Speculation Transfer Thread

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He is better than most players that are mentioned in those posts. Mata and Ramires were outstanding this season, but Hazard is definitely better than all the other players you mentioned.

In fact every team could use a player who scored 20 goals and provided 15 assists in a season. I might be wrong but only Messi has done better over the season (maybe also Ronaldo, but i'm not so sure about his assists). This is a player who combines the effectivity of an Özil and a Clint Dempsey or Adebayor. In fact only RVP, Rooney and Aguëro scored more goals than him and only Silva provided as much assists in the EPL. No Chelsea player of the current crop comes even close to one of both achievements, let alone both combined.
I was always a litle bit prudent about Hazard, could scarcely believe that a Belgian player could be as good as everybody made Hazard, but the past season he was one of the best players in Europe. I think only Messi and Ronaldo can provide the same statistics.

The fact that Chelsea is trying to buy him when everybody knows he will go to Man City, says it all...

PS: and personally only thinking about Hazard and his carreer, IMO he would do better to go to Spurs, Arsenal or Liverpool.
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i know he's better i'm not saying the opposite i just can't see him playing for us he's the kind of player you build a team around not the kind that just blends in, right now Chelsea is in a transition phase the players composing the team's bone structure are all over 30(except Cech) youngsters are being brought in, Academy players are being injected also just to make the team more younger more dynamic! Even if we won two trophies this year we still had the worst season since Abramovich came
With that being said we don't need this kind of players we need team players with a future potential just to keep up with the raising team in EPL & Europe if we want to keep winning titles i'm talking about: Giovinco & Aurtenetxe ;)
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He is better than most players that are mentioned in those posts. Mata and Ramires were outstanding this season, but Hazard is definitely better than all the other players you mentioned.

In fact every team could use a player who scored 20 goals and provided 15 assists in a season. I might be wrong but only Messi has done better over the season (maybe also Ronaldo, but i'm not so sure about his assists). This is a player who combines the effectivity of an Özil and a Clint Dempsey or Adebayor. In fact only RVP, Rooney and Aguëro scored more goals than him and only Silva provided as much assists in the EPL. No Chelsea player of the current crop comes even close to one of both achievements, let alone both combined.
I was always a litle bit prudent about Hazard, could scarcely believe that a Belgian player could be as good as everybody made Hazard, but the past season he was one of the best players in Europe. I think only Messi and Ronaldo can provide the same statistics.

The fact that Chelsea is trying to buy him when everybody knows he will go to Man City, says it all...

PS: and personally only thinking about Hazard and his carreer, IMO he would do better to go to Spurs, Arsenal or Liverpool.

Is it typical of his personality to take the p*ss the way he did last night? If so, I want him nowhere near United.

When you're the best player in the world, then you can have a press conference about your future. When you're a young player who has never been in one of the truly major leagues, you don't create a circus and pull that sh*t.

It seems a really simple choice to me:
1. City: Highest wages, highest transfer, best chance of winning the league next season. Also nice 'stepping stone' to Madrid or Barca in 2 years time. Downside is he's not actually needed in the first XI, but hey we all love 200k a week subs. Also, City haven't really shown the urge (or need) to develop young talent - they're about buying in their prime.

2. Chelsea: Second highest wages, second highest transfer, no chance of winning the league but gets to live in London, and the team would probably be built around him. Downside is who knows who the manager will be, and even when we do know it's unlikely that they'll stay manager for long. Also Chelsea have a terrible record of developing youth (none since Terry).

3. United: Lowest wages, lowest transfer. Chance of winning the league, but real draw will be Fergie, United's worldwide reputation and the chance to play with some aged legends. Will also definitely be a starter, and could grow alongside a core group of under 24 year old players.

So it depends. At United or Chelsea he'll definitely be a starter, and will probably have the team more molded around him. But at City he could jump into the team that will win the league next year, and make a sh*t ton of money too. And if it doesn't work out, then he's just done a year or two in England, and can hop over to Spain or Italy.

From what I've seen of him in the past 2 weeks, seems a no brainer. Get that blue shirt and say how it's great to part of an elite project.
That is the french media who created the hype to get exclusive pressconf with him, not Hazard being a diva .
The fact is he answered sincerely: at the moment, he just does not know where he'll be playing next year.
Thiago Silva ---> Barcelona/City

Mancini met with Milan yesterday where Galliani requested 50M. Barcelona, according to Italian press, have already made a 40M bid.
Benedikt Höwedes (Schalke 04) ---> Bayern Munchen
Rafinha (Bayern Munchen) ---> Schalke 04

Hopefully Rafinha will not be moved - Schalke does not need him anymore.
Better receiving about 15 million euros for Höwedes only, than getting a troublemaker in addition who regularly sat on the bench...
Thiago Silva ---> Barcelona/City

Mancini met with Milan yesterday where Galliani requested 50M. Barcelona, according to Italian press, have already made a 40M bid.

plus Barça are willing to add up Thiago Alacantara ;) and they also looking to sign Zabaleta from Manchester City

Also Chelsea have a terrible record of developing youth (none since Terry).

you're kidding right?
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Hazard is no saint but he's not a diva. That's unfair. There's all this press and attention on him because he's young and talented. He didn't 'create' any of this. He's just been honest and saying he doesn't know where he'll be yet because there is a LOT to consider. I think any level headed individual would take their sweet time making a decision since this is probably gonna be the most important decision he's made in his life so far. and there's no reason Chelsea can't have a much better season next year and challenge for the title as United will.

It all depends on the coach and a few transfers. But they have the squad capable of doing anything. They just won the CL despite some seroius injuries/suspensions and I can only see this squad getting 'better', not worse. So this was a one year off and it showed in the league table finishing 6th, but previously over the last decade, Chelsea has been right up there challenging and you can expect this to continue.
What did Hazard do last night?

The impressions I got (admittedly from the UK press) is that he said he would tell the world his intentions after Lille finished their last match.

And indeed, he was interviewed by the baying mob of press at what looked to me to be a press conference (how often do players clean up, go and sit at a table after a match in front of the press?!) about where he would go, and simply said he didn't know.

I'm all for him taking his time and making the decision that is right for him. But the way he 'teased' the world saying he'd tell everyone on Sunday and then actually hosting a conference...seems like he has a PR person already and in my opinion they're not winning him any plaudits.
Hazard as several reasons to postpone a decision.
First of all, this is a huge step for him. It might ruïn his carreer (look at Lukaku, don't underestimate this, as both ar Belgians and know each other from the NT). So like PLF said, it is not a bad thing that he takes his time.
But did he have to say that he would make his choice public after Lille's last match? Perhaps not, but don't forget that at the time his situation had changed. Saturday Chelsea had won the CL (against all hopes) and immediately they showed interest in Hazard (and consider that Courtois, Lukaku, De Bruyne are already Chelsea players and there is a strong rumour that Chelsea are interested in Fellaini, Hazard knows all these players from our NT).
My guess is that Hazard wants to wait a certain friendly at Wembley. I think it is next week that England will play Belgium at Wembley. Hazard wants to make a showcase of that match (like several Belgian players and IMO it will end in tears because our national for some reason are underachieving).
If you look at this way, it all makes perfectly sense and like PLF said, Hazard is no saint, but not a diva.
In harzard's defense the longer it takes the better . If £££ that was the main thing he would of sign City . So it benefits mutd where he can be the next Ronaldo. Then, their London life style more to do.
Hazard as several reasons to postpone a decision.
First of all, this is a huge step for him. It might ruïn his carreer (look at Lukaku, don't underestimate this, as both ar Belgians and know each other from the NT). So like PLF said, it is not a bad thing that he takes his time.
But did he have to say that he would make his choice public after Lille's last match? Perhaps not, but don't forget that at the time his situation had changed. Saturday Chelsea had won the CL (against all hopes) and immediately they showed interest in Hazard (and consider that Courtois, Lukaku, De Bruyne are already Chelsea players and there is a strong rumour that Chelsea are interested in Fellaini, Hazard knows all these players from our NT).
My guess is that Hazard wants to wait a certain friendly at Wembley. I think it is next week that England will play Belgium at Wembley. Hazard wants to make a showcase of that match (like several Belgian players and IMO it will end in tears because our national for some reason are underachieving).
If you look at this way, it all makes perfectly sense and like PLF said, Hazard is no saint, but not a diva.

Agreed, it was just the nature of his actions on Sunday that rankled.

Interesting to see Chelsea going so Belgian, hoping it brings the national team a core that will improve it - with those players there is sooo much potential!
Hazard will decide his future on june 2... claims his agent, so all the romours are smoke.
Liverpool won´t make no player deals before bringing in new coach + other very important people for running the club..

they only want to make new better deals for the stars but i imagine them wait untill new manager is anounced as well..

it´s a mess right now tbh..in LFC...
Ola John (Twente) very close to sign for Benfica, according to portuguese press (already in Lisbon).
Haha once again our medias have different staments. :P
Here in the Netherlands it has been said the transfer has been cancelled...
:) First they were saying the deal was almost certain, then, according to dutch press, the deal collapsed...now they're saying he's already in Lisbon to sign. We'll see... portuguese press is not to be trusted but...

Anyway, they are taliking about 9M €, with Twente first demands being 15M €. I really enjoy Ola on the tie against us, but I fear it might be a risky sign for so much money. What do you think?
Nico Kranjcar: Spurs -> Dynamo Kiev or a Russian Club
Loíc Remy: Marseilles -> Spurs (outside chance Man City)
Lucas Moura: San Paulo (Brazilian team) -> Chelsea (outside chance Inter).
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