new moves in PES 2008

Don´t know if they can be categorized as "moves", but now your player can collide with the ref! (try it, just play a little "let´s chase the ref ingame" and watch :lol:).

Now indirect free kicks are also taken near the opponnets goal area (for e.g. 22 mts) and not just from your own half of the pitch.
That's 2 good pieces of news that'll make game more realistic. :thumbup:

..and well, could anyone tell me how to control the ball with a header like this? I've conceded this goal and it looks useful managing this move..
Gomes vs. Spain

This is a nice goal indeeeeed.

There's no special buttons for this Klei. You just do it by pressing R1 and the direction you want your player to be taking the ball and depending on what 'height' the ball is at, your player controls it and moves in that direction.

So just like your player would chest the ball and move in a direction or control it with knee or foot and run in a direction, it's the same with a header if the ball is that high.

I've never scored off it like that but I have controlled the ball with a header like that while playing PES quite a few times and yeh sometimes it can be really helpful like this. :)
When the ball comes to your player, instead of pressing shoot or pass or any of those 'action' buttons, you just press a directional button or R1 and your player will control it. If high enough, with head if lower with chest and if even lower, with feet.
how can I do a quick free kick? I couldn't manage to do that!

Other question! Which tool you use to record this videos?
Sorry, I'm a bit confused with some of the button sequences here. Couple of questions:

(while standing with :r2: press back+:r2: and forward+:r2: quickly)

You mean: hold :r2: and then press backward and forward quickly?

look up cross
:l1:+:r1: then :circle:

How would this work with Longpass Mode 4?

drag ball stepover
:l1:+:r1: then :l1: 2x

holding :r1: when pressing :l1: 2x?

drag ball into stepover dash
:l1:+:r1: then 2x :l1:+:r1:

Just 3x :l1:+:r1: or what?
You mean: hold :r2: and then press backward and forward quickly?

exactly, do it while standing (you stop with the ball with :r2: )

How would this work with Longpass Mode 4?

:l1:+:r1: at the same time while jogging/running (possibly on the wing) and then press :circle: or whatever you have as a cross, to deliver the ball from this different stance

holding :r1: when pressing :l1: 2x?

again, :l1:+:r1: pressed at the same time while jogging/running ,then press :l1: twice while in different stance

Just 3x :l1:+:r1: or what?

same here, first make move to switch to new stance ( :l1:+:r1: while jogging/running) then press :l1:+:r1: twice while in new stance

that's it, hope that helped

PS. by the way quick free kick is :l1:+:r1: pressed at the same time after being fouled
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how do u know....i need video proof :o
i ony know its possible to give a pass with backheel.
thanx!! I'm just trying to discover how could nuno gomes control the ball with the head in that way, because it was a conceded goal, but looked awesome really.. so it would be nice to learn how to master that move :D

what you do is dont touch any of the controls while the ball is in the air and about to fall on your head, then all the player does is cushion the ball in front of him so that it is ready to pass/shoot
post here every move you'll find please

anyone know how to do the heel shot/pass shown in the PES2008 trailer?


heel dash
(not everyone has it, C.Ronaldo and Henry got it for sure)
:r1:+90degrees direction while running or trapping ball

(while standing with :r2: press back+:r2: and forward+:r2: quickly)


shirt pull

look up cross
:l1:+:r1: then :circle:

drag ball stepover
:l1:+:r1: then :l1: 2x

drag ball into stepover dash
:l1:+:r1: then 2x :l1:+:r1:

sidestep stepover
do a sidestep up/or/down+:r2: then quickly press :l1: x2

go around the ball
while running hold :l1: then tap quickly :r1: 2x

old moves still work
(elastico, matthews feint, vfeint, 360, lift ball etc)

cud not manage the nutmeg and heel dash in the PS2 version? do they exist on PS2?
..and well, could anyone tell me how to control the ball with a header like this? I've conceded this goal and it looks useful managing this.

Well I think this is how it's done. I was tryin things in training couple of days ago. I believe it's the same move as the super cancel R1 + R2, but you hold them in with a direction yu want to go just before recieving the ball ie when yu know your gonna get it and that second lil header is done automatically dependin on ball height when you keep R1 held to run on to the ball after chesting (or whatever) the ball ahead.

Hope it helps
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