Post AMD vs Intel results here

But everyone says it only happens with Intel vs. AMD matches..

That's what they think it is, but that is not the cause of problem. I'm 110% sure of that.

CPUs: I'm pretty sure what is happening is they are running older AMD CPU's that are barley handling the game. And people have not upgraded their systems in ages to the new generations of CPU's such a Core2Dou CPU. This is a common problem for poor 3rd world countries that can't afford to buy newer CPUs every 2 years or so. Keep in mind, newer games always require higher end machines to run smoothly.

Internet: Most poor countries do not have high speed internet. You need fast speed broadband cable internet to play multiplayer games. If you have anything less, than there's your answer to online disconnections.
I think if we want to be more precise on the problem we should not just post CPU vs CPU, but post the full specifications that both sets of players are using. That way we can narrow the scope and it could be that the problem comes from another source.
I am telling you RoyalFlush, you are wrong. My friend at (swedish pes-community for 5 years back) have got a high end computer with a perfectly adequate dsl-connection and has NO PROBLEM what so ever against other AMD-users. Take a look in the online lobbys and se that all matches are called AMD ONLY / INTEL Only and you might learn something. I also think it's quite out of the ordinary and really wierd, myself beeing a computers engineer but that is the issue and that you fail to grasp it is your problem.
I also think it's quite out of the ordinary and really wierd, myself beeing a computers engineer but that is the issue and that you fail to grasp it is your problem.

Would you care to elaborate "really weird" then? Everyone keeps saying it's "weird", but no real explanation of the problem.

I mean if you guys think it's a CPU problem, please explain the evidence of the problem instead of saying it's weird.

I think if we want to be more precise on the problem we should not just post CPU vs CPU, but post the full specifications that both sets of players are using. That way we can narrow the scope and it could be that the problem comes from another source.

Yes, I would like to see the people complaining post they're hardware info. Maybe CPUZ screen shots if possible.

Take a look in the online lobbys and se that all matches are called AMD ONLY / INTEL Only and you might learn something.

I am learning that those guys are stupid idiots that don't know what they are doing. Pretty laughable if you ask me :LMAO:.
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No need to be rude, ok, but denying the fact that there a
disconnects between AMD and Intel users is indeed weird.

I have a Phenom II X4 940 3 Ghz, 8800 GT and since I changed to
AMD rooms I haven´t had a single disconnection anymore.

30 games. That´s evidence enough for me.
I'm going to quote my original post.

I've seen a couple of threads talking about this. I would love to see all people's experience put into one place so we either confirm or bust this theory about AMD vs Intel problems. When playing online, try to find out what your opponent is using!

I never claimed to know anything about the technology. I never claimed to know what the real source of the problem is.

All the people saying 'lol it aren't teh cpu because cpu don't make internets go tru teh wirez', you make a fair point. On the other hand, none of you have contributed anything of worth to the discussion either.

All I know is that a lot of people on several forums, presumably on a wide variety of systems using a variety of different connections in many different places are saying the same thing. AMD vs Intel matches disconnect before half time.

In all the threads I'm watching not a single person said otherwise.

I'm done thinking about it and I'm sure as hell done posting about it. I'm going to wait for official word and hopefully a patch.

Good day!
No need to be rude, ok, but denying the fact that there a
disconnects between AMD and Intel users is indeed weird.

I have a Phenom II X4 940 3 Ghz, 8800 GT and since I changed to
AMD rooms I haven´t had a single disconnection anymore.

30 games. That´s evidence enough for me.

yep, that is quite a lot of evidence. nobody had a disconnection when the played like with like. on the other hand, people disconnect when they play against users of different cpu.. thats enough evidence to me too !!!

but i dont know the problem yet since i never met this situation before. have to be a programming issue i think
I mean if you guys think it's a CPU problem, please explain the evidence of the problem instead of saying it's weird.

Surely the fact that every game I've had against an Intel user has disconnected and every game I've had against an AMD user has worked perfectly is evidence? Are you just choosing to ignore the facts?

I have an AMD Athlon 64x2 and, whilst it's by no means high-end, it is a capable processor which meets minimum and recommended requirements of most games out today. I also have a 20mb cable broadband connection.
CPUs: I'm pretty sure what is happening is they are running older AMD CPU's that are barley handling the game.

Ok, more or less I thought about this point too. But there's something that still doesn't convince me:
if some CPUs [...] don't meet the requirements[...], I'd expected them to disconnect/hang but not only when facing an opponent with a different CPU

If it was just due to the CPU not matching the "standards" why would it crash only if there's a Intel vs. AMD match and not when there's a P4 vs. C2Q match, or even a Phenom X4 vs. Athlon match?

Is it possible that, maybe, to handle some code within the game AMD CPUs use a "different" set of instructions than Intel ones use? I don't know if this could bring to some kind of "disalignment" (maybe one of the two just handles the code way faster than the other due to having some "dedicated" instructions, I don't know) that prevents the online game to go on, but in all honesty it's the only thing I can think about, even if it's still weird..
It's pure speculation of course, but I think that some "instruction sets" are standard while other ones vary from CPU to CPU..
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Ok, more or less I thought about this point too. But there's something that still doesn't convince me:

If it was just due to the CPU not matching the "standards" why would it crash only if there's a Intel vs. AMD match and not when there's a P4 vs. C2Q match, or even a Phenom X4 vs. Athlon match?

Is it possible that, maybe, to handle some code within the game AMD CPUs use a "different" set of instructions than Intel ones use? I don't know if this could bring to some kind of "disalignment" (maybe one of the two just handles the code way faster than the other due to having some "dedicated" instructions, I don't know) that prevents the online game to go on, but in all honesty it's the only thing I can think about, even if it's still weird..
It's pure speculation of course, but I think that some "instruction sets" are standard while other ones vary from CPU to CPU..

Like any other multiplayer games, there's always been random drops, disconnections, high pings etc... For example, just yesterday I was playing Borderlands co-op with a friend and all sudden he disappeared. He message me back saying his game had "crashed" for some strange reason. He didn't go ranting to message boards posting his teammates pc's were to blame for his game "crashing" or "disconnections". It's a random problem with his own pc hardware (maybe cuz he needs to upgrade) or some program in his OS was interfering with the game.

But go ahead and think it's some mumbo jumbo about "online CPU VS CPU". That's the silliest thing I have ever heard.
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news from shitami

we regret to inform our customers that the likelihood of being disconnected whie playing online increases when players use pc's with cpu's made by diffrent manufacturers. we already aware of this problem and are working towards a solution.
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'Official' posts over on PESFan.

"Hello everyone,

I've collected enough data from you guys, thank you all very much for providing it. I have heard from the dev team that they are investigating it. I think that we will be able to make an official announcement today or at the latest next week.


"Hi DiegoLT,

sorry, but I cant release information on a patch as of now. Like I said above, the team has acknowledged that there is a problem, and is working hard on a solution. When I say, they're working hard, I don't mean a standard issue reply "When it's done" à la blizzard, it means that they're actually not going home this weekend.

Take care,

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But go ahead and think it's some mumbo jumbo about "online CPU VS CPU". That's the silliest thing I have ever heard.

Any chance you will be apologising to us for your arrogance and total ignorance now? After this problem has been confirmed by official sources? After the problem that we the users noticed, more or less proved with testing on our own time, and you made fun of?

Didn't think so.


Shut up, again.
When I say, they're working hard, I don't mean a standard issue reply "When it's done" à la blizzard, it means that they're actually not going home this weekend.
That's what things should work indeed.
Did YOU cause a problem? YOU won't move from here until YOU've fixed it :P

Joking, of course. Like every AMDer, I'm happy that they're at least trying to get this weird behaviour addressed.

I'd like to know also which kind of issue it "technically" was (just a matter of curiosity, because I found the CPU issue really weird myself) to be honest, but I think we'll never know it for sure..
I'd like to know also which kind of issue it "technically" was (just a matter of curiosity, because I found the CPU issue really weird myself) to be honest, but I think we'll never know it for sure..

We probably never will. I too would like to know how the hell they managed to make this problem. I've been playing PC games online since Duke Nukem 3D and I've never seen this kind of clashing between something like cpu brands....

Then again, the inner workings of a computer processor are totally in the realm of voodoo or science fiction to me. I'm just happy that they have recognised that there is a problem and will try to fix it for us.
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