Petition for PES 2013 remove Fix cursor "Please sign it"

Good news about the 2v2 returning, but Murphy does come out with some pure shite.

Jon Murphy said:
Let’s face it, PES 2013 is a stunning multi-player experience
Is it? Is it really? "Let's face it" because it's that dead-cert of a fact :ROLL:

Jon Murphy said:
While there was an acceptable 2v2 mode in the game
No there wasn't Jon, it was completely unacceptable hence the uproar.

Jon Murphy said:
the team has worked to improve core elements to make it even more intuitive and to make it closer to the single-player experience, with better player switching.
"Better player switching"? How can something be "better" when it previously didn't exist? Has he even played PES 2013 or know anything about it other than what what Konami tell him to say?

"Even more intuitive", "closer to single player" and "improved core elements" are all non-specific, meaningless phrases trying to give us the illusion that they've done more work than they have.

They've reintroduced player switching in 2v2 online, something they had back in 2006, they deserve zero credit.

Jon Murphy said:
It is because of fan support
You don't have "fan support", no game should ever have "fan support" - that's what sports teams have. This may just seem like semantics, but this wording describes almost the complete opposite of what Konami have on their hands. What they have is a disgruntled and disillusioned consumer base making petitions, hardly a positive sign.

Jon Murphy said:
that we have made such huge steps with the PES series in recent years.
Huge steps?

PES 2012 was a backwards step in many regards, PES 2013 takes huge backwards leaps in everything but gameplay.

How could he possibly justify that statement? (Without salesman/PR language)

Jon Murphy said:
When we do something right, they tell us. If we get it wrong, they offer support and suggestions – and we would be mad to ignore them.
I think Jon must be thankful that this interview has been published in text form rather than as a video because I very much doubt that he managed to keep a straight face when he said this.

"we would be mad to ignore them", this hardly even needs any elaboration as to why I find this statement hilarious and ridiculous.

Jon/Konami, man up and tell us the truth. Give us reasons, even excuses if needs be, even if it damages your reputation it's the lesser of two evils when the alternative is the current straight-up lies and conceited nonsense you provide.

It's almost insulting how they take us for idiots.
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But the significant steps forward are usually accompanied - thus negated - by bafflingly ill-advised steps backward.

PES2013 for instance. The strongest on-pitch gameplay since the PS2 days but the worst game by far off the pitch. Murphy can't talk about moving forward when Konami continually shoot themselves in both feet at the same time.
I agree with much of your rant regarding the useless PR-talk Jon Murphy uses, but to be fair PES made some considerable steps forward in the last few years.

Compared to PES 2008-2010 PES 2011-2013 are a huge improvement. I mean we finally have manual passing and shooting with stat-influence, we finally have 360-degree-dribbling, the animation is more fluid and response-times got reduced.

And the offensive AI is better at offering options.

So imho he has a point, though he neglects to mention the dark side of the game, the cheating, the at times scripted ball-physics, the bad looking nightgame-pitches, the blind referee, the limited CPU-AI and incompetent goalkeepers.
Those things you mention are solid improvements, but they were necessary ones especially considering the current hardware and standard of other games this generation.

I don't praise them for adding manual control and 360 degree movement, and I actually think it's crazy that it was only just introduced in 2009/10.
FIFA having full manual basically forced their hand in that regard, and I don't know if it's a side-effect of having that option that the assisted passing has become noobified ping-pong this year.

The reason I play PES is because I think the gameplay adheres to footballing theory/tactics more than FIFA does rather than just being a competitive fast-paced video game, so I thank Konami for that, but it only achieves that through better placement of parameters/player physics, not because of any real top notch work by Konami to balance the game as a whole.

Anyway this is getting away from the point at hand - regarding PES 2013 I did say it's a step backwards "in everything but gameplay" which I should have extended to PES 2011 (I disliked 2012), but even so - having progress made to the gameplay doesn't mean you can screw up everything else and act all proud of your work and announce it as a "huge step" forwards.
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Compared to PES 2008-2010 PES 2011-2013 are a huge improvement. I mean we finally have manual passing and shooting with stat-influence, we finally have 360-degree-dribbling, the animation is more fluid and response-times got reduced

They are vastly better than 2008-2010 but I wouldn't agree with Murphy entirely on this. I think 2011 was the biggest move forward the series has had, it truly looked and felt like a different game altogether. I felt 2012 was a huge step backwards both graphically and in gameplay. PES2013 was an evolution of 2012, is arguably the best version in the series this gen by building on the previous two versions, but has taken the massive backward steps of still not even being able to have as good graphics as in 2011 and has regressed massively as a package.

It's Murphy's job to roll out this spin but it's Konami's fault for making him say it when their product doesn't back up what they claim.
Some of what Murphy's doing can't even be defined as "spin".

Spin is when you put forward an interpretation of something that aims to manipulate an audience into holding beliefs that are beneficial to yourself or your cause... Murphy is blatantly lying at times (a lie isn't an interpretation) and the outcome is (for me anyway and hopefully the majority of others) pissing off the paying customers who will think twice about buying future editions.
While I see what you say, I'm sure Murphy himself would beg to differ that his assertion of PES being a superb online experience isn't an outright lie because it's all subjective to personal experience. Using that, he's put the best possible angle on this (to a ludicrous degree) to try and make us all jump on board the Konami bandwagon for the patch, and for the product as a whole.

Either way, we both agree on the same thing - that Konami, via Murphy as their mouthpiece, are talking bollocks.
Yeah that's why I specified "some of" before my statement, I wouldn't mind someone making exaggerated statements of opinion about their own products.

I work part-time in a cinema and as an employee I can't just tell customers that the popcorn is overpriced rubbish if asked my opinion, but at the same time the company can't make me say that it's got special ingredients that turn you into a superhero.

That's basically what Jon's doing, portraying PES and indeed Konami themselves as something they absolutely definitely are not, pure lies.

P.S. - At my workplace however they sell Rollover hotdogs and their slogan is "The best hot dog in the world" which is such a over-the-top statement that it's absurd.
Sometimes I wonder how and why there are no laws enforced by trading standards agencies against shit like that - it plays on people's stupidity, and it works...

Whenever you see things on TV about elderly people who are too gullible or manipulated into parting with their money by deceptive methods, people's reaction is always (and rightly so) rage towards the culprits behind it, however when it comes to gaming or pretty much anything else, corporations always get away with the same type of manipulation with no consequence or even reaction in most cases, it's annoying. (I know the second case is nowhere near as important but the premise is the same).
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Remember that Jon Murphy is just a marketing man, not a developer. His job is to always tell good things about Pes, and to show Konami Team in Japan our "feedback".

The fact that he admitted that he doesn't have much time to play Pes 2013 speaks volumes. He is not the right man to represent the whole Pes european community. Pes needs an European developers team, that's the only solution.

Meanwhile we are still waiting for news about London Konami developers office
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