Estate Agents


10 October 2003
I have recently moved into rented accomodation and......

"My name is BobbyBox and I hate Estate Agents"

I have been in other flats and everytime the Estate Agents are Lying, Smug Retards. Every one of them.

It is even worse in London as the Estate Agents do not need to do fuck all. - They can rent out a flat in a few hours of it coming onto the market. Not because they are good at their jobs - but because demand is so high.

The Estate Agents we are with forgot to tell us we needed £1690 pounds the day we moved in!! so we arrived with everything prepared and they told us this news. Which ended up with us having a huge argument with them and a lot of stress trying to get the money etc - it really spoiled the weekend.

I proved that the Lady at the Estate Agents was in the wrong and did not tell us - because I had E-mail evidence. She swears she told us - but has no proof. She said she had E-mail evidence but then on the Monday when I asked to see it - apparently she now deletes all her E-mails at the end of every day!!!!

Lying bitch - the best bit is the manager (who also owns the Estate Agents) wont listen to a word we say and is taking her side. He blames it all on us and has been talking to me and my wife like shit!!

The problem is it has taken us 6 months to find a flat (A decent flat for our budget and this flat is perfect) so although I was tempted to tell them to shove it and the knock the smug, Lying cunt out. We would not have the flat and then it could be another 6 months wait.

This is the only profession where you can deal with Customers like that and get away with it. Its disgraceful - I knew Estate Agents lie, but what happened at the weekend was completely wrong and has really knocked my belief in the human race.

Estate Agents are a different breed of people.

Anyway, what are your feelings on them - are you an Estate Agent *Spits on floor* have you had a bad experience? or have only good things to say.

I fucking Hate every single one of them!!! (I have dealt with 3 different Estate agents and they have all been useless)
The word 'cunt' was invented for these people. Lying, sly, conniving, odious slimebags.

The last agent I dealt with was actually just a moron, which I much prefer to the variety I have always encountered before.

The scum of the earth.
The word 'cunt' was invented for these people. Lying, sly, conniving, odious slimebags.

The last agent I dealt with was actually just a moron, which I much prefer to the variety I have always encountered before.

The scum of the earth.

Yeah - I can deal with the stupid ones. Its just when they obviously lie - its very insulting.

There was this young Estate agent - he new absolutely nothing about the flat he was showing us. But he new nothing about electric or gas meters in general. Which meant he probably lived at home with his parents still. But he still perfected that smug grin and all the bullshit to go with it! even though he didn't have a clue!

i think you are born an Estate Agent - Nature rather than Nurture :)
It wasnt the estate agents I had problems with when me and the missus were buying our house... oh no... it was the DAMN SOLICITORS! they took the piss something chronic! They took so long to sort things out and blamed it on Southern Water.... I took the trouble of calling Southern Water myself who informed me they had no issues with the searches and that my Solicitors HADNT contacted them yet.. this was padded out for well over a month and our Moving In Date kept on being pushed back further....

Originally we were told you could be moving in by 21st September, Then it was the beginning of October... then the end.... and then mid-way through November which eventually happened.
We had arguments with 2 estate agents in September, which didnt help our situation. So we went on and negotiated directly with the landlord to find this property that we're in now.
Years ago I wanted to be one....cue loads of abuse!!

I actually worked in one for a couple of months and it was shite. Long hours, shitty pay. I got out quick sharpish.

Funnily enough there are some good ones around. The last time we sold a house the agent we dealt with was brilliant, he was in constant contact, got us a great price and was generally a top bloke. But for every 1 good one there are 100 bad ones.
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