Guitar Hero or Rock Band?


23 March 2005
Barça, Arsenal, Ajax
I plan on buying either Guitar Hero or Rock Band for me and my girlfriend. 2 guitars, by the way, we won't sing nor play the drums, never, we just like guitars alone.

The question is: which game is better for people like us that don't particularly like heavy metal or hard rock and will play the game now and then as a couple, just for fun?

I've heard and read about the hardware and the software but I would prefer to hear your voice, as I have a lot more confidence on you than in reviews.

So, which game should I buy (and in the case of Guitar Hero, which version) and which guitars (i prefer quality over aesthetics)?

Thank you in advance!
Rock Band ... by a country mile. No debate needed mate.

I prefer the GH:WT guitar, and I also find the quality better as the RB1 guitar is plagued with strummer issues.
Rock Band is the better game, no question.

Rock Band has a hugely diverse tracklist (especially the second one), you've got things from hard rock to modern rock (e.g. The Killers / The Fratellis), you can even get country and western songs for it now. Loads of variation.

Guitar Hero not only has poorer songs (IMO of course but I know a lot of people who feel the same way), but they're mostly the same genre (bar the Michael Jackson song that's in there) and they're mostly "classics". Which I'm not a big fan of.

But as with all things in life it's the most complicated possible arrangement; the Guitar Hero equipment is far better than the Rock Band equipment (again IMO of course but again most people I know agree). The strum-bar clicks like a mouse button, whereas the Rock Band guitar strum-bar is spongey and sometimes you wonder if it's your fault or the guitar's fault you missed a note.
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Yea, thirded... I prefer the GHWT kit for sure and some of the songs in there are brill (Hotel California, Band on The Run, Death Magnetic album etc), but Rock Band has SOOOO many songs now, that its hard to bet against it.

See if you can buy the solus version of RB2, rent RB1 to do the song import and then buy 2 GHWT guitars...
I started off with GH3 which has an awesome track list and is just great to play.

I then bought GHWT, drums are good for a laugh, not used the mic much, and the guitar is not bad. Only thing is that it is let down by the tracklist.

I have Rockband 1 which seems easier than GH games, but just as good. loads of newer songs. I have not bought any DLC for it but there are tons.

In summary, my favourite of all 3 is GH3, then RockBand then GHWT.

Oh, and if you need a guitar I have a spare GHWT one for sale :)
Rock Band is the better game, and has the better tracklist. It's also made by the people that created Guitar Hero in the first place, they know what they're doing.

Since I bought RB2 I haven't played GHWT once. I should actually sell it tbh.
Thanks for all your responses! I think I'll buy the latest Rock Band game and 2 GH guitars. Do you advise me to buy the latest guitar or an older model? Which is the best in terms of the hardware itself?
I would vote Rock Band too, as with RB, ACDC track pack, RB2 and DLC taking up over 10GB on my HDD. I would suggest you have a look at the track listings of all the games before you do buy. I think the Les Paul that came with GH III was the best, the new one with GHWT is pretty good too though.
I think the Les Paul that came with GH III was the best, the new one with GHWT is pretty good too though.

I would get the GHWT one though, if you think you might want to play GHWT one day (if you're into all the classic rock side of things - I'm not, I hate it, but just a thought).
thank you all very much, I'll go tomorrow morning to buy it all (RB2 game and 2 GHWT guitars! I'll tell you my impressions in the proper threads when we have tried it.

By the way, I don't think we'll buy GHWT, me and my gf will play occasionally and we are more into many different musical styles, so not particularly attracted by hard rock / heavy songs. The track list of RB2 really seems to be more diverse and appealing to us.

Thanks again to all.
is there any way to download the dlc even though im not connected to live? e.g. can i put it on a usb or whatever?
guys, i'm a bit confused...

i want to buy the all-singing, all-dancing rock band package, with everything included...

probably gonna go for the ps3 option too.


do i need to buy the original rock band to get all the stuff, then buy the rock band 2 game separately?

or can i buy rock band II with the all the kit, cos i'm having some problem locating it online...

what would you guys suggest?
Rock Band: Band In A Box for all the instruments and then Rock Band 2 Solus. I think thats right :)).
Get the GH kit and then buy RB2 seperately. If you can get someone with an EU copy of RB1 then you can export the songs from that as well.

Definately don't bother with the RB kit tho. The guitar is flimsy (especially the strummer) and the drums are cheap compared to the GH ones.
The Rock Band guitar is the best out there imo, so it's all about user preference.
The GH drums are the best out there though - no question surely (personally I prefer the GH guitar too).

But with 5 pads - including 2 raised cymbals - make it a no brainer. The Rock Band drums feel like a shite in comparison.
The Rock Band guitar is the best out there imo, so it's all about user preference.

Your taste in controllers doesn't count due to you owning a pink and baby blue 360 pads ;)
If only they did a pink stratocaster ;)). I am yet to try the GH drums, though I must admit the RB drums do my tits on more or less everytime I use them. Are the GH drums a lot more reliable? Do they work with RB2 and if so, how many of them actually work? Because RB only has 4 notes.

I am on Guitar Hero World Tour...i have 4 free downloads waiting to do and theyre stuck in pending...any advice?
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