Recurring Hamstring Injuries: Advice?


League 2
26 June 2005
Texas, USA
Real Madrid
This is in hope that there are some physical therapists that browse this thread:

I have been an avid competitor in Taekwondo (a form of martial arts) for many years. I have had my share of injuries which eventually would go away with time. The most chronic has been my hamstrings though. I know how to properly warm up, stretch, etc having been taught and advised by very experienced coaches and athletes.

I noticed as of late though that my injuries have been occurring at an odd point when I am working out and sparring.

The hamstring is not pulling on the extensive but on the initial push off.

Example: From a fighting stance, right leg in front, left leg behind and slightly off a linear position. As I raise my left leg in a explosive smooth motion, knee still bent, the hamstring has strained and pulled at this point, not when I straighten the leg extending the muscle?

Any ideas?

I think that my hamstrings never healed properly from prior years when I pulled the same muscles, hence, the problem...
Basically I am buggered eh?
My old withering body apparently can't take any more of the abuse.
Funny how my serious hammy injuries occurred playing soccer.
Not taekwondo.
I will see if I can buy one...
Havent you read the Evo-web rules page? If you dont know a serious anwser to a serious question you have to make a reference to ones bollocks......
I suffered a series of hamstring pulls, as well as calfs, and a physio helped with a number of solutions. Massage with heat and ice helps repair the damage and scarring from old injuries, effective, active stretching to prevent pulls. But the thing that really sorted me was to realign my sacrum.

The bone that joins ur spine to ur pelvis. It fits into two holes in ur pelvis. Sometimes one side can slip out. This leaves you out of balance, and leads to excess stress down one side of your body. Have ur injuries been down the same leg?

The point is if you haven't already, see a physio.........
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