PC ERROR: Online, was not able to log in!


Müller Bento

Hello everybody this error is already pissed me off if you know a little less to help me please!

Already installed everything manually PES 2011, patch 1.1, 1.2 and 1.3. And the 2.0 installation package made by the game.

Normal right up there, I did everything on the modem I released the doors, let the modem router.

I enter the game then I'll tab and then Online Quick Match or Online Master League makes much the same thing.

Ai appears ("The test network environment ") 's well there goes that part, seeks to make loguin, right, I do loguin there that gives the password error put the konami id ...

Then when I enter, this screen appears ...


I'm getting mad with rage - '

Remembering I installed the cd pes 2011 for a fake because the original cd is in the house of my cousin and I'll take this weekend, but I put the original cd key installation and time to enter online! was normal.
I installed the 1.3 put the crack usually entered the game most of the fucking problem --'...

Who'll be very grateful to help me, thanks.

Sorry for my bad english I'm using a translator.
Olá Müller !!!

Verifique se você está inserindo corretamente a "Konami ID", tive dores de cabeça também com essa senha, ainda na época do PES2010, agora está funcionando tranquilamente.
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