Nintendo DS / 3DS / Wii / Wii U

Re: Nintendo Wii

First impressions time(!):

(Taken from Engadget and Joystiq)

It looks good, it feels good, but how does it play? In truth, we can't say we were blown away. Sorry to tease, we'll have our full impressions up soon, but for now feel free to ogle.
:eh: :eh:

I had high hopes for Ubisoft's Red Steel, anxiously waiting in line while each person took their turn on the 10-minute demo. Once I actually had a chance to play the game, the experience was somewhat disappointing. The biggest problem with the game (and most worrisome to Nintendo) is its control scheme. What we found playing Red Steel, along with many other third-party Wii titles, is that the controls felt too sensitive.
:eh: :eh:

Visually, Downhill Jam could hold its own with a second-generation Xbox One title. It's a pretty game, although not as impressive as other Nintendo first- and second-party titles. Load times, if there were any, were not noticeable.

Ironically, by breaking from traditional Tony Hawk games, Downhill Jam became even more formulaic. It could be a fun racer, but we feel the title would have benefited from more elements associated with the Tony Hawk franchise. The tracks are moderately fun, with plenty of shortcuts, but the game gains nothing from being a Tony Hawk title.
:eh: :eh:

You can tell Nintendo did a good job adapting form the original GC controls to the new dual Wii controller setup. Using the left accelerometer is especially fun. The bow and arrows, along with the tornado attack is a little tricky, but hopefully with time, one can master it.

We've merely scratched the surface with this title, but so far, I would call it a solid implementation of the new "free style" remote. Stay tuned for more in-depth impressions as we get them.
:mrgreen: :mrgreen:

I can't really think of any better words to describe my experience with Nintendo's distinctive tennis game. Sure, it's just a tennis game, but it's one that requires you to wave an imaginary racket in the hopes of hitting a clump of polygons representing a ball. I wouldn't say that the game is more immersive or realistic for it, as it still feels like a very laid back and simple session of whacking a ball back and forth. The controller is very reactive to your motions, and I quickly felt confident regarding the location of my virtual racket within 3D space. It didn't take long for me to start balancing on one foot and grunting like a pro each time I waved the wiimote.

The only thing that seems confusing about the game, at least initially, is that it doesn't seem to allow you to control the movement of your character on the tennis court itself. My character seemed to gravitate towards the ball on his own, positioning himself just within reach of the ball hurtling across the net. Still, I found that the simplicity merely added to the fun and lightheartedness of what was essentially two grown men waving invisible rackets around. Great stuff.
:mrgreen: :mrgreen:
Re: Nintendo Wii

Nintendo Wii Price Leaked?

This article was taken down last night at the request of EGM’s writing staff, but now that the Nintendo conference is over and spoken for, we’re throwing it back up here. For those of you that saw it last night and watched the keynote, take special note of how many of the facts turned out to be true.
Reliable NeoGAF poster koam has apparently grabbed ahold of the latest EGM, which spills the beans on some great Wii details - but this IS the Internet, so as usual, please take the news with a gigantic grain of salt. You know the drill by now. The general recap of the information said, however is:
- $249 Price tag
- Virtual Console (we knew this)
- 3d Controller (we knew this)
- ALWAYS online (console is always online, even when OFF)
- Built in speaker on the controller
- No improved graphics on Virtual Console (as in, they aren’t redoing the models, doesn’t talk about framerates and such).
- TG16 will have it’s 1st party games out at launch, 3rd party will come later as demand increases.
- Estimated prices for the VC are “a few dollars for NES, $5 for SNES and $10 for N64″
- VC games are pro-scan enabled.
- $250 “seems appropriate”
- More 3rd party exclusives than the Cube

Zelda information:
- Zelda is 80% complete, delay was for graphic tweaks, wii functions and because they want the game to be measured on a scale of 1 to 120 instead of 1 to 100.
- NO SWINGING THE CONTROLLER for the sword, you just press a button. There are some cases where you will swing though. Reason = you’ll get tired too fast
- Controller does sound effects
- Widescreen on the REV only!
- Navi is only when you play on the REV.
- Something with online is planned but no battle mode.
- More dungeons than OOT already
- More items too
Re: Nintendo Wii

Flawl3ssCowb0y said:
The first two links require you to sign in, guess thats for IGN Subscribers eyes only?

Great news about Metroid though!

Thats weird will update i a sec.


Straight to gallery of shots.
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Re: Nintendo Wii

ashmufc said:

Have you noticed a thing with A and B buttons?

They aren't like X & Y buttons.

Any information about that?
Re: Nintendo Wii

They are different because 2 of the buttons are built into the casing of the controller.

The Wiimote only has 2 buttons, slot it into the casing and it has 4.Ta da.
Re: Nintendo Wii

That pad isn't a shell though. Look at the button arangement, it's totally different to the wiimote. This pad is standalone.

If you remember the (very ugly) american SNES they had two sets of two different coloured buttons laid out in the same fashion.

Re: Nintendo Wii

babs said:
If you remember the (very ugly) american SNES they had two sets of two different coloured buttons laid out in the same fashion.

Hear hear! One of the few advantages us european gamers had over the americans (was it the same with the japanese? - completely forgotten!). The yellow, blue, red and green buttons on white will always be a classic :) - makes me like the 360 controller a lil bit more :D
Re: Nintendo Wii

Yes, the Japanese Super Famicom had exactly the same styling as the PAL consoles.
Re: Nintendo Wii

can somebody told me when the nintendo wii will be released in europe and how much it will be ?!
Re: Nintendo Wii

It will be roughly £129-£199 my guess.
And as for release Q4 2006.
Re: Nintendo DS - Official Thread

New Super Mario Bros is off the hook!!

gonna order point blank next.
Re: Nintendo DS - Official Thread

rockykabir said:
but it'll match my ipod(!) :D

Fair enough. Hav a cleaning cloth handy.

Hopefully pixel problems are sorted. Also Game should have a offer where you trade old ds for a lite.

Hopefully £50 off!
Re: Nintendo DS - Official Thread

rockykabir said:
- Which is currently selling more....the DS or the PSP?
The DS is selling more than the PSP, PS2, Xbox 360 and the Gamecube combined.
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