Help me, 360 question

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I have no imagination
24 July 2005
Manchester United
First of all if this the wrong section of the forum I apologise and hopefully this thread will be moved in the right section.
I have a slight problem that i'm gonna try explaining to you.
I live in France and my parents who were working in China untill this summer bought melast year an xbox360 alongside some games ,needless to precise that the games bought were fakes and my console could read them without too much problems.This is why I never actually cared what was the region of my console ,I mean what kinda of games it reads as in PAL,NTSC-J or NTSC-U because I know around Europe the format used is PAL .
I wanna order some games from the Internet but I need to be sure what is the format of my xbox360 bought in China (it's either NTSC-U or NTSC-J). Is there a way to find out the format of my console ? Are NSTC-J and NTSC-U that much different from each other ?
I present you my sincere gratitude to any contribution to help me
ps: Pardon my bad english ,it isn't my most natural language
Mucho gracias
Region free games i thought were only for PS3 and i'm checking the site you gave me
Ok thank you ,i've found what I wanted and tbh i feel kinda stupid to have opened a thread about it. You might as well as close it :p
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