LOST (***SEASON 2 Spoilers Thread***)

Wow what an episode, cant wait to see more about the weird designs when the room went blue.

Knew Henry was a fake, but was beginning to believe he was innocent when he returned to help Locke... but Sayid popped up at the end.

Also noticed a supply drop from Dharma.... meaning Dharma must be monitoring the island or something! I hope we see Desmond again!

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Great episode, looks like Lost is back on track

It was a great moment when the florecent lights came on, why though (allegedly, the button was prest just in time) could anyone make out what the womans voice down mic was saying
Where as the food came from ?

What were the 5 twists by the way
1. The lock down of the doors
2. Florecent lights
3. Henry Gale not being Henry Gale
4. Food maybe
5. ???
1. The balloon find.
2. The lockdown.
3. The supply drop.
4. Sayid's end story.
5. The Map

So I believe anyway matey. The food I think came when the station went into Lockdown, the woman
counting down to when it was gonna be dropped maybe?
no one mention the baloon w/ a beacon full of food(Dharma products`)

I think everyone crashes on Island on purpose,while scientist sets experiment on peoples behavior,why is that everyones past is sort of twisted.

I guess it`s to remind us that no one is innocent and we all have skeltons in are closet.I could be wrong,but hollwood are full of twisted sick minds.
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Good episode, very nice twist too. Got in from the pub pissed and was still merry when I watched the episode at 6am here... and now sobering up is doubly hard and ultra cranky :shock:

Makes me think how much Libby might know about the whole plane crash, although it might easily be nothing. She's hiding the fact she knew Hurley back then from him, so why is that and is she part of a plan? Hmm.
wtf Libby was there!!!!!!!! The first time we heard Dave was imaginary I was convinced it was true since they never passed him the ball while playing basketball, but passed it to Hurley instead.

I also assume that the timer reaching 0 was what set off the supply drop.
That was a great episode, one of my favs. Hurley has always had an importance to the show and though sometimes he is in the background doing little Im sure he will hold a very important link to finding out about the Island. Next weeks episode also looks great, "Henry" looked a little cleaned up so I wonder where he has been?
Good episode again two in a row! Its getting like the 1st series again! I find it amazing that nobody had come up with this idea as a plot for the series on other boards!
Good episode not quite as good as ep.17 but still good, the trailer looks good for next week too, should be great

Fake Henry is a lying S.O.B, and Milanista maybe your right about the timer going down to zero then the food gets dropped off but what about the door lockdown ?
Taken from the GameFAQs UK board of all places:

Landman said:
Ok, the episode itself it old, season 1 episode 22, but this is the first I have seen of this. I read about it and then took the screenshot myself, with Hurleys recent episode maybe this is telling us more than we think.


On the right, it says 'imagining' instead of 'imaging'

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