FIFA 12 Discussion Thread

I'll quite happily pass on what I see and know after the NDA is lifted but as we saw with the last few years, things are not always "what you see is what you get"..

So until I get my mitts on a beta come September (hopefully) I'm staying grounded. No matter how impressive it looks... :PIRATE:
Hopefully that will be the sentiment of everyone really. There are far too many big problems with FIFA (some of which are really governed by quite small factors) to get remotely overconfident.
The real positive was the recognition of areas that just didnt work right. For me that key admission gives a much better sense of trying to make a better, more stable and believable game than in previous years.

It's nice not hearing "thats too hard" or "that would require a whole rewrite" etc.

Whilst execution is a much of an unknown the conception feels much more thought out and focused on the experience now rather than the shine like previous years.
Well, no matter what EA is going to say about the improvements they've made, we're always going to call it BS because of the many bugs, unfinished products and empty promises EA have made for the past couple of years.

They can't win us over with propaganda because the trust is gone.
yeah I guess it does if you haven't seen it and what they were saying.

That said when you see demonstrations of improvement in; Collisions, Tackling (including addressing something we all hated), control, tight space control and physicality its difficult not to at least be more positive that they are understanding the areas of the game that are failing.


Yeah Scorpio, to be fair we all need to be highly synical because we have all been let down in one way or another by the FIFA games in one way or another.

Im hoping, that what was shown really does translate in to the game better than the PP or P+ stuff was suppose to....
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It'll be impossible to tell how the game actually plays until the game is fully released I reckon. Even the demo this year was different to the finished product. The demo played great, but I remember noticing at the time that for some reason playing against Lyon in the demo was horrible, with the game overpowering you with constant pressure and barging you around the park. I kind of ignored that in favour of how much fun the game was against the other teams. Little did I know that they'd then go and make 99% of all teams in the final version play like Lyon in the demo :(
Might aswell just copy and paste last years discussion as it's the same conversation each year anyway.
But that just sounds typical EA to me, I bet it works wonders but that innovation isn't about football but just contact, it can be used for any contact sport but I doubt the football side of the game will be any good.
I don't understand why EA don't do the same thing for passing, arguably the most IMPORTAMNT element in football.

The news about players recognising the threat of a talented player and backing off a little before the tackle is good news though imo. Hope it's not BS.
The way they describe it, it sounds like the impact engine could actually introduce something new into the gameplay. Since they developed the new engine in 08, the gameplay hasn't really moved forward, with each new release feeling pretty much the same as the last (but slightly worse).

I guess if tackles, and the developments in the defending they briefly mention, now result in something other than the current predictable outcomes, then the game will have slightly more interest and variety.

my getting up not hopes <------ rearrange to form sentence applicable to all news from EA.
I'm all for new technology so I'm not complaining, I just hope they also put a lot of focus on what football really is all about.

...For more FIFA 12 info - including details of how EA has bolstered the defensive game and how the inclusion of Pro Players can alter the flow of a game...

What do you guys think this is all about? I hope it's not that some players are like "star" players that have boosted attributes or something like that. That line make me think about something very arcadey, hope that's not the case. At least we know another word they will use, Pro Players.

Edit: Well my question was answered in this text:

Poised to deliver the most realistic soccer matches, FIFA 12 features a new set of AI and player controlled mechanics that focus on individual players’ strengths. There are still elements that will rely solely on the skills of the gamer, like this year’s improved dribbling, but some features will see your teammates playing up their skills to your benefit.

Probably the most exciting new feature for this year’s iteration is the new impact engine. Allowing players to interact with each other in more physically realistic animations, the impact engine will all but eliminate those awkward collisions that have plagued sports games for years.

Taking the idea of game intelligence a bit further, the new “Pro Player Intelligence” sees your AI teammates playing up their strengths in reaction to your movements, both on your and the opposing side. If a player like Kaka is advancing on an opponent, that player will try to defend a bit more cautiously, expecting Kaka to use his explosive speed to blow past them.

Other key areas that “Pro Player Intelligence” will come into play is in teammate placement. Where a player sets up during a corner kick, how they run off the ball, and how they approach a player on defense, will all be determined by their individual strengths. It’s a simple concept, and one that might go unnoticed by a large group of gamers, but it helps take the realism to the next level.

Not only will AI-controlled defenders have a new set of interactions, but gamers will have access to them as well. Gone is the day of “closing in” on a player via the A or X buttons, in favor of a new system that has the player gradually containing them. As the player advances on their opponent, subtle tweaks can be made in order to play as tight of defense as possible. In essence, it eliminates that almost “rubber bandy” feel of last year’s honing in defense mechanics.

Of course, with more realistic, and arguably harder, defense mechanics comes increased attention to dribbling. As with previous iterations, precision dribbling puts the player in even greater control and slows the pace of games down considerably. How exactly the dribbling will work – whether it will be a joystick-controlled motion or a button press – is not revealed, but expect more details in OXM’s feature on the game.

It’s hard to believe the folks at EA Sports when they claim to be delivering an even more realistic soccer experience with each subsequent FIFA iteration. However, when they pull out new features like “Pro Player Intelligence” and improved defense mechanics, they prove us wrong time and time again.
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Looks it. Especially that new camera angle which looks a lot like the one in PES 2011.
The magazine will be widely available in a couple days, we'll see lots of scans then.
I'm all for new technology so I'm not complaining, I just hope they also put a lot of focus on what football really is all about.

What do you guys think this is all about? I hope it's not that some players are like "star" players that have boosted attributes or something like that. That line make me think about something very arcadey, hope that's not the case. At least we know another word they will use, Pro Players.

I think that is another case of the journalists just guessing to a large extent - on one side they make it sound like it's something to do with Pro Players, but the reality seems more like a case of 'Pro' just being an adjective like Pro Passing or Personality+. There's a lot of very wishy-washy details around right now. A number of articles have come up embellishing on the brief from OXM, all of which have different reveals.
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