30 golden PES rules

Printed and hung on the wall for when the lads come round :D
Absolutley awsome rules
Btw Rule 12 offten happens ;)
Well my girl actually play pes so fine... some time she destroy my friends by many goals....

she is beautyfull
she is kind
she is nice
she loves PES

what else i need?

i feel i am the luckyest man in the history of mankind....

what do you think?

a girl shouldnt play any games...
it destroys it
man and woman become the same its bad
1. A player who wins the game must always accept challenge if the defeated wants to play another match. To play just one game is what only cowards do.

2. If players win one game each, the deciding third match should be played.

Best out of 5 counts? In my hood, playing 3 comes naturally. Ever since we were kids.

3. It is forbidden to use mobile phone during a PES game.

Oh man, it sure isn't allowed. The others who are watching will kick his ass instead.

7. The referee in PES is the one who decides.

Hard to accept sometimes. :RANT:

12. If friends gather to play PES in the evening before going out, and they end up playing PES until 6 AM, it means it was a successful night.

Great memories...:WORSHIP:

13. If there is a multitap, all players who have a joypad must play.

No way around it.

15.1. Joypad must not be thrown away in a moment of rage, unless the one who is throwing it is his owner.

Oh man, this is hard to control. Many many controllers have been baught/broken since 2004.

19. Fights in PES don't represent anything in the real life, and they last only until the last game.

Some what agree and disagree. Already had to kick someone out of the house...

24. Only faggots shoot penalties down in the center of the goal.

Its part of the game...even though we still call the shooter a pussy.

25. To master freekicks skill is what separates a "real player" from ordinary PES lovers.
25.1. Practicing freekicks in Training mode is a sign of addiction.


26. The one who walks in front of the screen during a PES game doesn't understand the importance of this game and shouldn't play PES until he gets it.

The one who walks in front of the screen during a PES game will be shot dead on site.

31) if there are three players,the owner plays first against one guy while the third one has to roll a joint waiting for his time to play.

Im all with that one. 110%

Great rules mate. But it happens in any sports game i play with friends. With PES though, its a whole new level of hatred between friends. Love it. It's what makes PES such a great game. All the broken TVs, broken controllers, holes in the walls, punches thrown/dodged and even broken tables have been ALLLLLLL worth it. :WORSHIP:
My brother and I have an additional rule:

- When choosing teams, you have to choose by the RANDOM button.
- You have max. 3 attempts to get a team that you like. National teams and "team A - team R" doesn't count as an attempt.
- After for example 2 attempts, you have Sunderland, you can say: Ok I'll take this team. Or you can use your final attempt with the chance to get for example Barca...or a silly team like Willem II.
- After 3 attempts, you have to choose the team what is chosen last (so you can't go back to the team you had in your 2nd attempt).
- Of course, when you're satisfied with the team that shows up at the first attempt, you don't have to use your 2nd and 3th attempt ;)

It's always hilarious to see matches like Real Madrid vs. Wolverhampton, but you can also get for example Fiorentina - Ajax. :)
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My brother and I have an additional rule:

- When choosing teams, you have to choose by the RANDOM button.
- You have max. 3 attempts to get a team that you like. National teams and "team A - team R" doesn't count as an attempt.
- After for example 2 attempts, you have Sunderland, you can say: Ok I'll take this team. Or you can use your final attempt with the chance to get for example Barca...or a silly team like Willem II.
- After 3 attempts, you have to choose the team what is chosen last (so you can't go back to the team you had in your 2nd attempt).
- Of course, when you're satisfied with the team that shows up at the first attempt, you don't have to use your 2nd and 3th attempt ;)

It's always hilarious to see matches like Real Madrid vs. Wolverhampton, but you can also get for example Fiorentina - Ajax. :)

You are so right. I have done that MANY MANY times when it comes to the nitty griddy of things. When one players comes and make a challenge, he can either go for 'Random' as you mentioned or Choose one for yourself. offcourse, we only had one attempt. But for that Random to work, it should be either National Teams or Clubs for both. If one has natioanl and the other Club, than a second attempt is done until both are the same. So one could have Real Madrid vs Barca or Ajex vs PSV or sometimes even St. Etienne vs Boca Jr. Many many great memories like it.
My brother and I have an additional rule:

- When choosing teams, you have to choose by the RANDOM button.
- You have max. 3 attempts to get a team that you like. National teams and "team A - team R" doesn't count as an attempt.
- After for example 2 attempts, you have Sunderland, you can say: Ok I'll take this team. Or you can use your final attempt with the chance to get for example Barca...or a silly team like Willem II.
- After 3 attempts, you have to choose the team what is chosen last (so you can't go back to the team you had in your 2nd attempt).
- Of course, when you're satisfied with the team that shows up at the first attempt, you don't have to use your 2nd and 3th attempt ;)

It's always hilarious to see matches like Real Madrid vs. Wolverhampton, but you can also get for example Fiorentina - Ajax. :)

Yep, my brother and I used to do the same. Funny thing is each one could still beat the other no matter which teams we had chosen. How I miss that...
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