The Transatlantic Pizza


13 August 2002
New York
There was once upon a time that Joostebrood, former Evo Web legend and I made history by sending a burger through the mail from the US to Holland and he sent me a Dutch hot dog. I want to do the same thing again but with a pizza, a whole pizza. I was wondering if there was anyone in the UK who would be willing to step up to the challenge. The rules are you must take pics of you with the pizza before its sent and also you must take pics of the one I send you. Also, you should make an attempt to actually eat it. Let me know if your interested. Thanks.
Dermot I think this is a great idea, unfortunately I would be far too lazy to actually sort something like this out, plus as you already know with the Irish postal service I would fear for either of us eating anything that arrived by mail once they were involved at all, as it would probably be about 2 months too late.

I do however find this a most intriguing idea, I remember the burger thread well, and the pure elation on Joosts face as he munched into that tasty looking burger. Someone else could now enjoy your postal treats just as much, I think this is a very exciting prospect.
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