The Conspiracy Files: 9/11 - The Third Tower

I don't understand how the government could possibly kill their own people. Surely they realise someone would eventually find out the truth.. or is that impossible because they're the government?

Come on Noted if they can fake landing on the moon letting terrorists smash a couple of planes is a breeze. Just think what else would have given the US free-rein to do what they want.

I'll admit - a building hit from one side should collapse towards that side so the trade centres should have tipped to the side. That's why controlled explosions as insanely detailed and carefully planned so all four corners of the building receive the same damage and so it collapses in on itself and vertically down. Quite how both towers were struck from the side and fell vertically down is beyond me.

Although i would assume if the plane had caused enough damage to collapse the structure that only the damaged part and above would go so we'd be left with half a building standing rather than nothing at all.

Fires in other buildings - steel reinforced and so on...that engulfed the entire buildings and never collapsed doesn't add up - and the building that was hit with the plane last fell first?

Trade centre buildings were supposed to last for hours with the flames around and passed tests for that. Yet only lasted an hour :SS

Multiple explosions... people on low to near ground floors being burned from an explosion ! Molten steel found underneath the trade buildings? The jets of smoke coming from the buildings as they fell many floors down !?

The info about the Pentagon plane is very strange - where the hell DID that plane go to and if it vaporised then how did the bodies not get vaporised?

And if it was a big enough crash to do that then how did it only make a tiny hole on the pentagon?
And how did the bleeding windows stay intact right NEXT to the hole?
The smell of Cordite?

I don't understand why they're happy to show people being killed with the planes hitting the trade centre yet they're keeping all the footage of the pentagon hidden away.


Ive never heard anything weird about Flight 93 but this stuff is really crazy.

The phone call where the guy keeps asking if his mom believes him and gaps of mumbled words between him and someone else. WTF?

If i was on a plane being hijacked and i managed to phone my misses id tell her how much i love her and whats going on o nthe plane - '5 shits have taken the plane over they have a bomb, theyve stabbed 2 people... we have no idea whats going on but ive managed to call you while they went away... im going to keep on the phone with you as long as i can.. etc'

Not 'hey XXX its me [full name] do you believe its me talking to you?

although like the tests prove - i couldn't have even made that call up in the air!

And they can fake anyone's voices now with science? That's amazingly cool but also very scary if you think about what they could use it for.

Though we then see a video with osama on that they say is fake and if you look at it... it could be fake.

I think the big tell tale sign of a crime is always the insurance documents being taken out shortly before something bad happens. Everytime ive watched the fbi files on discovery when someone is murdered that is the first clue the investigators look at and see as a motive.

I've never really looked at all of this in detail before but its very strange. It's not like governments and the people running countries have never done things like this before anyway so hell.. it could all be true.

One thought though - if the americans did this to themselves then why the hell did england and madrid have terrorist bombings?

Retaliation for the Americans staging and then attacking them first and our countries joining up?

I wouldn't blame them
It's not the first time a government has killed their own people, there are lots of cases throughout history.

Many. The president of Panama back in the 60's.. .or was it 70's was against opening the grand canal but the US really wanted it for business, he was a socialist and was a huge figure for the people, so the US took him out with a plane bomb. Same for I think the Ecuador president back then too.
If fun and interesting talking about conspiracy theories but the fact is we will NEVER find out the truth. Everything goes through the government. But surely if someone in the government knew the truth they would eventually feel guilty and reveal the truth. Sure they would be threatened to be killed and their families would be threatened but if them or their families were killed it would be obvious its to hide something. I just dont really see how the government could do this. Unless they were planning it for years/maybe decades. And what would be the point. An excuse to go to war with Iraq? I don't think so.
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If fun and interesting talking about conspiracy theories but the fact is we will NEVER find out the truth. Everything goes through the government. But surely if someone in the government knew the truth they would eventually feel guilty and reveal the truth. Sure they would be threatened to be killed and their families would be threatened but if them or their families were killed it would be obvious its to hide something. I just dont really see how the government could do this. Unless they were planning it for years/maybe decades. And what would be the point. An excuse to go to war with Iraq? I don't think so.

If you're scared, you're easier to control.

War, as far as the US is concerned, is a business.

Edit: I recommend some Bill Hicks, Lewis Black and George Carlin. (comedians)
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JFK was going to tell all about the Federal Reserve system, and was thus killed by those with interests in the Federal Reserve.

There are countless other conspiracy theories that are correct in my mind but on the other hand there are many more that simply aren't.

9/11 I'm not so sure about. To be honest, if it was an inside job, I really, really think we'd know it by now. You cannot successfully cover up something that big. It's impossible.
Bill Hicks - i saw some stuff he had said about a cult or something that had done a mass suicide yet he was saying it was obvious they didn't and that they were killed.

The rap was great and i spent weeks trying to recreate the kick ups bit where he puts his leg out and the bell hits his heel and comes back up and he continues with the kick ups
The rap was great and i spent weeks trying to recreate the kick ups bit where he puts his leg out and the bell hits his heel and comes back up and he continues with the kick ups

I think everybody did :DD

But I don't get what Aboutreika18 is saying?! - Are you saying that John Barnes is going to take over the world?
Yeah thats the one! I remember reading about how Canary Wharf is a giant Freemason area, with the pointy building being the headquarters, hence it being 'brandless'. Also how all the rich and elite work around there.
I watched this late last night and I don't understand how people can think it is a cover up?

It's also very insensitive to all those that lost there lives that day, and there family's.
I watched this late last night and I don't understand how people can think it is a cover up?

It's also very insensitive to all those that lost there lives that day, and there family's.

Watched what Cammey, in plane sight? TBH I feel the exact opposite on the cover up, how can you argue the Pentagon evidence?
If I had lost family over there and I know some people who did, I know I'd be asking questions. I try to keep an open mind to everything and listen to as much evidence as possible.

I find it hard that people will not or cannot believe their government were not aware of the plot at some level, or were not capable of letting it happen shall we say, to further their own ends.
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I agree - I don't see how it is insensitive?

Alot of people in the know and Experts on certain things have questioned what happened - This makes others feel that something fishy went on. If something Fishy did go on - It should be found out...........Although I don't think it ever will.
Well, not trying to be the devil's advocate, but I find it quite normal that everything would be covered up when something of that magnitude happens at the symbol of America's military power.

And for those that say that the explosion was small, well the Pentagon is a huge, HUGE building.

And someones said something about the towers being fireproof, or that is should have hold on longer, well jet fuel burns at much higher temperatures than than the materials that were in the building.

Anyway, I'm all for investigations on these things, one needs to be sure.
And someones said something about the towers being fireproof, or that is should have hold on longer, well jet fuel burns at much higher temperatures than than the materials that were in the building.

In 1945 a B25 bomber crashed and exploded in the Empire State Building. It stood.

I remember in Chicago a plane hit a skyscraper as well, it burned for almost an entire day, and it stood.

The twin towers held on for an hour and fell down vertically at free fall speed.

Enough said.
Are you sure they use the same fuel? I'm pretty sure the fuel that planes use those days were quite diferent.

Was that bomber as big as the planes that hit the towers? remember 1942.

The explanation for falling in an almost 90º angle, well, the main pillar that hold the structuce was at the middle, and it only needs a single floor to collapse, then the weight above that floor did the rest.
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I'm not even arguing anymore the fact is we will never ever know the truth whatever it may be. :-pp
We may not ever know the whole truth but we can still piece the facts that we do know together and at least try and get a vague idea of what happened. Better than being a sheep.

And to the people who think that the government would not harm US citizens, isn't this the same government that has been involved in the killings of thousands of innocent civilians in Afghanistan and Iraq?
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