Dead Space 2

Re: Now Dead Space 2!!!!

the first one is scary,hopefully DS2 would be much more scary..
Re: Now Dead Space 2!!!!

first screens







Re: Now Dead Space 2!!!!

Loved Dead Space, it was so underrated, IMO.

Also the only game that has genuinely put the shits up me. Monsters playing dead on the floor...
Re: Now Dead Space 2!!!!

It's my most anticipated game of the year right now, can't wait to play this. I'd used to have to play in 30 minute bursts because I'd just leak shit out of me.
Re: Now Dead Space 2!!!!

DeadSpace is the game that reminds me of System Shock 2 - one of the best games ever. Hope DS2 is even better and closer to SS2
Re: Now Dead Space 2!!!!

A handful of lucky PS3 owners are being invited into a Dead Space 2 closed beta test.

Sign-ups are handled by developer Louis Gascoigne (no relation) on Twitter ("codecow"). He's been sending out PSN codes to people that message him their email address.

"Thanks to everyone showing interest in the offer I mentioned earlier, I will see if I get any codes tomorrow," he posted three hours ago, at 6am UK time.
Re: Now Dead Space 2!!!!

Tried and got bored pretty quickly.

I don't get what does this game do that seems to be so awesome. I only see another 3rd person horror shooter with the usual scripted "scary" events, absurd plot involving mutants and cheesy puzzles. I mean, I don't see where's the sparkle of creativity or awesomeness of the game. Maybe I've played too many of them and I've grown old.
Re: Now Dead Space 2!!!!

Why does the title have "Now" in it? Annoys me for some reason :LOL:
Split the two Dead Space threads and renamed it. I was going to call it NOW! That's what I call Dead Space 2 for you but changed my mind.
Just played the demo... Loved it...

Played, finished and loved the first one...

Really looking forward to this. Superb atmosphere and tension. I love playing games where your always on edge...
:LOL: Which part of the demo did you turn it off at?

The first jump moment was when you walk in the frozen capsule area. Everything goes yellow and you can see these horrible looking creatures inside each capsule screaming. Later on, while you're walking through room after room of capsules and you start thinking that it's getting repetitive, a fucking creature jumped out of one of them as you approach the door.

I'm still going to buy it. :APPLAUD:
You turned it off that early? In that case, be prepared for a few more jump moments waiting for you after the part where you turned it off. :P
The first Dead Space was one of my favourite games on next-gen. I'm playing the second at the minute and it's pretty good so far. Action-packed and genuinely quite scary. The multiplayer is pretty original and decent, also.

Great series.
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