IQ of Hamburg Fans?


9 January 2002
In all my time as a Celtic fan watching European football, I can't believe what I've witnessed from a large part of that team's fans.

Now I'm protestant and don't follow all this sectarian nonsense that goes on, but although I hate it I know that it is just going to raise it's head in Scotland and I'd say even in part to certain Irish teams that could encounter the Old Firm.

However in the last two head-to-head's I've never seen/heard so much bile from a European team, now I can undertand the 'Rangers' / 'Celtic' chants, but the 'The Sash' and 'The Famine Song', just begers belief.

I question anyone with these issues, however even more so we have a German team with fans who have Union Jack's splattered all over, and there was even a stand with fans doing a Union Jack emblem and even worse was a huge "No Surrender" as well as being terribly sectarian, the intelligence factor doesn't seem to be in much abundance in Hamburg as far as I'm aware Britain's army kinda kicked German butt in the past 2 wars and the 'No Surrender' is linked also to the British Army. I'm just a bit mystified why the Rangers fans and Hamburg fans who got together didn't give us 'God Save the Queen', 'Rule Brittania' and their own favourite 'Dambusters'.................yes, that'd be those big plane things that blew half of Germany up.

As the English presenter (think it was Ray Stubbs) said, I hope that Germany doesn't escape the wrath of UEFA who took sanctions against Rangers for similar incidents.

I'm not sure i understand everything Frank (must be my
What i do kno is that there is sometimes a very thin line between offending people and brilliant humour among football crowds.
I'll give you one example that i found brilliant and other might find offensive. I've already told this a couple of times on this forum, so sorry if i become repetitive.
A couple of years ago Beveren played with this bunch of Ivorian players (Eboué, Yaya Touré, Romaric, Aruna Kone, Yapi Yapo, Copa,...). Their starting elven consisted of 10 Ivorian players and one Belgian (white) player. They were playing Antwerp, which has the most racist fans in Belgium... Every time the white player had the ball the Antwerp fans made monkey my personal opinion, this one of the most witty things i've ever heard on a football pitch...other peopl were offended...
It's because Celtic have ties with HSV's city rivals St. Pauli, they have ties with Rangers, you won't normally see that amount of Union flags in the NordbankArena but Celtic in town was a 'special' occasion for this.

I'm sure you'd see quite a lot of Irish flags if Rangers were to ever play St. Pauli.
Is kinda stupid mixing religion and political ideologies with football... shame on those teams! :ROLL:
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