Discussions about Emotions


Odilkhan Yakubov
13 April 2012
Tashkent, Uzbekistan
Man Utd
Hello world. Everybody have positive and negative emotions. But everybody see to emotions with yourself thinks and opinions. So, lets talk about those emotions. Who understand this wonderful feels? Please, write about yourself life, thinks and maybe we can together solve those global and actual problems. With best regards, Odil. ;)
For example, hope is first breaker of negative emotions, maybe above 90 % part of negatives can break "hopes". And from other hand best weapon versus any negatives is books. Of course, if it will be psychologic book than will be fine. Because, when peoples read psychologic books, training yourself brain and training yourself opinions than he'll can break any negatives in yourself life. This is first and very important thing.
I meant that you lack common syntax in your sentence build up, and since I am not native English speaker myself I simply struggle to understand what you're trying to say.

I would most likely understand a fellow Norwegian making syntax mistakes, because it would resemble Norwegian with English words, but I don't speak Uzbekistani (?) so I don't see a logical connection.

Syntax - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I simply don't understand what this is supposed to mean; "Because, when peoples read psychologic books, training yourself brain and training yourself opinions than he'll can break any negatives in yourself life." for example.

PS: I am not trying to mock you, just to be clear on that.
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I meant that you lack common syntax in your sentence build up, and since I am not native English speaker myself I simply struggle to understand what you're trying to say.

I would most likely understand a fellow Norwegian making syntax mistakes, because it would resemble Norwegian with English words, but I don't speak Uzbekistani (?) so I don't see a logical connection.

Syntax - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I simply don't understand what this is supposed to mean; "Because, when peoples read psychologic books, training yourself brain and training yourself opinions than he'll can break any negatives in yourself life." for example.

PS: I am not trying to mock you, just to be clear on that.

Don't think it's that hard to decode/fix what he's trying to say. I'll try:

"Because, when people read psychologic books, training their brains and opinions, then they can break any negatives in their lives."

^ Maybe that?
I always try to remember that emotions are simply states of mind governed by our memories, experiences and culture.

That puts things in perspective a little, but doesn't always make the feelings any less real - there's a couple to ask yourself if you're feeling unhappy to get to the root of the issue:

Why is this making me feel unhappy?
Is there anything I can do to resolve the problem? If so, what is the best course of action to take?

I'm not religious at all, but this part of a prayer sums it up quite well:

God grant me the serenity
to accept the things I cannot change;
courage to change the things I can;
and wisdom to know the difference.

So many people get genuinely hurt emotionally by things they cannot influence - I think that understanding the irrationality of the human mind is a big step towards gaining the mental strength to deal with various situations in life.
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Of course, we always tried to winning our emotions and tried to be happy when our situations was very critical too, but this is step by step. In fact when our situation will be critical or like that then we'll must think about funny moments, happy moments, when we was happy with our family in child years, about family, about anything which was hope to good life, about your having healthy body and moreover i think about God (think about God when you'll happy too). Try to accomplish, read many books about life and about psychologies. Sorry for bad english.

Of course, we always tried to winning our emotions and tried to be happy when our situations was very critical too, but this is step by step. In fact when our situation will be critical or like that then we'll must think about funny moments, happy moments, when we was happy with our family in child years, about family, about anything which was hope to good life, about your having healthy body and moreover i think about God (think about God when you'll happy too). Try to accomplish, read many books about life and about psychologies. Sorry for bad english.
Of course, we can always think back to moments where we've been truly happy in the knowledge that we can experience feelings like those again if we make the right choices, and that's a motivator.

You can't use happy memories though as a "shield" against bad experiences/memories - you can't just go "I don't like that so I'll think about this instead" just as you can't really read "don't think about penguins" and not think about penguins.

A clear mind and a concerted attempt to subdue delusions/dispositions are the best tools IMO to overcome obstacles.

The idea of the existence of a god is one that many people don't seem to think about very deeply. It's a convenient way of providing answers for unanswered or unanswerable questions, and is a way to share problems/be thankful for emotional comfort and reassurance, but the actual proposition of the existence of such a being as put forward by many organised religions is ludicrous and riddled with logical fallacies.

This whole subject is one that I could go on about extensively, but relating to the topic at hand (emotions) - I don't think that thinking about or trying to interact with a "god" regarding our states of mind and circumstances is a good course of action to take because it is a delusion, and can stop people taking full responsibility over their own situations and futures (i.e. "it's God's plan").
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that beautiful sky is used to be seen at a vacation spot in developing countries.

Britain has terrible weather.

don't you think God is fair?

poverty with beautiful sky.
prosperity with dreadful sky.
did i make a rhyme:WOOT: eh?

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Sorry, i didn't read that pdf mini book anymore, only paste link from google, so sorry if that book is critic of religious and other things. Moreover, peoples like when they are having money(big money) and they are beleaving to money power and they are missed knowledges about how to work with money for true ways as helping to poor peoples. And I know what I say now. Bad knowledges, bad thinking is root of negative emotions. I have one question for you:

What do you think about your mission in your life from child time to "old-man" time? What is your most important mission in your short lifes?
Thanks to comments. Sorry for my stupid bad english ;)
Interesting thread mate.

Honestly, this may sound cliché, but I really hate the system we live in. What is the point of wasting the best years of your life doing a job you most likely don't really enjoy, and then finally not have to work only to waste your last years because you're physically and/or mentally not capable of doing the great things in live you could have done. It doesn't make sense to me, and thinking about becoming like that makes me sad sometimes, because I could very well have a life like that. I would love to be in a band and tour the world, earning money with a hobby and touring the world with your best friends. Unfortunately, none of my friends play any instruments.
Interesting thread mate.

Honestly, this may sound cliché, but I really hate the system we live in. What is the point of wasting the best years of your life doing a job you most likely don't really enjoy, and then finally not have to work only to waste your last years because you're physically and/or mentally not capable of doing the great things in live you could have done. It doesn't make sense to me, and thinking about becoming like that makes me sad sometimes, because I could very well have a life like that. I would love to be in a band and tour the world, earning money with a hobby and touring the world with your best friends. Unfortunately, none of my friends play any instruments.
I feel this way too.

I know that as an individual, I can do nothing whatsoever to change the system - all I can do is "play the game" to the best of my ability. That will probably mean spending a large portion of my life in a monotonous full-time job.

"None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free."
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

What saddens me even more than the limitations placed on my own life however is how the world's resources are being misused, causing suffering for millions of people.
There are enough resources (not money - you can't eat, drink, breathe or build with money) and technical knowledge in the world to feed and educate the planet's entire population, yet those resources go towards luxuries for the rich, pointless military operations etc.

So yeah, I may have to do things I don't want to do, and miss out on things I do want to, but those issues are nothing compared to what many others have to endure.

As I mentioned before though, I can't do anything myself to change the way the rest of the world thinks and acts, so I have to fit into the society I'm in, do my best to contribute to it and not let myself be affected by things I cannot change.
Interesting thread mate.

Honestly, this may sound cliché, but I really hate the system we live in. What is the point of wasting the best years of your life doing a job you most likely don't really enjoy, and then finally not have to work only to waste your last years because you're physically and/or mentally not capable of doing the great things in live you could have done. It doesn't make sense to me, and thinking about becoming like that makes me sad sometimes, because I could very well have a life like that. I would love to be in a band and tour the world, earning money with a hobby and touring the world with your best friends. Unfortunately, none of my friends play any instruments.

Nothing stopping you but yourself
Yeah, You are right guys. In our country, mentality position is more high than life situations. Our country or may i say our nation in Islam and we are muslims. Of course, in different nations have different opinions, but true way always only one: "Destroying evil". In emotions as uppear way, but a few other point like accepting to those situations when it will coming.
why? what is holding you back in your life? do you have kids? do you have a wife? do you have responsibilities?

That's the reason so many of us have to get jobs and spend the years of our physical and mental prime repeating the same processes nearly every day.

I know that people who are exceptionally intelligent and/or skilled can make a living doing things that they enjoy and/or not spend much of their life doing whatever they do, but that doesn't apply to the majority of us.

I understand the economics of it which supply and demand dictates, but the fact remains that there are millions of people who can't spend their lives how they would like due to monetary restrictions.

When you think about it, you'll realise that cannot be sustained. Already we have seen the impacts of autonomy - things can be mass produced almost entirely by machines which has reduced the number of jobs available.
With time, the effectiveness and pervasiveness of techology will grow and extend into other areas, replacing human labour.

How can the current cycle of working for money to pay for living expenses etc be sustained with that in mind, especially with a growing population?

This is without mentioning in detail the misuse of taxpayers money and how some of the best paid jobs contribute nothing to society.

As I said though, there are issues that are far more worthy of people's attention than people in the "developed" world not having what they want.
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Oh and rob when the flour mill
Was created I'm sure the depressed 20
Something's were saying the same
Tripe about automaton
You went all over the map there, but still haven't articulated what is STOPPING you?!?? It's not money.
How is it not money?

If I had it my way I'd be off travelling the world, seeing all the sights and doing whatever I wanted to do for the next 50 years.

I can't do that, I'm going to university with the intention of getting a well paid full-time job, which by the time I've accrued enough money to live the type of life I'd like to lead, I'll be too old to be able to truly enjoy it.

That was the point Damjan made.

You can shrug off the effects of automation all you like, but the point remains - it's going to shrink the job market, which in turn means more unemployment, more government spending on welfare, adding to the already unsustainable national debts of a vast number of countries throughout the world.

The current financial and political systems don't work.
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i don't want to argue about God.

the God i mentioned there was actually Mother Nature or Universe.

i should have said that "don't you guys think Mother Nature is fair?"

i think Mother Nature has always been fair from the wide view of History though i'm really sorry for the victims of her.
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