One day after: I'm more than disappointed...!


League 2
25 April 2002
Vienna, Austria
I got my copy of PES 2009 yesterday morning and after more than one day playing, I have to say that I'm more than dissapointed. All Konami did was fixing the offline slowdown issues - that's all! It's just like buying last year's version without the bugs!

I bought both the PS3 and PS2 version of PES 2008 last year and thought that the PS2 version is far superior - more and better player movement and freedom, smoother gameplay, good balance

I hoped that this year's PS3 version at least got up to last year's PS2 level, but the PS3 version still is so much worse and feels just not right - looks like I'll have to play another year with the PS2 version...

My complaints in detail:

1) you can't change the player switch mode anymore which results in awful player selection by the cpu

2) the players feel like robots (especially in defense), once you switch to a specific player, it takes ages to actually control him

3) when players fighting for the ball, there is no system to it - just chance. once a player wins such a duel, there is no smooth movement, players just stand around

4) player AI got worse(both the opponent's and your own's)- sometimes your own and the oppenent's players are actually running away from the ball!

5) there are still these annoying sound when players get fouled

6) there are lesser camera view options

7) online still sucks

8) you still can't play AGAINST a friend in cup mode

9) the champions league licence is wasted: there are teams missing, there are no correct groups, unlicensed teams... it seems Konami just paid for the right to use the playing mode (group stages with home and away, then k.o.)

10) in cup and league modes you can't select the teams you want first hand - you have to change teams afterwards in a very time consuming way

11) the menus are terrible (please employ a design expert at last!)

12) you can't select day/night and the weather anymore (it's random)

I was one of the biggest fans of this game but since it moved to PS3 PES has stalled in it's evolution! FIFA catches up each year (it's still not as good as PES) but the most disappointing thing is that PES just sells the same game over and over again - i really expected major improvments and what did we get - PES 2008 again without offline slowdown!
played both Fifa 2009 and Pro Evo 2009 and i decided to test both...even though i'm a massive pro evo fan


3 matches on each game
2 matches of Become a Legend/Be A Pro on each game
2 matches online each game

results are

Fifa 2009 won in all my evo has been on its downfall since coming to next-gen...this new one 2009 is the biggest disappointment so far...i have loved my pes games and i am a huge pes fan but this is embarrassing for konami...fifa is just superb, only downside is the gameplay but at least thier aren't no computer mistakes in this game unlike pes 2009 were the computer commits a foul and sends my player off...

long time pro evo fan, i'm disappointed to say FIFA 2009 takes it this year
you can change player manually,just go to cursor selection,the game is still jank though.

online you just can select either "assisted" or "semi-assisted", both suck!
offline you can additional select to change every player after every pass etc., which would be a nice addition if they kept the old "manual" and bit-for-bit-selection for the assisted option.

now they have removed a popular and good selection and forced us to choose between 3 selections which all 3 aren't as good as the year long given selection! why, oh, why???

it just isn't possible to defend decently anymore, your players stop running after selection and then they rush forward...

it's so sad that PES doesn't get it right on PS3, my favourite football game is near unplayable - FIFA's gameplay is different, not better, not worse - just different und I don't like it. so there is no decent football game around this year...
gotta agree with you, hated FIFA for many years but I have no switched to FIFA thought PES09 was going to be great but its not :( and is it just me or this for everyone that when you play in the dark it seems like the flood lights are not working, and there is no lighting! I find it real hard to see my players on the pitch. maybe im blind!
I honestly wish there was no PES2010 so that they can put the time and effort in to make a game that can compete with FIFA. On PSX/PS2 PES was untouchable but since 360/PS3 hit the scene Pro has been lagging behind, it almost upsets me to know my preferred game is the worse of the two, I never would have thought five years ago I'd even play a FIFA game let alone own one.

Edit: Must add that rain on PES is amazing this year.
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i cant understand people,what more you want,Pes 2009 is the best soccer game so far,if u want real soccer go out and play with friends then,this is just a game and dont need to be disappointed..
online is a complete joke, spend 20 minutes and cant even get in the fucking screen cos of residual connection errors. when your in your players run awau from the ball, no manual player change? fuck off
well u must be either playing a different game than me or ur just fucking picky, this game is a hell of alot better better gameplay , animations , graphics slightly, realisim in singling out specail players ie torres/c.ronaldo, CL mode, more lisceines on boots, n room for more, more licenced teams coming in update, ai9nt perfect but better than 08, ps2 version better my arse.
I've had the game since Wednesday. I have played a number of matches and have had a go at all the different modes to really come to a decision about this game. I have to say there have been a number of improvements; graphically it looks nice, the stadiums are incredible and the weather effects have a real bearing on the game. The right analogue stick manual passing feature works surprisingly well even if it does feel strange. Become a legend is also a great concept and implemented very well. I love the fact you can build your player up from the grass roots.

However, I too am disappointed. To me PES 2009 feels as if it's only marginally improved on PES 2008 if not tried too much and failed at the core of the game, it's gameplay. Robotic animations I can live with if the gameplay is good enough. However, to me the gameplay feels stiff and each pass/cross I make feels forced. The game also feels very scripted, passing is far too accurate and shooting isn't as challenging as it has been in past versions of PES. I also get the impression that there are rails which force players towards the ball down the wings whether defending or attacking. Players run out of position a hell of a lot and generally make stupid mistakes which leave chances for the opposition. Player switching is also atrocious this year. Keepers are slightly better but still make a lot of dodgy parries and overall it's hit and miss whether they perform in a game.

Overall because of the scripted play and forced feel to the game I feel less in control than I have ever been in a PES game. Why did they have to mess with the player switching? This has completely ruined the game for me. It was fine in other incarnations of PES and didn't need to be changed.

For me PES 5 is still the best in the series, which is a shame really since it has been almost 3 years since it's release.

Going on eBay tomorrow night.
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They weren't that more realistic really. For the time yes, and now a lot of people expect a leap in the realism department because of the power of new computer and newer consoles. This hasn't been the case at all over at Konami and this is the biggest let down to me.
However, to me the gameplay feels stiff and each pass/cross I make feels forced. The game also feels very scripted, passing is far too accurate and shooting isn't as challenging as it has been in past versions of PES. I also get the impression that there are rails which force players towards the ball down the wings whether defending or attacking. Players run out of position a hell of a lot and generally make stupid mistakes which leave chances for the opposition. Player switching is also atrocious this year. Keepers are slightly better but still make a lot of dodgy parries and overall it's hit and miss whether they perform in a game.

Overall because of the scripted play and forced feel to the game I feel less in control than I have ever been in a PES game. Why did they have to mess with the player switching? This has completely ruined the game for me. It was fine in other incarnations of PES and didn't need to be changed.

completely agree there with you.

PES2009 on PS3 is not a bad game, far from it, but if you are used the brilliance (as there was on PS2), you just feel disappointed from the current product from konami... it's just sad, that after 2 years with the new consol the PES franchise is still better on the PS2!
Played this last night round mates, on x box, went online, first , could not be 2v2 on same side, on one console, could on 06,
and the lag OMG, a joke right.. we did a quik game, and i tell no lie , worst lag i have ever seen on any evo game ever.

Thank god i didnt waste my money, like last year.
Sorry but this GAME ROCKS i love it and it is perfect maybe you need to play fifa. I bet 200% that it reviews give the game a 90% you dit telll us you liked it blablabla oke so go and search for some nice fifa forums

played 7-8 games with my brother automatic slide tackles gave away 3 penalties and 2 red cards for me and he got 3 red cards lol its just plain dum. It like your playing with the computer controlling half your player. Tried all settings assisted, semi, manual they are all a joke. Defending is impossible and was much better in demo, 25 yarder's are easier to score than 1 on 1 but apart from all that its a decent game
I think one of the most worrying things is the continued reliance on the old engine. There is even evidence to suggest that the PS2 version is actually better. By the time the team get used to the PS3 and 360 the next versions of those consoles will be out. They can only be around 3 years away at most.
this game is brilliant i have fifa and pes but pes is better by a mile. whats wrong with you people.

sure it's still better, but only slightly.
FIFA's catching up fast, having new ideas, optimising their game slowly on the PS3 where PES has still not made the jump onto PS3 proberly. It just feels not right, the PS2 version is still better because it is more balanced and smoother animated. Last year's game felt rushed out, but this year it is not much better: in fact they only got ride of the offline slowdown, that's all - the game hasn't improved anywhere, it's just the same.
Its a vast improvement over the shocking PES2008 on the PS3.

The graphics look a lot more like real football than Fifa in my oppinion and look sublime on HD with game set to afternoon.

The gameplay is iproved, but I wish there was an editor out for the PS3 with global editing. I think the game could be massively improved with the stats tweaked.
i think its a step up from last year and im enjoying it so far, iv had fifa 09 it was better than other years but still doesn't feel like real football imo.... so im pleased iv got at least one decent footy game
Really ? Can I ask what team you play as I believe it may be a factor cause I am hating it as NUFC..


I have played a few games with Newcastle and think it feels poor, because the have slowed down the players quite a bit this year and Owen seems slow, Viduka is almost stationary and Martins can't turn.

I played a champions league with Roma and enjoyed it a lot more, but think the game could do with short and long passes speeded up and response and speed slightly increased.
Got PES09 on Friday morning. Ive always loved the series excluding lasts years rubbish. Ive played it solid over the weekend so I have made every effort to get used to it and enjoy it.
My verdict is that it’s a dogs turd of a game and nothing like the Pro Evo games we used to love in the past.
Looks better but the animation especially the running and gameplay is really poor. It’s the final straw ive lost all hope that Konami will ever make a Next Generation game. Ill stick with PES6 on my PC and put 09 up on eBay.
Fifa is superior now in every department even now including gameplay. The football gaming world has been turned on its head Pro Evo is now arcade like Fifa used to be and Fifa 09 is now the realistic simulation.
The sound is awful The Liverpool chants are really woeful and the sound when you kick or dribble the ball sounds like an explosion once again like last years game.
The truth is the Pro Evolution series has not kept pace with Fifa on the next generation consoles and this year Fifa09 Knocks PES right out of the ring in every department graphically and even now in Gameplay.
The final straw for me and much as I guessed 09 is really a patched version of 08.Thanks for the memories Pro Evolution. I used to love you but you became a bitch who was just after my money each year and who didnt give a dam about me.. R .I .P :R1:TD:
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