Do you drink your recommended daily amount of water?

Plan M

27 September 2007
Manchester United
All I seem to hear/read this days is how much water we should be drinking. Most dieticians say we should drink at least 2 litres of water a day.

Do you do this?
I do, but it's not water on it's own. It's usually Vimto, or tea, or coffee, or Irn-Bru or Sprite. Or something else.

I don't know why but water on it's own makes me gag.
Yeah I'm not a fan. I'm a sugar-free Vimto lover myself, it's lovely but apparantly it's not the same as actually drinking H20 on a daily basis.
i used to drink sodas when i was thirsty and about 2 sips of water until i realized i was gaining more weight and feeling tired all the time, now drink about 3 cups a day...
I have been drinking the recommended ammount of water for nearly 3 weeks and I really feel the difference. I have more energy.
Yep, dont drink anything else actually. Dont like tea or coffee, stopped with the cola's and fanta's ages ago. Its only at the weekend at the parents-in-laws that I have spa&fruit. Which is also pretty healthy. Buy 0,5l bottles of mineral water and have a full one for lunch and dinner and usually drink one between the meals and after aswell so thats about the 2l per day. In the summer im probaly near the 3-4l per day.
Only time i drink coke and stuff is at a club, but its with alcohol. I usually drink loads and loads of fruit juices a day, especially guava juice. But I dont feel that i drink enough water, ive also got dark purple patches under my eyes.
Only time i drink coke and stuff is at a club, but its with alcohol. I usually drink loads and loads of fruit juices a day, especially guava juice. But I dont feel that i drink enough water, ive also got dark purple patches under my eyes.
Haha, you should see mine. I think it was Grim who saw one of my first pics and said "do you have cancer?"

I know I should drink a lot better and eat a lot better but I just... Don't. I have next to no willpower whatsoever, which is another reason why I don't drink or smoke or whatever. Because if I got addicted I would be absolutely fucked.

Two coffees a day and 2l of Vimto please.
Every year at the beginning of the year i put myself on a strict diet: eating less (i love cooking and eating but once you're over 40 you get weight problems if you don't watch out) and drinking at least 3 litres water a the evening i have a litle treat for myself...a single malt whisky (Lagavulin is my favourite).

I actually have had cancer (a long time ago now) and i can assure you when you have been seriously ill then you watch out...
I used to drink "soda water" (with bubbles) but after awhile it gave me heartburn every morning. Stepped over to mineral and havent had it again :D Cant even drink coke, fanta, sprite anymore. Its soooooo sweet when you havent been drinking it for a while. Was also one of the reasons I stoppped, if I have too much sugar (sweets, chocolate, those drinks) I get spots. Although its calmed down now I'm a bit older. But still lay off the sugar as much as possible, even though I love chocolate :(
I've recently started trying to drink more water, cause my teeth are terrible to be truthful, I was on as many as 5 cokes a day, which in reality is shocking.

Don't get anywhere near two litres of water a day though I don't think.
I have an Innocent smoothie in the morning, a 500ml bottle of weak Vimto with lunch, a 500ml bottle of weak Vimto after that, something fancy (an Irn-Bru or a Dandelion & Burdock) with dinner, a coffee with mocha Coffeemate after that, and another 500ml bottle of weak Vimto after that.

I don't know whether to be proud or ashamed that I can rattle that off so easily. But my real trouble is getting five fruit and veg a day. I have a marmalade toast in the morning, a soup for lunch, something with veg on the side for dinner (although lately it's usually pasta) and after that I go nuts. I'll take one biscuit, come back in here, sit down for two seconds and then I'll get up and get another biscuit because I finished the other one on the way back to the chair. And at midnight I'll grab allsorts to watch an episode of CSI with.

I really should do something about it but I just have no willpower whatsoever, it's disgraceful.

EDIT: And tonight we've agreed to get a pizza to save cooking. I can't say no.
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I have at least eight cups of coffee, two or more cups of tea then a few pints of whatever juice. Or sometimes a pint of baileys.
I've been hooked into Red Bull for the last few weeks.
I think I need to switch to the ol' H20.
Seems interesting, i feel knackered most days and i actually probably drink a sip of water a day lol (if that) i might try it out to see if i gain energy levels or anything
very close 2.5 litres of H2O per day is what i've been having ....i think forever now. but anyway, feels good :D
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Young Gun, trust me mate I have felt amazing since I've been drinking lots of water. I have ONE cup of coffee when I wake up and that's it; water all day!
Yeah I try to, its not really hard. I just keep a bottle next to me all the time, and you just have it little by little. Don't drink anything else really, fizzy drinks are a defo no-no... unless I'm eating out.
Yeh I drink loads of water during the day. When I'm at home I drink about 2.5 litres but when I'm at uni its much less
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