Microsoft Xbox 360

It takes you to to type a message anyway

Oh yeah and for some reason the program tells me i have messages and who's online before my 360 does :LOL:
Does anyone know how to redeem codes on the new Xbox Live? I could do it on the old one but can't find where on the new XBL experience
Plug a keyboard into your 360 ;)).

Or get one of these!


Works a treat.
i don't think so

there is no upside down "i" on the 360 power button, its just the normal sign which everyone use's for the off button

I bet its for an iphone
That's a fooking crazy price, though that deal that was linked earlier for a 60Gb Pro and 5 games was pretty damn amazing for 188 quid.
Yeah i would steer well clear of Littlewoods... they are like a pretty woman with the clap, seems too good to be true at first and then shafts you...
According to sites online 360 sales have been doing well for quite a while now

this what they did in November in Europe and black Friday in America

Xbox today reveals November was its biggest sales month in its six-year European history, with sales up 124% over last November.

Microsoft Corp.'s Xbox360 video game and entertainment system kicked off the holidays with record-breaking console sales on one of the biggest shopping weekends of the year inthe U.S. Retailers reported Xbox 360 console sales over the Black Fridayweekend were on pace to beat previous years, outselling the PlayStation 3 by athree-to-one ratio and estimating a 25 percent increase from Xbox 360 BlackFriday sales figures from 2007.

even the Japanese are starting to buy it

oh and this aint a knock at the PS3, Wii or whatever for those who want to start another console war
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