PES 2008 keeps crashing my PC!


BF3 Addict
1 September 2007
Hertfordshire, England
Newcastle & Barnet
Hey all,

I keep getting this happen to my graphics and then my entire PC will lockup and it keeps happening only in PES 2008.

Any suggestions please guys? I'm very annoyed and I dont know whats causing it. I can play Call of Duty 4 and Crysis without any crashes at all.

I'm running the following:-

Windows XP SP2
Intel Core 2 Duo E6300
2gb OCZ Platinum RAM
BFG GeForce 8800 GT 512mb

Hope someone can help :)
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i'm using a 8800GT and have no problems

although from your screenshot it looks like the card is having a problem
its not the card mate, it's 2 weeks old and it runs Call of Duty 4 and Crysis without any problems, surely if it was the card it would happen on those games too? I've never had the card crash on ANY game other than PES 2008.
did you overclocked your card?
you are getting a lot of artifacts typical from an overclocked system, if so, try lowering your settings on your freq or try other drivers from guru3d
Playing with vista or xp ?

If it's vista, I've played with vista x64 and it's crashing many times, so... I changed to xp 32bits now runs perfect !!!!
I've had the same problem for weeks, finally sorted it out a few days ago by turning the Kitserver & Lodmixer off. I don't know why this has worked but it has in my case!
my game crashes a lot also but am getting this error:

Your computer's processing speed has slowed. Quit the match.

I don't think it's my pc coz it's not a windows error. I googled it & found some1 else had it on another forum, but nowhere else & no solution ether

When you play online, this is a problem to do with your internet connection when internet connection slow downs it cannot cope with the process of the game. You will NEVER EVER RECEIVE THIS WHEN PLAYING OFFLINE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I REPEAT NEVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Remember to make print screen you just wasted your energy taking that photo. Press Print Screen button which is next to the Scroll Lock.
maybe the nvidia driver, i have same problem after update into latest nvidia driver. I'm using Zotaz 8800 gts 512mb.
they're buggers honestly. i emailed konami with this problem the minute i got the game and tried playing online. they said they'd never heard of it and would look into it then blagged it later asking for more details (what else could i give, other than a word for word descriptions of the error). i couldnt be bothered frankly. funny thing is i managed to play one game tonight, but after that, the same problem, which is baffling.
just to add, i have an nvidia geforce 7300 GS, maybe problematic by previous accounts on this issue but it got me a game earlier so wtf
I've tested with both Atitool and Ntune and this is not a temperature issue.

The temperature went from 50 degrees (on desktop) and was at 57 degrees when the game did the "texture failure" and crashes my PC.

So this isnt a temperature issue :(

I dont know what it is... :(
I have this problem too (also have 8800GT). Fixed by running Rivatuner, and forcing the fan speed to run at 80% when the temp goes above 60 degrees.
I've followed your tutorial, quick question though, what do you set your default profile to? ie, what does your fan speed normally run at, did you choose the 60%, 80% or 100% ?
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