Microsoft Xbox 360

Re: XBox 360 - Official Thread

Im looking forward to PD and NBA at the moment. I'm really really really really hoping Konami brings MGS to xbox360 so that I wont have to purchase or consider purchasing a PS3.
Re: XBox 360 - Official Thread

i thought mgs was exclusive on playstation, i might be wrong though unless there is a contract or something.
Re: XBox 360 - Official Thread

so milanista after you purchase xbox 360 , you wont get the ps3 for WE ?
Re: XBox 360 - Official Thread

Its already coming out on Xbox360 with Live, whats the point of getting another console with almost the same games? I dont evne use my PS2 now, only my Xbox.
Re: XBox 360 - Official Thread

yeah but how do you know that it will be similar to playstation version, even the controller is different for sake plus they dont even have a title for it yet, maybe it will come out way later close to the release of the ps3. Maybe until the ps3 there will be a special version just for the new ps3 users and ps3 probably will do something better then xbox this time.

I want to get xbox too but the titles just isnt that big for a new console.
Re: XBox 360 - Official Thread

The new XBox306 controller is fine cos its got 4 shoulder buttons so thats not a problem. Also the Xbox360 WE is coming before the PS3 WE lol
Re: XBox 360 - Official Thread

Noted said:
The new XBox306 controller is fine cos its got 4 shoulder buttons so thats not a problem. Also the Xbox360 WE is coming before the PS3 WE lol

played the 360 and the controler is stunning. I have to say that we on xbox was much better (more fluid) only the f..... controler. But the've solved that. The controler seems even to be better then ps2 controler. I know people don't believe this but (i have also a ps2) i think it's so.

=Hope that pes5 xbox can be played on 360 (with live). Someone knows if this can?
=Noted are you sure WE 360 becomes earlier then WE PS3 (thought they will make a f.... ps3 port voor 360)
Re: XBox 360 - Official Thread

Thye announced the 360 version first so I think they will actually make it for that, add to that the fact the 360 is finished and you can actually play finished games now I think it's likely.

So I guess October next year PES6 (360) will be here. ;) This all depends on how fast Sony get there console out though, is there a set release for the UK yet?
Re: XBox 360 - Official Thread

Fair point, but dont you think one of the main reasons konami are gonna bring out PES6 late in '06 so it can be released on PS3 at the same time?

Im sure they are more favourable to the PS, especially after it being the main home for its PES series with the current gen. Dont mind either way to be honest :)

saying that, I like the d-pad better on the ps2 than xbox. It feels to 'loose' on xbox.

Love the 360 controller though :)
Re: XBox 360 - Official Thread

I think PS3 is gonna have a really tough competitor with Microsoft - more so than what they have had faced with the original XBox.

Microsoft are complete Megalomaniacs. After losing the millions (or billions?) with the XBox there is only one reason why they will return to the game scene - and that is to win. Expect a crazier marketing campaign with this one...

For the same reasons why I hate them, Microsoft will continue to gobble up game manufacturers with their superior financial backing into signing exclusive deals. Sony can have their teraflops & Bluray, but come next year I fear they won't have much to work with....

Another thing Sony needs to fix is their online gaming system. I don't own a XBox, but from what I've seen, Microsoft have hit it spot on with Live. I can't really see Sony doing much to combat this.

Another important factor IMHO is gonna be Windows Media Center. WMC is becoming the established media appliance for consumers. I'm presuming Sony will come out with their own Media software - but I doubt it'll be as appealing as the established and uniformly used WMC...

But the most important factor is gonna be time. Presuming Sony is gonna release mid next year, 6 months AND Christmas is a crazy amount of time in the gaming industry. I am seriously beginning to doubt that Sony will catch up...
Re: XBox 360 - Official Thread

Massacre_1907 said:
I want to get xbox too but the titles just isnt that big for a new console.

You really think PS3 are gonna have a great launch title line up???
Re: XBox 360 - Official Thread

rockykabir said:
Another thing Sony needs to fix is their online gaming system. I don't own a XBox, but from what I've seen, Microsoft have hit it spot on with Live. I can't really see Sony doing much to combat this. I am seriously beginning to doubt that Sony will catch up...
Sony's online plans are identical to the PS2's, which is "Leave it up to the game developer to sort out" - which is very noble and everything but it can be inconsistant from a consumer point of view. I can't see them beating the Live service. PS3 will catch up, its all price dependant but it will sell in the thousands. I don't think it will be a case of 80million units Vs 20million units this time around - the gap will be much smaller.
Re: XBox 360 - Official Thread

The way I see it though is that alot of consumers have more than one current gen console. The XB360 will only be my 3rd Launch buy, the others being the DC and the GC, both because of there sub 200 Launch Price. I picked up a PS2 when the PES series transferred, which was also around the time that GTA III came out, and that was for around 250 sheets with the game and memory card I think.

Price has a HUGE bearing on whether a person will go for it or not, but I have no doubt the PS3 will sell millions of machines, Japan alone will gobble it up just because it's a Japanese Company and it's a new bit of kit, no matter what they sell it at, and I can see EARLY ADOPTERS around the world paying any price for it, what MS is trying to achieve is to have a Next Gen machine at an attractive price to people who might just 'give it a try'.

Therefore MS want to get a head start, but a Worldwide Release is very very daunting, and there will be console shortages, the headstart that MS will have could be greatly diminished if MS cant get the consoles on the shop shelves and leaving consumers 'hunting' them down. I do agree I think the difference in units sold will be greatly reduced, but I still think alot of that will depend on this first year that the XB360 will get over the PS3, although it could be longer.
Re: XBox 360 - Official Thread

ReActor said:
Sony's online plans are identical to the PS2's, which is "Leave it up to the game developer to sort out" - which is very noble and everything but it can be inconsistant from a consumer point of view.
What is noble about it? If every game developer needs to implement online gaming and pay for online service infrastructure themselves, less games will be allowed the extra time and money to go online. I consider this a very bad move from Sony not to strengthen the only area where Microsoft is currently superior.
Re: XBox 360 - Official Thread

Excuse me for asking/not reading this whole thread... but some of you talk about some sort of winning eleven 9 final evolution will be available for xbox360. My question is when (february as always?) en will ii be able to go online with it with the 360? Also will it finally also be available for PC (as it does not seem to be a ps2 exlusive anymore)?
Re: XBox 360 - Official Thread

Sony not investing on online is a bad move considering how popular, and well designed, Live is. But the exclusives are still gonna make a difference. MGS fans (like me) for example can't wait to play the new game, and it seems it will only be available for the ps3 at least in the first 6 months. The next GTA, if it follows the example the GTA:SA and becomes PS3 exclusive is one hell a advantage cause the game is immensely popular.
A Gran Turismo will surely be availabe either or launch or a couple of months later, no matter waht you might say is still a huge go for Sony.

But I very very very much doubt there will be 60%ps2 and 40% the rest, this time. at the begginning at least till summer 06 MS is gonna have the advantage, but xmas next year things will surely be balanced.
Re: XBox 360 - Official Thread

Ike said:
What is noble about it? If every game developer needs to implement online gaming and pay for online service infrastructure themselves, less games will be allowed the extra time and money to go online. I consider this a very bad move from Sony not to strengthen the only area where Microsoft is currently superior.
Because it's free - thats as far as that statement goes.I completely agree that Sony have pissed up there online plans and they will NOT compete with MS online.
Re: XBox 360 - Official Thread

Well, Sony offers no service so it is free indeed - but that doesn't mean that the game developers offer their online services for free, or does it? So maybe you end up sending 5€/month to the guys who developed your favorite PS3 RPG, 5€ to your favorite racing game, 5€ to a sports game... Maybe I'm exaggerating a bit here but still, it's way more comfortable to pay a fixed amount to one single place, and if you want some cool optional updates you can choose to pay again, still to the same central service.
Re: XBox 360 - Official Thread

I begrudge paying anything at all, even the £40 for Live, because it's never been the case on PC except MMORPG. My view is you pay for your game and that's it, to have to pay for online gaming means you're only buying half a game in the first place. I just bite the bullet and get on with it I guess. :roll:

Live is good because it's a unified service, but I'm not so sure if it's not just a money-making ploy. I don't know how many developers charged for online games for the PS2. If the majority were free, then there's no reason why MS couldn't do the same. Again I'm just assuming here, if a lot of PS2 games charge for online anyway then Sony are being daft leaving it up to each developer for PS3.

Mazanga, no WE9FE for 360, next-gen WE for 360 at end of 2006 in Japan.
Re: XBox 360 - Official Thread

Microsoft don't have to charge but it makes sense for them to do so, I think it costs them a lot of money to run unlike for Sony who ship all costs to the individual developers.
Re: XBox 360 - Official Thread

It takes a hell of a lot of money to run a service like Live. Not only the hardware/networking costs but also the people to maintain the service. £40 a year, or £29.99 if you buy a 12 month subscription from is a bloody bargain. Compare that to say Sky which is £42 a month it's a steal! And no I am not directly comparing Live to Sky, it was just an example!
Re: XBox 360 - Official Thread

Revan said:
Only thing I would like to know if MS makes money from Live or is it just to cover for expenses.
What does it matter? The main aim of any business is to make money.
Re: XBox 360 - Official Thread

Revan said:
The next GTA, if it follows the example the GTA:SA and becomes PS3 exclusive is one hell a advantage cause the game is immensely popular.
Its so sad but true that a lot depends on one game....I can't see Microsoft letting go on this one. Don't own TakeTwo (the owners of Rockstar) or sumthin? In fact, a more worrying case is for GTA to become a 360 exclusive... Considering Live....I wouldn't mind paying £50 or so a year for the services - as long as it works. However, do you guys know the differences in the prices and content between the 360's Live Silver and Gold packages?
Re: XBox 360 - Official Thread

How is online console gaming any different from online PC gaming? How come PC developers can afford to let folk play their games online without making them pay (MMORPGs aside)? I'm not criticising their service, it's good, but it's unneccessary and not needed. If you want to play Xbox games online however, you've really got no choice.
Re: XBox 360 - Official Thread

Because each company runs there own server or even just uses IP to IP, Microsoft run everything by themselves if I'm not mistaken.
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