Master league online HELP!


League 2
15 October 2008
I need help guys - I can't figure out why I'm so sh*t at this game online!! It's messing with my head. I've been a Pes player for years now and have always been pretty decent online. Last year for example I spent most of my time in div 3 (MLO) and reached Div 2 at certain points. Which is not bad considering the amount of cheats out there.
But this time around I just cant seem to win a match! I've tried everything from changing formation, style, control settings and still I cant string enough passes together - opponents seem to get to the ball first, every time I use the new select player function to play a through ball (on semi assisted 1 bar) the ball goes to far or short. On 3 bars the ball is played to the wrong player! Many of my passes seem to fall behind the player. When defending I use the new contain buttons and pull in another players to close space but after a few deflections the ball falls to an opponents player who generally scores with ease. Also, when playing a one-two the players dont seem to run at all - is it really necessary to use the right stick for one-twos every time??!! I'm not even going to mention the problems with selecting players or people scoring from crosses every single time - even when you close them down!!I'm languishing in the 5th div after 50 matches on something like 420 points and my desire for this game is seriously diminishing. Want to love MLO but currently I feel like throwing my joypad out the window!! Any help/tips would be greatly appreciated.

(I'm playing on PC btw)
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