactly the reason why i'll never marry. i think marriage is a joke and a complete waste of money. you may as well just burn however many thousands you spent.

what do you get out of it? a certificate and an unnecessary hassle whenever you decide to divorce (which is pretty inevitable nowadays, especially if you get married before you turn 30)

as fd says, he doesn't feel any different. why not just continue to live together and save all that money and hassle further down the line if (when) things do go pearshaped?

this is 2009 - nobody gets married nowadays! there is ABSOLUTELY no advantage in doing so. only disadvantages. unless you manage to bag yourself a millionaire (then of course, it's common sense to marry the bitch)
I think you're right, there is no need to get married...i got married because i knew my wife would be very happy if we did...but i don't feel different now than before my marriage.
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