FIFA 07 (PS2/XBox/PC) - Current Gen

Re: EA Sports FIFA 2007

I take my last post about the Nets and cloth animation back. I see these things improved in that last video. Although, in that one goal Adriano scored, the nets looked life-less as the ball hit. But, definately an improvement..

Oh, and did you see the crowd behind the goal on that video??? WOW! they look so life-like and the atmosphere looks so alive..The graphics are unbeleivable to say the least.
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Re: EA Sports FIFA 2007

deftones, thanks mate the Cutscene problem doesnt bother me its just the overall gameplay is choppy.

Ill try this when I get home.

Re: EA Sports FIFA 2007

Adriano...and that counts for Inter...nice commentators! game looks a bit stiff imo...also it just sucks, they have a total of 6 leagues in there and can't get correct goalkeeper kits for them...just bloody stupid.
Re: EA Sports FIFA 2007

djdoc360 said:
deftones, thanks mate the Cutscene problem doesnt bother me its just the overall gameplay is choppy.

Ill try this when I get home.

My fix is only for the gameplay part, it should keep it around 55-60fps. The cutscenes are a whole other problem.......which I talk about later in that thread........:)
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Re: EA Sports FIFA 2007

Deftones, what would you recommend for a dual-core 3.2GHz with a GeForce 6800? Only I've downloaded your High Detail with modded LOD file and the gameplay framerate still seems to be absolutely awful, even on 800x600 (especially when the camera has to move, it's less than 30fps, more like 10-20fps). :(

As for the game itself, I think it's magnificent, especially in multiplayer. It's a huge, huge shame about the difficulty levels (and to unlock the highest one you have to complete TWO PAGES of challenges, which is ridiculous - please dear God say there's a cheat). But saying that, if you're a crap team versus a good team, it's alright. For example, last night, I experienced one of the best virtual games of football I've ever, ever had. Twice.

First one; Liverpool vs Watford. Some good passes lead to Riise getting the ball on the left of the box. The ball bounces a bit and he hits a half-volley. The keeper stretches for it and you can see from the way his body is stretched, he's GAGGING to get the ball, but he can't. It hits the back of the post and goes in. Later on he gets the ball on the wing, does a cross, the keeper comes way too close to the left side of his goal (which happens a lot, leaving totally open goals, unfortunately) and in comes a volley from Gerrard. 2-0.

So then I start passing it around, just trying to keep the scoreline the same. 70 minutes gone, a bad pass is intercepted, straight away the Watford player does a through-ball over the top and the guy beats the offside trap. He goes to the right and sends the ball cheekily across the floor to the keeper's left. 2-1. 90 minutes, the crowd are whistling for the game to end. One of the Watford players does a fantastic tackle, inch-perfect, and the ball runs free. This guy comes from nowhere and twats the ball to within an inch of it's life. The spin is massive, curling it from left to right. It hits the crossbar, bounces out, the keeper still stunned, but before a defender can get to it (I was still in shock) a guy runs in and heads it. 2-2, and then shortly after the final whistle goes. Absolutely brilliant game that punished me for being lax.

But the best game...

Tranmere vs Bolton, (the new) Wembley Stadium. In the first half, Bolton ping it round like nobody's business. Anelka beat the offside trap twice and scored twice, then got his hat trick with 35 minutes gone with a blaster from outside the area. At half time I was going to pack in but I thought, no, I'll fiddle with the tactics. I changed to five in the middle and just three defenders, but we were 3-0 down so it was worth a go. We pressed a bit more as well.

Within the first five minutes, the extra man in midfield is giving us more possession. There's a back-pass to their keeper, he runs out to hit it but mistimes the kick. It goes to Greenacre (hate the way he's got blonde hair and a blonde beard by the way - in other words "can't be arsed doing research, press the random button'). He chips the goalkeeper, and the goalkeeper animation was spectacular. He looked panicked, desperately jumped and fell over backwards, thumping the ground when the ball went in the net. We kept possession for the next ten minutes, passing and passing and passing, until a pass fell into the box. Zola gets the ball, shoots, hits the post, comes back out, Greenacre with a diving header... Hits the foot of the post... Cleared. With ten minutes to go every man was forward, it was desperate stakes. Deflection. Corner. Cross comes in, Stockdale (the defender) rises, heads it... Back of the net. 3-2.

We push, and push, and push. Three minutes are added on, much to the surprise of the commentator (nice touch). But Bolton started defending very very deeply after the second goal, and we just can't do it. I was so angry at the end of the match, I could have throttled every virtual player on the pitch. But it was the most immersive experience in a football game I've ever had (bar Football Manager which I don't think will ever be beaten; I think that the same way that a few Pro fans say FIFA will never be better and would feel physically sick if forced to play it, I'm slightly like that with FM - while I could play FIFA, I could never play another management game).

I absolutely love this game. As far as I'm concerned, as a whole package, Pro Evo is miles behind this (especially the 360 version, the physics and apparently the difficulty level in that are going to be brilliant). Just a shame about the CPU difficulty.
Re: EA Sports FIFA 2007

Right had about 10 games now, the more i play it the more shallow the gameplay becomes, its bassically pass, pass shoot, score. There isnt the need to do anything more complicated to score. although you can play nice football at times but its not really needed, its just a case of getting to to the forward either to run onto or to shield and shoot.

It does try to copy PES and i supose it does in the basic gameplay, but thats as far as it goes, all the little intracacies that make pes great are just not there.

It still has the same problem as other Fifa games, that all the players virtually feel the same to control.

The passing along the floor is desent, maybe lacks a bit of zip, the ball physics on long balls is embarassingly bad.

Overall the game is very average, the core gameplay is ok, but simplistic and seems to lack any depth, and they still havent addressed the biggest issue for me the ball phsyics. you get that right and the game beomes more free and less scripted.

How pes managed to get is spot on years ago and EA are still struggling with it is beyond me?

Wouldnt recommmend this game to anyone.
Re: EA Sports FIFA 2007

footyfan said:
How pes managed to get is spot on years ago and EA are still struggling with it is beyond me?
How has PES had a "Master League" for eight years when every other football game has got it spot on, including those with zero licenses?

I think you're being very harsh on the game, but everybody is entitled to their opinion. As I said above, I had two of the best virtual football experiences with FIFA 07, and the 360 version is set to be even better. I think that for all the things FIFA does wrong, PES does things wrong as well.

Seabass is making a game for the Japanese, who must love all of the Master League shit. He's not making a game for people who want more to do. As far as I'm concerned, the new PES is the exact same game as every previous game, but with better gameplay. True, that's the most important thing, but would you play the new Splinter Cell if all the levels were the same, or a new golf game with the same eight courses, or a new Gran Turismo with nothing new at all bar it handles slightly better?

Everything there is to be done in PES I've done and I have absolutely no desire to play the latest PES, apart from the online aspect which I look forward to. But if it's only infested with cheats, as is every single fucking online game I play on the 360 (the way people play whilst downloading giving them a ping of 65 million is INFURIATING), then there won't be any football game in my games drawer this year bar FIFA 07 and Football Manager 2007.
Re: EA Sports FIFA 2007

I'm still in the process of giving the game a chance, but i think footyfan isn't that far from the truth. I want and wish FIFA to be really good, but i have a feeling it won't keep me sucked in like PES and WE always do from one version to the next.
Re: EA Sports FIFA 2007

airjoca said:
I'm still in the process of giving the game a chance, but i think footyfan isn't that far from the truth. I want and wish FIFA to be really good, but i have a feeling it won't keep me sucked in like PES and WE always do from one version to the next.

yes i think that might be a problem, it feels new and fresh at first, but u might get bored after a few weeks when it might be very easy scoring goals etc. While with PES i always play it a whole year long, and still like it.
Re: EA Sports FIFA 2007

Thats because you guys love the 'On Rails' and CPU Controlled football that WE/PES offers you. When im on the ball in FIFA 07 I feel more free and less restricted than I do on the often frustrating but otherwise good WE10. I think FIFA isnt too far off of WE 10 but it still does feel a little bit lifeless and lack a bit of depth the more you play it. Shame because its the best FIFA to date. However for those who think PES6 will be miles better than this you will be soley disappointed as it will be a slight tweak of WE10 and thats about it.

I think FIFA on the 360 will be better than current gen due to the change of Game Engine. The fact the ball will become a seperate entity to the players excites me it makes it more realistic. I think the 360 version will Own the Current Gen versions in terms of gameplay which would be awesome if that turns out to be the case because the Current Gen version IMHO does actually play a reasonable game this time around.

Re: EA Sports FIFA 2007

In all honesty my addiction to this game will probably end like it did last year; everything becomes too "samey" and that's it. But with Pro Evo, I play that for less than a month, and then I'm sick of it. I've done it all already.

If I stop playing FIFA soon (it doesn't feel like I will but I suppose I have before), then I won't start playing Pro Evo either. I completed the game eight years ago; with worse gameplay, yeah, but I've still done it. As I said above, I don't understand anybody who would have fun playing e.g. a new Splinter Cell with the exact same levels, all looking exactly the same, with all the same limitations as before, but with a character that moved more freely and let you shoot more realistically.

Football Manager is the only football game in the last year that I've played for longer than a month.
Re: EA Sports FIFA 2007

From the videos I personally don't think that 360's gameplay will be that different. Hope i'm wrong.

Yesterday i played quite a lot of games on FIFA07. Then my mate came to my house and i tried playing FIFA with him but for some reason, when i have 2 controllers pluged in Fifa gets fecked up and unplayable. (like 10fps).

So we went back to WE10 as usual.

I know what ppl mean with the rails and stuff, but in all honesty it was good to feel like Ronaldinho again. I feel empowered when i control him in WE10, but not so in Fifa. And the movement, the physics, the weight of the ball and players, passing speed, shooting, it still all seems better in WE10 to me. Dribbling isn't even a question, much better in WE10. Even though i sometimes feel like smashing the controller due to the faults of the game, i keep loving it more and more. It's just like Loving someone i guess, love them for their faults as well. :)

HOWEVER, I am really trying with Fifa, and giving it a chance, i will keep playing it to see if i can go deeper in the game. Fingers crossed (for the 360 version especially).

@Jack, Football isn't about going from point A to point B, it's about having fun. You don't "complete" a football game. You just play it and have fun. I don't believe you don't have fun playing with mates, come on.
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Re: EA Sports FIFA 2007

Is this game out in the shops yet? I've just played the demo for the 1st time, I'm impressed with the graphics, commentary, gameplay is allot diff to pes so gameplay I don't rate it, but I'm thinking of getting it anyway so I can say I have both, I dont usually like the fifa's but this is different.
Re: EA Sports FIFA 2007

airjoca said:
deftonesmx17, i think one of your previous files was causing my game to crash on penaltys. But it's ok now. :)
Yes, I am trying to make them work for everyone, if you have been keeping an eye on my thread at soccergaming i have updated ones that should not crash. If you read my updated post it says why the old one was crashing. :)

Jack Bauer said:
Deftones, what would you recommend for a dual-core 3.2GHz with a GeForce 6800? Only I've downloaded your High Detail with modded LOD file and the gameplay framerate still seems to be absolutely awful, even on 800x600 (especially when the camera has to move, it's less than 30fps, more like 10-20fps). :(
You might be talking about the cutscenes, right? Most of that problem has to do with the Full-Scene effects such as Depth of field and Post FX settings. Try using one of my newer files over here that has those disabled and see if that helps. And could you also maybe try running FRAPS and watch the framerate while you are playing and report what you saw at different parts of a game. :) With my X800XL and AMD 64 3000+ and 1GB of RAM it runs from 55-60fps while playing and only dips during goal kicks(40-50fps) and cutscenes(20-25fps).
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Re: EA Sports FIFA 2007

Not talking about the cutscenes mate, I wouldn't be arsed if they were jerky - I'm talking about the gameplay unfortunately. :(
Re: EA Sports FIFA 2007

WEtongelre said:
allright I'm home again. Here they are (Fifa 07 xbox 360 screens)

(no premier league fonts :()

Holy Shi'ite Islaaam! That looks amazing!
Re: EA Sports FIFA 2007

Jack Bauer said:
Not talking about the cutscenes mate, I wouldn't be arsed if they were jerky - I'm talking about the gameplay unfortunately. :(
Try one of the other files and see if another one works better and report back, I enjoy the feedback fellas. :) I feel it might be hard for me to diagnose some Nvidia problems as i only have a few ATI cards to test with.
Re: EA Sports FIFA 2007

Jack Bauer said:
Deftones, what would you recommend for a dual-core 3.2GHz with a GeForce 6800? Only I've downloaded your High Detail with modded LOD file and the gameplay framerate still seems to be absolutely awful, even on 800x600 (especially when the camera has to move, it's less than 30fps, more like 10-20fps). :(

As for the game itself, I think it's magnificent, especially in multiplayer. It's a huge, huge shame about the difficulty levels (and to unlock the highest one you have to complete TWO PAGES of challenges, which is ridiculous - please dear God say there's a cheat). But saying that, if you're a crap team versus a good team, it's alright. For example, last night, I experienced one of the best virtual games of football I've ever, ever had. Twice.

First one; Liverpool vs Watford. Some good passes lead to Riise getting the ball on the left of the box. The ball bounces a bit and he hits a half-volley. The keeper stretches for it and you can see from the way his body is stretched, he's GAGGING to get the ball, but he can't. It hits the back of the post and goes in. Later on he gets the ball on the wing, does a cross, the keeper comes way too close to the left side of his goal (which happens a lot, leaving totally open goals, unfortunately) and in comes a volley from Gerrard. 2-0.

So then I start passing it around, just trying to keep the scoreline the same. 70 minutes gone, a bad pass is intercepted, straight away the Watford player does a through-ball over the top and the guy beats the offside trap. He goes to the right and sends the ball cheekily across the floor to the keeper's left. 2-1. 90 minutes, the crowd are whistling for the game to end. One of the Watford players does a fantastic tackle, inch-perfect, and the ball runs free. This guy comes from nowhere and twats the ball to within an inch of it's life. The spin is massive, curling it from left to right. It hits the crossbar, bounces out, the keeper still stunned, but before a defender can get to it (I was still in shock) a guy runs in and heads it. 2-2, and then shortly after the final whistle goes. Absolutely brilliant game that punished me for being lax.

But the best game...

Tranmere vs Bolton, (the new) Wembley Stadium. In the first half, Bolton ping it round like nobody's business. Anelka beat the offside trap twice and scored twice, then got his hat trick with 35 minutes gone with a blaster from outside the area. At half time I was going to pack in but I thought, no, I'll fiddle with the tactics. I changed to five in the middle and just three defenders, but we were 3-0 down so it was worth a go. We pressed a bit more as well.

Within the first five minutes, the extra man in midfield is giving us more possession. There's a back-pass to their keeper, he runs out to hit it but mistimes the kick. It goes to Greenacre (hate the way he's got blonde hair and a blonde beard by the way - in other words "can't be arsed doing research, press the random button'). He chips the goalkeeper, and the goalkeeper animation was spectacular. He looked panicked, desperately jumped and fell over backwards, thumping the ground when the ball went in the net. We kept possession for the next ten minutes, passing and passing and passing, until a pass fell into the box. Zola gets the ball, shoots, hits the post, comes back out, Greenacre with a diving header... Hits the foot of the post... Cleared. With ten minutes to go every man was forward, it was desperate stakes. Deflection. Corner. Cross comes in, Stockdale (the defender) rises, heads it... Back of the net. 3-2.

We push, and push, and push. Three minutes are added on, much to the surprise of the commentator (nice touch). But Bolton started defending very very deeply after the second goal, and we just can't do it. I was so angry at the end of the match, I could have throttled every virtual player on the pitch. But it was the most immersive experience in a football game I've ever had (bar Football Manager which I don't think will ever be beaten; I think that the same way that a few Pro fans say FIFA will never be better and would feel physically sick if forced to play it, I'm slightly like that with FM - while I could play FIFA, I could never play another management game).

I absolutely love this game. As far as I'm concerned, as a whole package, Pro Evo is miles behind this (especially the 360 version, the physics and apparently the difficulty level in that are going to be brilliant). Just a shame about the CPU difficulty.

Glad to see your enjoying it mate. I live in the states and only have the demo, however am having a blast with it. For those who are being harsh with the game, give it time, as you did with WE and play it for it's own right, and you will enjoy it more. Love the passes, through balls to the space, and goalie animations. Not to mention the sound.
Re: EA Sports FIFA 2007

What i want in a football game is good on field gameplay, i dont really give a shite about the amount of leagues or different game modes in the game, what i want is a game that delivers a satisfying in game experience, and sadly Fifa doesnt deleiver.

When i score on Fifa there is just no feeling there, its just like "Meh! ive scored", where as on PES its a "fucking get in there" moment, because you have worked hard for the goal and because you have worked for the goal and you acually feel like you have scored the goal.

Fifa may have the teams and game modes, but to me this counts for nothing if the core gameplay isnt rewarding, and from the games ive played so far it just isnt.

The 360 version wont be any different trust me. seen it all before from EA.

"EA games - we're fucking bland"
Re: EA Sports FIFA 2007

It's all about personal opinion though. When I scored every single goal last night (apart from in the 4-1 league wins, as I've said the difficulty level is piss poor), I was ecstatic, especially when playing against a mate. More so than in Pro Evo because the players aren't on rails, they move where you want them to. I find Pro Evo boring as fuck now. I've been doing it for eight years, it's not changed. Friendly against a mate, it's a laugh, then done. There's no depth at all, eight years of friendlies, single-season leagues and God-awful master leagues... At least EA are trying to give us the best of both worlds (and as much as you want to put in a dig at EA, they are trying - they're trying to improve the gameplay whilst improving everything else as well, PES6 is a HD WE10, been there, done it, have no desire to do it for the ninth fucking year).

My opinion of EA has changed massively.
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Re: EA Sports FIFA 2007

I go back to what ive said before this is the best FIFA in ages.

A good game. Just hope I dont get bored of it.

Re: EA Sports FIFA 2007

footyfan said:
What i want in a football game is good on field gameplay, i dont really give a shite about the amount of leagues or different game modes in the game, what i want is a game that delivers a satisfying in game experience, and sadly Fifa doesnt deleiver.

When i score on Fifa there is just no feeling there, its just like "Meh! ive scored", where as on PES its a "fucking get in there" moment, because you have worked hard for the goal and because you have worked for the goal and you acually feel like you have scored the goal.

Fifa may have the teams and game modes, but to me this counts for nothing if the core gameplay isnt rewarding, and from the games ive played so far it just isnt.

The 360 version wont be any different trust me. seen it all before from EA.

"EA games - we're fucking bland"

Footyfan, your Avatar is making me go crazy! WOW!
Re: EA Sports FIFA 2007

Have to agree with djdoc, again. Its the best fifa for awhile and ill probably be playing it till the nextgen versions of pes/fifa are out. However i am starting to not 'feel' anything when scoring. Like whats said in comparison to pes, the last few goals ive scored i havent had any sense of "yeah i did that with good gameplay", instead its a 'yeah uh, ok'. Seems more like if you've had enough goes youll score one in the end. Shame really, as i really like the managermode.
Re: EA Sports FIFA 2007

Eh guy where i can unlock the legendary star please??TO be honest i love the game but the difficulty level is poor:( (i play ps2 version)
Re: EA Sports FIFA 2007

ALAIN said:
Eh guy where i can unlock the legendary star please??TO be honest i love the game but the difficulty level is poor:( (i play ps2 version)
The only way to unlock it currently is to do two country's worth of unlocks (complete every challenge available in two countries, there's a list of them in the "Fan Shop" somewhere).

jflores said:
How are the graphics on PS2? can you post some pics/videos?
They're exactly the same as the XBOX version - the XBOX version is ported to PC and PS2 so the graphics across all of them are identical. They're good, but not great (I would say they are lots better than Pro Evo's graphics but a lot of people seem to think FIFA's are ugly all-round which I just can't see) - framerate is good, not problematic.
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