Ultimate Fighting Championship (Xbox 360, PS3)


that actually looks like him
Randy Couture



Ken Shamrock (I think he really needs facial hair adding)

Bobby Lashley


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Multiplayer is where this game is best just like Fifa

You just don't get the same feeling when your playing the AI compared to outwitting a human opponent so its not surprising some of you are not liking the game
But how can we enjoy multiplayer when it lags and there's nothing to play for as most of ranked matches don't count. There's too many punch spammers out there too who use the same tactics time and again and I can't block due to the lag. I can't go for the sub because they quit before you even win and I can't go toe to toe with them because then I drain my stamina which allows them in to sub me. It's lose lose playing against randoms at the moment.

The more I play this game the more I realise how little skill there is to it and it is getting a bit repetitive and boring now. The punches are the same, the kicks are the same, transitioning is a chore and submissions are hit and miss, it's just not fun anymore. Everyone keeps going on about it's all about having the better stats and waiting for the opportunity to KO your opponent or wait for them to drain their stamina for the submission. However, the harder the difficulty (I'm playing on Expert now) the more the AI is cheating. I've played the AI at it's own game, built up my stats to be significantly higher than my opponent and yet the AI still finds a way to cheat me out of a victory. Today I had the CPU completely drained, I had a full green bar took him down for the submission bashed the hell out of my pad and still it didn't submit him. Tried to KO him, must have landed 6 clean hooks to the face and absolutely nothing. All I achieved was wearing myself out, and guess what he took me to the ground and subbed me. Absolute BS! How are you supposed to beat the AI when your stats are better yet he still manages to beat me first time.

Career mode is becoming impossibly hard now. I can beat players ranked 2 or 3 but can't seem to clinch the title against Mir. He is superhuman. I've had 4 attempts at the title now and I just simply cannot beat him. The last match I had I spent two rounds dodging takedowns and countering his punches. I landed about 12 flush shots on his jaw and it had no effect. It cut him, but he didn't get rocked once. Then guess what, he hit me once and I was completely KO'd. Again, bullshit. I'm growing tired of the same shit, and to be honest can't even be bothered to see my career mode out for the trophies.

This game is eBay bound this week.
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Hmm I'm going to hold off on new releases and leave Evo-Web to form some impressions, always good to see if people are wanting to sell it so soon after getting it so UFC doesn't seem to be worth the £30 then :)

I don't know why I care so much about a game, but it's really pissing me off now. Never have I felt so cheated by a game. 9/10 I can beat the AI in exhibition but career mode just seems so impossible.

P.s. Apart from FIFA of course. My oh my that game frustrates me.
But how can we enjoy multiplayer when it lags and there's nothing to play for as most of ranked matches don't count. There's too many punch spammers out there too who use the same tactics time and again and I can't block due to the lag. I can't go for the sub because they quit before you even win and I can't go toe to toe with them because then I drain my stamina which allows them in to sub me. It's lose lose playing against randoms at the moment.

I don't get any lag and in my 40+ fights i have had 4 or 5 guys quit so its not that bad

I cant say i have come across people just punching all the time either, if i did it wouldn't be long before there on the deck getting subbed :LOL:
Exactly, If people keep punching their prone to takedowns. One thing I've found is when going stand up is be the aggressor by taking the fight to them. Its pretty much like boxing when in stand up, get them in a corner and hit them with rib shots and then back to the head. Its great when you've got them hurt and backing of to pick your final few shots to knock them right out! :))
Yeah but when it lags you can't pick and choose your punches/kicks and it really is that bad Coopz. I'm not exaggerating; I've had 36 matches in total and only 11 have counted.
I have had three matches online, the first 2 I lost badly, mainly because these people are already above level 50 and I can't compete with them. My third match was against someone who was a level 2 (I am level 1). Anyhow had a great fight with him, first round was even, the second round he was on top and had stunned me once and was coming in for the kill, as he came forward caught him flush with a kick and knocked him straight out. Shows that this game has potential, especially if they can get their match making system right.
That sounds awesome Kamy! I'm yet to have anything special like that happen. I've won my last two matches now (online ranked, I mean). In the first was he was going for ground and pound on me, proper going for it, I just blocked and let him drain his stamina, then pulled him in and reversed the transition for a sub. Second, I caught a head kick of his and took him down, mounted then punched him a bit, he reversed and got on top and tried a sub but I got out of it and got him in a sub, had him in there for a while and eventually he tapped.
Multiplayer is where this game is best just like Fifa

You just don't get the same feeling when your playing the AI compared to outwitting a human opponent so its not surprising some of you are not liking the game
I can't agree with you more, Coopz. Won about 4 fights today and lost 2, one by KO and one on points! That was the first fight that I've had that went the whole distance, and to be fair he did deserve it.

The key to this game is really managing your stamina. I hadn't really thought about it, and until Coopz started mentoring me, I didn't even have the stamina bars turned on! Even after that when I was fighting my stamina bar was decreasing much faster than my oppo's and I was puzzled. Anyway, after I got KO'd earlier today I sent the guy a message say good fight and asking what I had been thinking and to be fair to him he sent a nice reply and explained that body shots decrease stamina a fair bit. Prior to this I had mainly been going for head shots, and blocking my opponent's head shots, but leaving my body open. Since then I have been managing my stamina and varying my attacks. I even think my description says I have a good ground game now, which shows I have worked on it so I'm very happy :)).

There's nothing better than watching your opponent try and pummel the fuck out of you while he's mounted and you just blocking it all, then quickly reversing the mount and subbing him :SMOKIN:.
There's nothing worse than watching your opponent try and pummel the fuck out of you while he's mounted and you just blocking it all, then quickly reversing the mount and subbing him :SMOKIN:. and then he quits and you don't get the win

Edited to reflect my experiences
there should be some kind of matchmaking option when playing online. Level 1 vs level 50 is pointless and silly.

As for lag, everytime I have played it has lagged. Same with my bro and two of my friends.
I mean, sure the game doesn't play as well online as offline, that's to be expected. But hell, I'm in Sweden so most people I face online are far far away, and lag isn't an issue for me at all.
How hard is it to get a Quick Match on the PS3 tried like 5-6 times today and comes back with no result. :((
No lag for me either. Sure, I've had a couple of games where it has been slightly sluggish, but overall no problems. Surely they will release a patch in the coming weeks to fix the quitting out to avoid a loss thing too?

YoungGun, I have never got a quick ranked match when I search on 360 either. But then I just create one and someone joins within 20 seconds :)).
Yeah but when it lags you can't pick and choose your punches/kicks and it really is that bad Coopz. I'm not exaggerating; I've had 36 matches in total and only 11 have counted.

Edited to reflect my experiences

Must be a PS3 thing then because as most of us 360 players are saying quitting isn't that rife and lag is rare
This game is rubbish. too bloody easy, even on the hardest settings. matches last no more then a minute.

graphics is good but the gameplay feels lacklust and stiff
Are you sure you playing it on Expert JM? you messeged the demo was easy but thats cause its set to the lowest difficulty settings. You need to manually change it.
I found the AI beatable on expert by KO (It wasn't easy but it wasn't a huge uphill battle) Though trying to submit them on expert was useless as they always broke free.
Must be a PS3 thing then because as most of us 360 players are saying quitting isn't that rife and lag is rare

:LOL: After saying that I get two nobhead that quit don't I! First one I caught him with a left hook and flash KOd him at the start of the second round and basically as soon as he hit the canvas he quit, didn't get the win. Then got a nob who was dominating me really but I got him down and subbed him and before he even tapped out he quit, I didn't get a win.

Shame really, a few nobheads always ruin a game. Hopefully they will patch it though and sort them out.
Exactly, if you learn how to beat the players (memorising stats/favoured moves whatever) you'll have no problems in exhibition no matter what difficulty you play it on. After all, the kicks, punches and submissions are the same depending on which class of fighter you have. This is where the game falls apart for me. I'm tired of the same moves and the same outcomes, this is why I'm looking forward to FNR4, it seems more organic and every punch and knockout isn't the same.
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